Blue Thoughts @bluethoughts1 Channel on Telegram

Blue Thoughts


And I'm glad I met the Devil 'cause he showed me I was weak, and a little piece of him is in a little piece of me.

Blue Thoughts (English)

Welcome to Blue Thoughts, a Telegram channel that delves into the depths of human emotions and experiences. Our channel, @bluethoughts1, is a safe space for individuals to explore the complexities of life, love, and everything in between. The quote 'And I'm glad I met the Devil 'cause he showed me I was weak, and a little piece of him is in a little piece of me' perfectly encapsulates the thought-provoking content you can expect to find here

Who is Blue Thoughts? We are a community of individuals who believe in the power of introspection and self-reflection. We understand that life is not always black and white, and sometimes, it's the grey areas that teach us the most about ourselves. What sets us apart is our willingness to embrace the darker aspects of human nature and turn them into sources of strength and growth

What is Blue Thoughts? It is a platform where you can engage in meaningful discussions, share your innermost thoughts, and connect with like-minded individuals. Whether you're feeling lost, inspired, or simply in need of a listening ear, our channel is here to offer support and understanding. From poetry and quotes to personal anecdotes and reflections, Blue Thoughts is a sanctuary for those who are unafraid to confront their vulnerabilities

So, if you're ready to embark on a journey of self-discovery and emotional exploration, join us at Blue Thoughts. Let your thoughts run free and discover the beauty in every shade of blue.

Blue Thoughts

28 Jan, 21:34

‏لعينيكِ قُبلة وقُبلتين
والآلاف من القُبلات.

Blue Thoughts

28 Jan, 21:21

Home is not where you are from, it is where you belong. Some of us travel the whole world to find it. Others, find it in a person.

- Beau Taplin.

Blue Thoughts

28 Jan, 21:20

‏«فإني أحسُّك روح الرِّضى
وظلّ الأمان ونور الهُدى.»

ــ فدوى طوقان

Blue Thoughts

28 Jan, 21:19

- JB ☁️

Blue Thoughts

28 Jan, 21:18

‏المحبَّة مرهونةٌ بالأمان؛ ومتى ما أمِن القلبُ قلب الآخرِ، وارتاح إليه؛ مَال إليه بالضرورةِ، وأحبَّه.

Blue Thoughts

28 Jan, 19:56

‏"وربّ المستحيل على المستحيل قادرَ."

Blue Thoughts

28 Jan, 19:40

نجمِي وقمري.

Blue Thoughts

28 Jan, 19:39

‏أيُظلم لي ليَل وأنتِ نجمِي.

Blue Thoughts

28 Jan, 17:21

هذا الشعب الليبي شعب متخلف إلا من رحم ربي!

Blue Thoughts

28 Jan, 16:38

It's raining 🌧💙

Blue Thoughts

27 Jan, 23:44


Blue Thoughts

27 Jan, 23:25

@bluethoughts1 💙

Blue Thoughts

27 Jan, 23:23

@bluethoughts1 💙

Blue Thoughts

27 Jan, 23:23

I have 1 person in my head all day.

Blue Thoughts

27 Jan, 23:22

"She deserves a love that matches the depth of her soul."

Blue Thoughts

27 Jan, 23:21

God, if I’m not where you need me to be, I pray you lead me there.

Blue Thoughts

27 Jan, 23:20

‏فمن يُريدَك أرادَك بالذي تكُن

Blue Thoughts

27 Jan, 23:04


Blue Thoughts

27 Jan, 23:04


Blue Thoughts

20 Jan, 18:38

"The past follows us. Energy never expires."

- 🎥 The Outrun, (2024).

Blue Thoughts

20 Jan, 18:33

- 🎥 The Outrun, (2024).

Blue Thoughts

20 Jan, 18:33

- 🎥 The Outrun, (2024).

Blue Thoughts

20 Jan, 18:31

We break, we burn, we rebuild.

Blue Thoughts

20 Jan, 18:31

Somewhere between the waves.

