No… I didn’t turn against Trump. So Stupid.
Highlighting the absolute shit stains to humanity that Sam Altman and Larry Ellison are is not going against Trump…
Trump has earned my trust… but that does not extend to everyone he associates with.
Anyone showing blind trust in every choice or decision Trump makes has lost all critical thinking capabilities…
To challenge that stupidity, if Trump puts people in the spotlight “to expose them” (which I believe he does), then dammit, speak up and EXPOSE THEM.
Don’t just say “I trust Trump,”…
If your mentality is Trump puts people in the spotlight, that means he’s asking US to expose them. Correct?
During Operation Warpspeed, I criticized Tony Fauci every step of the way and highlighted how bad the vaccines were while Trump was president.
I criticized Fauci, not because I was against Trump, but because Fauci is a genocidal maniac.
I don’t want to find ourselves in that situation (or worse) again when it comes to AI.
Dig deep into AI, these companies, these men, their plans, and speak up about it.
That’s why you have a voice. That’s why God gave us discernment.