بـــیــــراهـــه is a Telegram channel that aims to spread happiness and positivity among its members. The channel, with the username @biraheofficial, encourages people to be happy and smile, represented by a beautiful flower emoji. With regular posts filled with uplifting quotes, motivational messages, and heartwarming stories, بـــیــــراهـــه strives to brighten up the day of everyone who joins the channel.
Who is it for? It is for anyone looking for a daily dose of positivity and inspiration. Whether you're feeling down and in need of a pick-me-up or simply want to start your day on a cheerful note, this channel is perfect for you.
What can you expect? By joining بـــیــــراهـــه, you can expect to be greeted with a stream of uplifting content that will bring a smile to your face. From encouraging quotes to stories of kindness and empathy, the channel aims to create a supportive and joyful community where members can share in the happiness together.
So, if you're looking to add a touch of positivity to your day and connect with like-minded individuals who value spreading joy, make sure to join بـــیــــراهـــه on Telegram today! Let the beauty of a smile brighten up your life.
01 Feb, 08:14
31 Jan, 15:47
30 Jan, 18:32
30 Jan, 07:51
29 Jan, 20:09
29 Jan, 14:42
28 Jan, 08:05
27 Jan, 20:00
27 Jan, 14:16
27 Jan, 09:59
27 Jan, 08:01
25 Jan, 09:48
24 Jan, 20:13
24 Jan, 08:36
23 Jan, 20:59
23 Jan, 14:44
21 Jan, 08:26
20 Jan, 17:49
19 Jan, 08:37
17 Jan, 13:58
17 Jan, 08:16
16 Jan, 15:31
16 Jan, 10:32
15 Jan, 20:18
15 Jan, 10:36
14 Jan, 19:57
12 Jan, 08:56
11 Jan, 12:18
03 Dec, 12:59
02 Dec, 15:42
01 Dec, 14:28
01 Dec, 10:04
01 Dec, 07:27
30 Nov, 18:58
30 Nov, 15:53
30 Nov, 08:02
29 Nov, 16:59
29 Nov, 13:46
28 Nov, 19:25
28 Nov, 09:54
20 Nov, 09:48
19 Nov, 17:59
19 Nov, 08:24
18 Nov, 20:00
18 Nov, 17:20
18 Nov, 08:23
14 Nov, 10:02
14 Nov, 08:13
13 Nov, 18:32
13 Nov, 14:19
13 Nov, 14:05
12 Nov, 16:42
12 Nov, 08:41
06 Nov, 07:53
04 Nov, 08:07
03 Nov, 22:31
03 Nov, 08:06
02 Nov, 09:41
01 Nov, 19:45
28 Oct, 20:15
28 Oct, 09:18
27 Oct, 21:27
27 Oct, 09:28
27 Oct, 08:28
26 Oct, 13:39
25 Oct, 21:07
25 Oct, 13:23
25 Oct, 09:37
24 Oct, 21:31