Blue Thoughts

20 Jan, 18:01

ما هذا الصداع؟ يا إلهي أحتاج إلى الكافيين

Blue Thoughts

20 Jan, 17:49

@bluethoughts1 💙

Blue Thoughts

20 Jan, 17:49

- MLK. Jr

Blue Thoughts

19 Jan, 23:16

Someone said, “the reason you isolate when you're struggling is because you were left alone as a child to deal with your emotions” and I felt that

Blue Thoughts

19 Jan, 20:03

I fkn highly recommend not giving a fuck

Blue Thoughts

19 Jan, 16:45

‏أحبّك لأنكِ من بين كل أفكاري المليئة بالريبة كنتِ وحدكِ اليقين.

Blue Thoughts

19 Jan, 16:42

‏"إنه التعب الآتي من بعيد المتراكم، الذي تكون من كلّ شيء"

- مارغريت دوراس

Blue Thoughts

19 Jan, 16:41

She's mad, but she's magic.
There's no lie in her fire.

― Charles Bukowski

Blue Thoughts

19 Jan, 16:38

@bluethoughts1 💙

Blue Thoughts

19 Jan, 16:38

@bluethoughts1 💙

Blue Thoughts

19 Jan, 16:36

@bluethoughts1 💙

Blue Thoughts

11 Jan, 17:24

@bluethoughts1 💙

Blue Thoughts

11 Jan, 17:08

You deserve to be someone’s first choice, not their backup plan.

Blue Thoughts

11 Jan, 17:08

Being wanted is a powerful feeling.

Blue Thoughts

11 Jan, 17:07


Blue Thoughts

11 Jan, 17:07

I miss her a lot.

Blue Thoughts

10 Jan, 20:15


Blue Thoughts

10 Jan, 20:04

'Cause life's not easy, I'm not made out of steel
Don't forget that I'm human, don't forget that I'm real
You act like you know me, but you never will

Blue Thoughts

10 Jan, 20:02

Blue Thoughts

10 Jan, 19:32


Blue Thoughts

10 Jan, 19:30

I hope my girl is doing well today.

Blue Thoughts

10 Jan, 01:03

Sometimes it's better to keep silent than to tell others how you feel because it hurts knowing they can hear you, but not understand you.

Blue Thoughts

10 Jan, 00:49

@bluethoughts1 💙

Blue Thoughts

10 Jan, 00:44

Me listening to Purpose album like if it was ma first time 🥹😮‍💨💙

Blue Thoughts

10 Jan, 00:42

Why I'm so dramatic right now 😭

Blue Thoughts

10 Jan, 00:41

- 🚶🏽‍♀

Blue Thoughts

10 Jan, 00:40

You cannot immediately unlove what you loved unless you never loved it anyway. Let that sink in

Blue Thoughts

10 Jan, 00:38

Stop begging others to give you what you deserve just don't say anything. I've learned that it doesn't matter what you say, if they don't care they just don't. And nothing you say will change that. Keep your guard up. Don't waste your time & energy.

Blue Thoughts

10 Jan, 00:28

‏لا نحو أحدٍ آخر، انما نحو نفسي؛ أقطع طرقًا وعرة، وأقاوم بالجمال والحنان -والدموع أحيانًا- ألا يصل التعب لأكثر من قدمي.

Blue Thoughts

10 Jan, 00:24

- don't forget that you are needed. ☁️💙

Blue Thoughts

10 Jan, 00:22


Blue Thoughts

10 Jan, 00:22

‏قد أتحدث كثيرًا في محاولة لإصلاح أمرٍ ما، لكن ما أن أختار الصمت لن تستطيع قوة في هذه الأرض أن تُثنيني عن ذلك.

Blue Thoughts

10 Jan, 00:20

‏تنتهي العلاقات بسبب الحوارات التي لم تحدث.

Blue Thoughts

10 Jan, 00:20

‏الحرية ليست هبة تُمنح، بل غنيمة تُنتزع.

Blue Thoughts

09 Jan, 14:08

The calm in her chaos.

Blue Thoughts

04 Jan, 13:45

‏"ستكتشف أن الشيء الوحيد الذي تريده حقًا من هذه الحياة هو أن تشعر بالحماس، بالفرح والحب."

- مايكل سينغر، الروح المتحررة.

Blue Thoughts

04 Jan, 13:34

Intention is truly powerful.

Blue Thoughts

04 Jan, 13:18

- 💙

Blue Thoughts

04 Jan, 13:18

‏لو أنني أسند رأسي على صدركِ بدلاً من وسادتي.

