Billy Te Kahika Official


Billy Te Kahika Official

20 Jan, 23:59

Time to fill up today whanau - if this war goes on and expands we will suffer at the pumps. Take care dear all….

Billy Te Kahika Official

20 Jan, 23:50

MADE IT TO NEW PLYMOUTH!! !! An 8 hour drive is good for the soul - a bit tired and grumpy but grateful to the Lord for His mercies to get here safely.

It's going to be great tomorrow night - big crowd or small crowd I have an important presentation to make.

The tyranny problem we face, It's FAR beyond Covid - there are many layers and tomorrow night I will cover a number of them....

I look forward to seeing you and sharing the type of conversation I have been having on international commentator panels like I did last week with Mike Ryan and Senator Malcolm Roberts.

Happy sabbath rest dear all.

Billy Te Kahika Official

20 Jan, 23:49

On my way to the awesome Naki!! See you there....🙏

Billy Te Kahika Official

20 Jan, 22:47

Here they go again whanau, be prepared!!

Billy Te Kahika Official

20 Jan, 22:42

Billy Te Kahika Official

20 Jan, 22:40

Hi whanau - here is last night’s presentation I did. Happy sabbath dear all.

Billy Te Kahika Official

20 Jan, 22:39

Dear family - don't miss out on this presentation tonight Part 1 of a 2 part series!

Billy Te Kahika Official

20 Jan, 22:32

Here it is whanau - And we thought we had a new Government that would change things??

Billy Te Kahika Official

20 Jan, 22:28

And here’s Mikey!! Michael Baker is at it again - Covid lessons to learn from? Nope.

Justice to demand and people like this, these who have written this article need to be held accountable. Don’t worry though - Winston will protect us and get us Justice.

Tui advert image - ‘Yeah right’.

Billy Te Kahika Official

20 Jan, 22:08

Good morning dear family!! Going live on Global TnT Radio & TV in 20 mins! Here is the link...Hope everyone is well!

Billy Te Kahika Official

20 Jan, 22:05

Kia ora dear family: Sorry for the air silence, work has me drowning in it!! But here is some very very exciting news - tomorrow I start my regular guest appearance on the incredible and authentic global freedom news network TnT Radio. Everyday at 830 AM I will be appearing on the Mike Ryan Show reporting news from New Zealand - I have been on this network several times as a guest and they have asked me to lead this piece which is quite an honour. My first show is tomorrow at 830 AM and you can find me here on the Mike Ryan Show - thanks guys!! -

Billy Te Kahika Official

20 Jan, 21:45

Here it is whanau - National showing its teeth.. what does this Bill mean for independent content makers? Could be huge trouble for those of us who post articles like this:

Billy Te Kahika Official

20 Jan, 21:42

Is this any surprise? No and I said it from day 1. VFF, RCR and NZDSOS are all working with Winston and the Govt behind the scenes to try and provide legitimacy to the illegitimate. The funder and founder of VFF and RCR, Michael Kelly, was found unbelievable and dishonest and I was found innocent of his claims I lied and was dishonest with him for $15k. Claire Deeks, Funded by Michael Kelly $2k a week,claimed I stole $200k which had zero truth to try & politically slander me-someone genuinely fighting for our rights. So I ask - how do we trust an organisation like this & who has covertly made deals & alliances like this? Fact is you can’t. I knew this was the case on day 1. Money, power and position is the driver not truth, justice & freedom.

Billy Te Kahika Official

20 Jan, 21:34


BREAKING NEWS: JULIAN ASSANGE IS FREE!!! This and alot more at 6:00 PM!

Billy Te Kahika Official

20 Jan, 21:34

LIVE TONIGHT AT 7:30 PM on Fakebook....

PLEASE help if you can whanau and if you want encryption.

Billy Te Kahika Official

20 Jan, 21:27

Overnight more bird flu media hysteria in-line with Government and WHO announcements. Victoria to kill one million birds and now NSW is ‘hit’ with bird avian influenza.

How do you distress the food supply? How do you drive up food prices?? This would be a great start.

‘Control the food, control the people’ - Henry Kissinger knew and admired this doctrine. Is this about control?

Billy Te Kahika Official

20 Jan, 21:24

It is all crumbling - but the NZ Government still persists on doubling down on the ‘narrative’ and refuses to admit the problems and protect our people.

Corrupt universities in NZ are equally as criminal-but it is all coming apart, we must push for change and unity of voice.

Going live tonight on Facebook.

Billy Te Kahika Official

20 Jan, 21:19

So they’re getting desperate. Vax rates are way down, people now know they’re dangerous and need to be cautious and so Lame Stream Media to the rescue.

More hopeless propaganda-it’s a big old now dont ya think?