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Malviya Academy


Online Learning platform for CUET (Common university entrance test)

Malviya Academy (English)

Welcome to Malviya Academy, the ultimate online learning platform for CUET (Common University Entrance Test) preparation! Are you a student aspiring to excel in your university entrance exams? Look no further, as Malviya Academy is here to support you every step of the way. With our dedicated team of experienced educators, we provide top-notch study materials, practice tests, and live interactive classes to help you achieve your academic goals

Who is Malviya Academy? We are a group of passionate educators who understand the challenges that students face when preparing for university entrance exams. With our collective expertise and commitment to excellence, we aim to provide a comprehensive and effective learning experience for all our students

What is Malviya Academy? We are a specialized online platform specifically designed to help students prepare for the CUET, a common entrance test required by various universities. Our carefully curated study materials cover all the necessary subjects and topics to ensure that you are well-prepared for the exam. In addition, our live interactive classes allow you to engage with expert educators and fellow students, fostering a collaborative learning environment

Whether you are a high school student planning to pursue higher education or a working professional looking to further your career, Malviya Academy is the perfect resource to help you succeed. Join us today and take the first step towards achieving your academic dreams. Let Malviya Academy be your guide to academic excellence!

Malviya Academy

28 Nov, 02:31

Umeed Batch Day-01

*Domain Chemistry*
Solution - 1
Concentration Term

Join Live Session

Malviya Academy

27 Nov, 15:41

उम्मीद बैच Day-1 Schedule 🔥🔥🔥🔥

Malviya Academy

25 Nov, 13:56

Umeed Batch Final.pdf

Malviya Academy

25 Nov, 13:53

उम्मीद बैच Launched 🥳🥳🔥🔥🔥

Malviya Academy

25 Nov, 13:50
जुड़िए Malviya Academy के Official WhatsApp Channel से|
*Notification On करना न भूले |*
आपके एग्जाम से संबंधित सभी महत्वपूर्ण जानकारी , एग्जाम से जुड़े महत्वपूर्ण Study Material , YouTube Classes के Notification इत्यादि सभी जानकारी इस चैनल पर आपको मिलेगी |

Malviya Academy

21 May, 13:39

7081690644 WhatsApp no

Malviya Academy

21 May, 13:38

अगर आज आपका Physics, Chemistry, Maths , Biology subject में किसी का भी विषय का पेपर हुआ तो YES लिख कर भेजे और आपको जो भी प्रश्न याद है वो भेजे |

Malviya Academy

21 May, 13:19

प्रिय छात्र ,
हम एक सर्वे करवा रहे जिससे हमे पता चल सके कि आपका पेपर कब है ताकि हम आपके लिए कुछ प्लान कर सके | इस फॉर्म में सेंटर से संबंधित कुछ जानकारी मांगी गई है ताकि हम लोग कुछ सेंटर पर पहुंच सके |
अगर आपका एग्जाम डेट आ गया है तो इस फॉर्म को भर दे अन्यथा जब आए तब भर दे |

Malviya Academy

21 May, 06:17

WhatsApp No 7081690644

Malviya Academy

21 May, 04:50

अगर आज आपका पेपर है तो पेपर देकर आने के बाद आपको जो भी प्रश्न याद हो वो आप भेज देंगे |
आप एक पेज पर प्रश्न लिख कर भी भेज सकते है |

Malviya Academy

12 Jan, 00:36

CUET 2023 & Other Exam Important Daily Current Affairs By Suraj Sir

12 January 2023 के प्रमुख करेंट अफेयर्स

Malviya academy