Blue Thoughts

03 Jan, 15:05

اللهم ارحم واغفر لـ حلا محمد الحصادي وعائلتها.

Blue Thoughts

03 Jan, 15:02

- ☁️💙

Blue Thoughts

03 Jan, 15:02

‏الجُمعة/ ٣ يناير ٢٠٢٥

﴿ وَلا تُرهقنِي مِن أَمرِي عُسْرًا ﴾.
- الكهف (٧٣)

Blue Thoughts

02 Jan, 23:20

“If you correct your mind, the rest of your life will fall into place.”

― Lao Tzu

Blue Thoughts

01 Jan, 08:06

اللهم اجعل هذا الصباح صباح خير لا
يضيق لنا فيه صدر ولا يخيب لنا فيه أمر، واجعل لنا بكل خطوة توفيق وتيسير وأجر.🤍

Blue Thoughts

01 Jan, 00:54

Happy New Year blue thoughts fam 💙

Blue Thoughts

01 Jan, 00:54

May the genocide in Gaza end in 2025.

Blue Thoughts

31 Dec, 14:59

Change is scary but so is staying the same.

Blue Thoughts

31 Dec, 12:28

‏«يراك المُحِبّ، يجعلك موجودًا.»

ـــ بسّام حجار

Blue Thoughts

31 Dec, 12:13

Blue Thoughts

31 Dec, 11:23

Small details always mean a lot.

Blue Thoughts

31 Dec, 11:22

- Simply me in 2024

Blue Thoughts

31 Dec, 10:25

Anytime you learn, you gain.

Blue Thoughts

30 Dec, 15:31


Blue Thoughts

30 Dec, 15:27

‏أُحب امرأةً سمراء
شعرُها أسودٌ غجرّي
عينيها غِزلانية
وشامةٌ تسكُن شِفتها السُفلية.

Blue Thoughts

30 Dec, 15:26

‏الأشجار أشعار تكتبها الأرض في السماء.

Blue Thoughts

27 Dec, 01:07

اللهم ارحم عائشة الحصادي و والدتها.

Blue Thoughts

27 Dec, 01:06

اللهم أرحم حلا الحصادي وأهلها.

Blue Thoughts

27 Dec, 01:06

"نور ما بين الجمعتين"

Blue Thoughts

27 Dec, 01:05

‏﴿لَا إِلَهَ إِلَّا أَنْتَ سُبْحَانَكَ إِنِّي كُنْتُ مِنَ الظَّالِمِينَ﴾

Blue Thoughts

27 Dec, 00:39

‏﴿ إِنَّ اللَّهَ وَمَلَائِكَتَهُ يُصَلُّونَ عَلَى النَّبِيِّ يَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا صَلُّوا عَلَيْهِ وَسَلِّمُوا تَسْلِيمًا ﴾

Blue Thoughts

27 Dec, 00:34

‏"خرجت بفائدة وحيدة من الأيام الماضية، أن لا أفعل أي شيء لا يشبهني مهما بدا مغريًا."

Blue Thoughts

27 Dec, 00:33


Blue Thoughts

27 Dec, 00:31

‏زهرةٌ تتفتح، هذا هو المشهد الذي يصفُ ضحكتها.

Blue Thoughts

27 Dec, 00:30

‏«كأنَّ يديكِ بلد، آه من وطنٍ في جسد.»

— محمود درويش

Blue Thoughts

25 Dec, 01:00

“Harry, I think it’s Christmas Eve”

Blue Thoughts

24 Dec, 01:23

Blue Thoughts

24 Dec, 01:21

"لو أنك تعلمين كم يزعجني هذا العالم أريد الفرار، أن أمضي بعيدًا عن هذه القذارة .. ولست أدري إلى أين يا أمي."

- جابرييل جارسيا ماركيز

Blue Thoughts

23 Dec, 23:20

‏«يشتعل دفء الجسديّن كأنفاسٍ حارّة تتسلل بين ضلوع الليّل.»

Blue Thoughts

23 Dec, 23:18

‏جاذبيّة العقل، لا تَبْهُتً.

Blue Thoughts

23 Dec, 23:10

- 136 years ago today, Vincent van Gogh cut off his ear.

Blue Thoughts

23 Dec, 22:12

@bluethoughts1 💙

Blue Thoughts

23 Dec, 21:47

@bluethoughts1 💙

Blue Thoughts

05 Dec, 23:02

@bluethoughts1 💙

Blue Thoughts

05 Dec, 23:01

I hope you know that every time I tell you to get home safe, stay warm, have a good day, or sleep well what I am really saying is I love you. I love you so damn much that it is starting to steal other words meanings.

Blue Thoughts

05 Dec, 22:59

Sometimes you meet someone, and it’s so clear so immediately that the two of you, on some level, belong together. As lovers, or as friends, or as family, or as something entirely different. You just work, whether you’re in love or creating things together. It’s so clear, right off the bat, that this is what you’re supposed to be doing, that this is what you’re for. You meet these people throughout your life, out of nowhere, under the strangest of circumstances, and they help you make a life. I don’t know if that makes me believe in coincidence, or fate, or sheer blind luck, but. It definitely makes me believe in something.

Blue Thoughts

05 Dec, 22:58

You deserve a calm relationship that’s good for your mental health, heart, and nervous system. A lover who’s your bestie, your safe space, and soothes your soul during stressful situations. Life is tough enough – you deserve someone who brings you peace.

Blue Thoughts

05 Dec, 22:56

The truth is that love requires effort. You have to invest. You have to give, but also receive. Love is not a one-sided contract. You have to water each other. You have to take care of each other. Love isn’t easy, but the effort is worth it when it’s reciprocated.

Blue Thoughts

05 Dec, 22:52

- 🎥 Dekalog, (1989).

Blue Thoughts

05 Dec, 20:00

الحمدالله على سلامتي 🫂

Blue Thoughts

05 Dec, 17:11

أني شن طلعني اليوم؟

Blue Thoughts

05 Dec, 16:38

نبي نروح

Blue Thoughts

05 Dec, 12:51

“When you photograph a face, you photograph the soul behind it.”

Blue Thoughts

05 Dec, 12:16

"تنفسوا رائحة المطر وادعوا الله ماشئتم ,
فإن في المطر دعوات لا تُرد ،
يارب مع كل حبة مطر تحقق لنا أمنية من القلب.."

Blue Thoughts

05 Dec, 05:52

It happened for a reason, be calm.

Blue Thoughts

05 Dec, 05:49

Good morning y'all ☁️

Blue Thoughts

05 Dec, 00:15

@bluethoughts1 💙

Blue Thoughts

05 Dec, 00:14


Blue Thoughts

05 Dec, 00:14

أحبُّك، الشّدة القابعة وسط الكلمة، مضمُومة ليست
صدفة، لغتنا أتَت على مقاس قلُوبنا عمدًا.

Blue Thoughts

05 Dec, 00:12

كلُّ شيء قابل للتجاوز بالنسبة إليّ، ما دامت حنيّة
قلبك تغمرني دائمًا.

Blue Thoughts

05 Dec, 00:11

‏من أرق ما كُتب في طلب اللِقاء:

أما بعد، فإنه من عانى الظمأ بفُرقتك أستوجب الريّ من رؤيتك، والسلام.

Blue Thoughts

02 Dec, 23:42

"أنتِ تجعلينَ ليّ العالمَ أَقل بشاعةً ، و اللحظاتَ أقلَ ثِقلاً."

Blue Thoughts

02 Dec, 20:53

🖼 لوحة "الغيرة " - بواسطة ادفارد مونش، (1896).
Jealousy II [W 69] by Edvard Munch.

Blue Thoughts

02 Dec, 20:50

‏﴿ قَالَ لَا تَخَافَآۖ إِنَّنِي مَعَكُمَآ أَسۡمَعُ وَأَرَىٰ ﴾

Blue Thoughts

02 Dec, 14:23

"Life is not what you see in films. Life is much harder"

- 🎥 Cinema Paradiso (1988).

Blue Thoughts

02 Dec, 14:20

“Having someone who supports you psychologically and reassures you all the time is priceless.”

Blue Thoughts

02 Dec, 12:43

مانزانو هو حكم مباراتنا غدوة 🙂😂
طرد ليفا
ركلة جزاء وهمية لريال مايوركا

Blue Thoughts

01 Dec, 22:51

They say Love is the destination, but the journey often involves exploring the layers of desire and connection that sex brings to the table.

Blue Thoughts

01 Dec, 22:51

- Great War 💙

Blue Thoughts

01 Dec, 22:50

You’ve made me realize that some of the most beautiful emotions don’t need to be explained—they only need to be lived.

Blue Thoughts

01 Dec, 22:49

Parked car conversations are low key therapy sessions.

Blue Thoughts

01 Dec, 16:15

اخس على خيتافي أقسم بالله
أملي في فالنسيا إنهم يقدروا يتغلبوا على النادي الفاسد هادا

Blue Thoughts

01 Dec, 15:57

نفس اللقطة الزوز (شد) داخل منطقة ال18 بس حزر فزر من اللي احتسبوله ركلة جزاء 🙂😂

Blue Thoughts

01 Dec, 15:52

أمس ركلتين جزاء لبرشلونة وحكم الساحة وحكم الVAR شي شي أقسم بالله مايقدروا علينا إلا بالتحكيم هالنادي الفاسد

Blue Thoughts

01 Dec, 15:51

لا أني حرفيا معصبة شن هالفساد الواضح هادا!

Blue Thoughts

01 Dec, 15:48

ما شاء الله تقنية الVAR تخدم في مباريات ريال مدريد بس 😭😂

Blue Thoughts

01 Dec, 15:48

ركلة جزاء لريال مدريد 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

Blue Thoughts

01 Dec, 15:02

يارب الريال يتعثر اليوم 😭

Blue Thoughts

01 Dec, 06:22

- good morning, we must be brave ☁️💙

Blue Thoughts

30 Nov, 18:55

I laughed and said, Life is easy. What I meant was, Life is easy with you here, and when you leave, it will be hard again.

- Miranda July, No One Belongs Here More Than You

Blue Thoughts

18 Nov, 20:46

ألف مبروك التأهل لشعب السودان 🇸🇩 الشقيق رغم الظروف الصعبة التي تمر بها البلد ألا وأن المنتخب السوداني استطاع التأهل إلى كأس أمم أفريقيا وعقبال التأهل إلى كأس العالم.

Blue Thoughts

18 Nov, 20:21

أنتِ مني لذا لا أعرفُ أن أكون مع شخصٍ آخر.

Blue Thoughts

18 Nov, 20:21

لا تتحدثين ولكنكِ تفعلين أشياءٌ كثيرة بيِّ
آه، إنها عيناكِ

Blue Thoughts

18 Nov, 20:18

في هذا الطقس البارد لا أُريد شيئا إلا عناقكِ آنستي.

Blue Thoughts

18 Nov, 20:14

- ☁️💙

Blue Thoughts

18 Nov, 20:13


Blue Thoughts

18 Nov, 20:13

كم أود لِقاء عينيكِ كل يوم.

Blue Thoughts

13 Nov, 14:37

@bluethoughts1 💙

Blue Thoughts

13 Nov, 14:36

"Loyalty means showing respect whether someone is present or not."

Blue Thoughts

13 Nov, 13:58

"Without looking at others, fulfill your goal at your own pace."

Blue Thoughts

13 Nov, 13:30

“I want you to be mine. Selfishly. Thoughtlessly. Mine.”

Blue Thoughts

13 Nov, 12:45

- حرفيا!!!

Blue Thoughts

13 Nov, 07:03

Good morning y'all

Growth isn't a race, take your time. Feel every moment.

Blue Thoughts

12 Nov, 18:37

@bluethoughts1 💙

Blue Thoughts

12 Nov, 18:36

You have all my attention
you have all my intentions

Blue Thoughts

11 Nov, 18:14

I love you
today ,tomorrow ,forever.

Blue Thoughts

11 Nov, 15:00

@bluethoughts1 💙

Blue Thoughts

11 Nov, 14:59

I sit in silence
so I can hear you
in my soul

Blue Thoughts

11 Nov, 12:29

- 💙❤️

Blue Thoughts

10 Nov, 22:52

وعفكرة حتى لو معندكش مباراة مؤجلة برشلونة حيكون برضو في الصدارة بثلاث نقاط 😉💙❤️

نعرف إنه تحرق يا أبو 150 مليون يورو

Blue Thoughts

10 Nov, 22:51

المدريدي يصيح على ايش؟ ان انسرقنا؟ ولا لأن مازلنا في الصدارة حتى بعد الخسارة
لكل مدريدي نصيحة (معاش تحشموا أرواحكم)

Blue Thoughts

10 Nov, 21:57

We literally got robbed tonight. Fkn La Liga 🙂

Blue Thoughts

10 Nov, 21:53

Visça Barça 💙❤️

Blue Thoughts

10 Nov, 18:36

تشربين قهوتك/الشاي واقرأ لكِ

Blue Thoughts

10 Nov, 18:20

- Z10

Blue Thoughts

10 Nov, 12:25

كلهم يركضون خلفك

- خالد صدقة

Blue Thoughts

10 Nov, 12:15

عندما أنظر للأطفال في الصباح
أبتسم هادئًا
وبخبرة الكبار أقول:
اجتهدوا يا أحبَّتي حتى تكبروا

أما أنا الكبيرُ
فواقفٌ هنا..
قلبي واهنٌ وأنظر خلفي!

- الضوي محمد الضوي

Blue Thoughts

09 Nov, 16:40


Blue Thoughts

09 Nov, 16:40

And I want to be pinned
between her and the mattress,
like a flower pressed in a book.
and I want to say her name
over and over,
like it’s the only word written on the pages.

Blue Thoughts

09 Nov, 16:27

"You are my good"

Blue Thoughts

09 Nov, 16:25

Kiss me, but not gently bruise my skin with your lips, leave marks where you’ve kissed, so when you leave, I can feel the indents with my fingertips.

Blue Thoughts

09 Nov, 16:17

- 🦊💙

Blue Thoughts

09 Nov, 16:16

The thing is my allergy 💔

Blue Thoughts

09 Nov, 16:16

I really wanna adopt a cat so baaaaaaaad 😩

Blue Thoughts

09 Nov, 14:09

La quiero mucho

Blue Thoughts

09 Nov, 12:51

You ever got inside jokes with yourself, or is that schizophrenia

Blue Thoughts

08 Nov, 20:49

أطفأَتْ مدينَتي قِنديلَها
أغلقَتْ بابَها
أصبحَتْ في المساء وحدَها
وحدَها وليلُ ..

Blue Thoughts

08 Nov, 20:49

“My first act of free will shall be to believe in free will”

-William James

Blue Thoughts

08 Nov, 14:18

- Afghanistan of North Africa

Blue Thoughts

08 Nov, 14:17

- ‼️‼️

Blue Thoughts

08 Nov, 12:19

اللّهم إنّي أسألك يا فارج الهم، ويا كاشف الغم، يا مجيب دعوة المضطرين، يا رحمن الدنيا يا رحيم الآخرة، ارحمني برحمتك

Blue Thoughts

08 Nov, 12:18

اللهم إرحم حلا وعائلتها واجعل قبورهم روضة من رياض الجنّة 😔

Blue Thoughts

06 Nov, 22:27

قال العراب الهولندي يوهان كرويف:

إذا ذهبت للحرب خذ معك رجال الباسك
وإينيغو مارتينز يثبت صحة كلامه.

Blue Thoughts

06 Nov, 22:26

Visça el BARÇA 💙❤️

Blue Thoughts

06 Nov, 22:26

My Warriors 🔥💙❤️

Blue Thoughts

06 Nov, 17:21

I could breathe you into my lungs
and love would fill my bones.

Blue Thoughts

06 Nov, 15:39

I could stare
at you
for a lifetime
and never tire
of the view

Blue Thoughts

06 Nov, 10:58


Blue Thoughts

06 Nov, 10:58

There is no other love It's only yours

Blue Thoughts

03 Nov, 22:56

My current situation?
can't sleep at night, stressed as fuck, a heavy heart

Blue Thoughts

03 Nov, 22:36

I didn't ask for much wallahi I didn't.

Blue Thoughts

03 Nov, 22:32


Blue Thoughts

03 Nov, 22:32

Yeah, but let me be honest again. What's really tore my heart into pieces that when she said "if you want to stay. Stay, if you want to leave, I can't make you stay."
Only God knows what these words have done to me. Because ugh, I wanted the voices to be wrong.

You didn't fool me & and no, you won't do to me what your ex have done to you! Right, right.

I know that she's a cowred but not like this! Not in that way. I won't forget how she throws the whole responsibility on my shoulders & runs

Blue Thoughts

03 Nov, 22:06

Ah fuck

Blue Thoughts

03 Nov, 22:05

And I couldn't tell her that

Blue Thoughts

03 Nov, 22:05

What hurts me is that she has done to me what her ex has done to her!

Blue Thoughts

03 Nov, 22:04

God, I'm so blue now

Blue Thoughts

03 Nov, 21:45

shhhhhh brain. Shhhhhhhh shhhh brainnnnnnnn

Blue Thoughts

03 Nov, 18:43

I keep telling myself that I'll be okay. I just need to get my shit together.

Blue Thoughts

03 Nov, 18:42

- Hayao Miyazaki

Blue Thoughts

03 Nov, 18:39

This is A FACT

Blue Thoughts

03 Nov, 18:38

Everything that life destroy, Barça fix it

Blue Thoughts

03 Nov, 17:28

Barça nunca caminarás solo💙

Blue Thoughts

02 Nov, 21:56

"I don't know what to say to you except that it tore the heart out of my body saying goodbye to you."

- Vita Sackville-West, from a letter to Virginia Woolf dated 28 January 1927.

Blue Thoughts

02 Nov, 08:29

يابخت اي حد بطنه مبتوجعهوش مع اي شعور إنساني بيحصله

Blue Thoughts

02 Nov, 02:18

نكتة ليلية:
أعصاب المعدة + دوشة دماغي مش مخليني نرقد

Blue Thoughts

01 Nov, 23:40

It's just another another bad night.

Blue Thoughts

01 Nov, 23:39

@bluethoughts1 💙

Blue Thoughts

01 Nov, 22:59

I was out there on the road, life out of control. She became a victim to my busy schedule

Blue Thoughts

01 Nov, 22:42

@bluethoughts1 💙

Blue Thoughts

01 Nov, 22:40

@bluethoughts1 💙

Blue Thoughts

01 Nov, 20:31

صورة قديمة و جميلة تجمع بين شريفات الجزائر.
من اليسار إلى اليمين: (حسيبة بن بوعلي - زهرة ضريف - جميلة بوحريد - سامية لخضاري.)

Blue Thoughts

01 Nov, 20:22

‏1 نوفمبر 1954
نوفمبر مجيد .. وفاء وتجديد

Blue Thoughts

01 Nov, 20:18

- صورة للمجاهدة الجزائرية جميلة بوعزة 🇩🇿💙

Blue Thoughts

01 Nov, 18:36

when I said that I love you I meant that I love you forever.

Blue Thoughts

01 Nov, 14:32

Out of sight, out of mind

Blue Thoughts

31 Oct, 22:21

1 نوفمبر 1954
قيام الثورة الجزائرية
تحيا الجزائر دائما 🇩🇿💙

Blue Thoughts

31 Oct, 22:19

- حبيبتي أنتي حاطة شي على الغاز! 💙

Blue Thoughts

31 Oct, 22:19

November/1/2019 💙

Blue Thoughts

31 Oct, 21:57

I will kiss the deepest, darkest parts of you and I will plant happiness in your bones, I will kill the demons in your head and I will implant oxygen in your brittle lungs, I will love you forever
I will love you always, so let me, let me, let me.

Blue Thoughts

31 Oct, 21:53

I want to melt into you, to be so terribly close to you that my own self disappears.

Blue Thoughts

31 Oct, 21:41

- This mentality or nothing 🔥

Blue Thoughts

31 Oct, 21:33

- so she did.

Blue Thoughts

31 Oct, 21:32

- 💙

Blue Thoughts

25 Oct, 23:06

I mean am I interrupting something?

Blue Thoughts

25 Oct, 23:04

Man, I wanna cry

Blue Thoughts

25 Oct, 22:59

"Have you noticed the distance?"

Blue Thoughts

25 Oct, 22:32

بجد يا برشلونة

Blue Thoughts

25 Oct, 22:17

#ClassicoDay 💙❤️

Blue Thoughts

25 Oct, 18:30

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله

حالة سرطان طارئة جداً للأسف كل يوم مستحقة متبرعين دم وصفائح لان سرطان أتلف النخاع الشوكي ومعاش ينتج ومستحقين 8 اشخاص لاي فصيلة دم يتواصلو معاي عشان يتبرعو غدوة اوبعده بصفائح اي فصيلة ولو فصيلة A+ دم وصفائح وبارك الله فيكم

رقم هاتفي:

معرفي على تليجرام:

Blue Thoughts

25 Oct, 18:29

The mountain we face in our minds is always a lot larger than the mountain in reality.

Blue Thoughts

25 Oct, 12:51

Growth comes from persistence, not perfection. Keep going.

Blue Thoughts

24 Oct, 18:40

Prioritize taking care of your mind and energy.

Blue Thoughts

24 Oct, 00:10

‏"ثم تدرك أن عظمة المحبة في أن تجد من يُراعي مخاوفك يحتويها مُتفهمًا دون أن يضاعفها."

Blue Thoughts

24 Oct, 00:08


Blue Thoughts

24 Oct, 00:06

‏والأمان أعلى منزلةً من الحب..فلا تقترب أبدًا حين تنبهر «أقترب فقط حين تطمئن».

- شمس الدين التبريزي

Blue Thoughts

23 Oct, 21:50


Blue Thoughts

23 Oct, 21:50

This is a picture that will make me happy for years.

Blue Thoughts

23 Oct, 21:50


Blue Thoughts

23 Oct, 21:35

un día de partit
al gol nord vaig anar
només entrar al grada
em vaig enamorar
el cor em bategava
no em prequntis perqué
del barça soc suporter
sempre t'animaré
ala ala alaaaa 💙💫

Blue Thoughts

23 Oct, 21:07

أجمل من لوحة الموناليزا 🔥💙❤️

Blue Thoughts

23 Oct, 21:03

- R11 💙❤️🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

Blue Thoughts

22 Oct, 22:02

والريال برضو

Blue Thoughts

22 Oct, 21:57

- Fr

Blue Thoughts

22 Oct, 21:00

أني حرفيا حنكتئب لو خسرنا غدوة ضد الباير لا سمح الله وحنكتئب برضو لو خسرنا ضد الريال في الكلاسيكو مش حنقدر نتعافى أبدا

Blue Thoughts

22 Oct, 20:52

بطولة دوري أبطال أوروبا تحب ريال مدريد بشكل مش طبيعي

Blue Thoughts

22 Oct, 19:42

This is the only thing that's been on my mind for a week.

Blue Thoughts

21 Oct, 20:43

بالله الي يعرف حد يقدر يتبرع بالدم فصيلة O- يتواصل مع رقم هذا الحالة محتاجة ضروري 0912156004
وبارك الله فيكم

Blue Thoughts

21 Oct, 16:55

No revenge because you're already miserable & I feel bad for you.

Blue Thoughts

21 Oct, 13:31


Blue Thoughts

21 Oct, 13:31

Nobody is more stressed than a person who has a lot of interest/passions and is still confused about their career.

Blue Thoughts

20 Oct, 21:24

Whatever happens in this match, we're gonna stand behind our team 💪🏾💙❤️

Blue Thoughts

20 Oct, 21:20

- Next Match, we are so ready Insh'Allah 🔥💙❤️

Blue Thoughts

20 Oct, 21:16

Bentornat, Gavi! 🥹💙❤️

Blue Thoughts

20 Oct, 21:15

Visça el BARÇA 💙❤️

Blue Thoughts

20 Oct, 21:15


Blue Thoughts

20 Oct, 17:38

@bluethoughts1 💙

Blue Thoughts

20 Oct, 17:37

"It may be true that suffering builds character, but it also damages people."

Blue Thoughts

20 Oct, 17:35

“Someday, someone will walk into your life and make you realize why it never worked out with anyone else.”

Blue Thoughts

20 Oct, 17:34

How is it possible to feel nostalgia for a world I never knew?

Blue Thoughts

20 Oct, 17:25

- 💙

Blue Thoughts

20 Oct, 11:28

There is a kind of sadness that comes from knowing too much, from seeing the world as it truly is. It is the sadness of understanding that life is not a grand adventure, but a series of small, insignificant moments, that love is not a fairy tale, but a fragile, fleeting emotion, that happiness is not a permanent state, but a rare, fleeting glimpse of something we can never hold onto. And in that understanding, there is a profound loneliness, a sense of being cut off from the world, from other people, from oneself.

- Virginia Woolf