Bhakti Marga India @bhakti_marga_india Channel on Telegram

Bhakti Marga India


Bhakti Marga India (English)

Welcome to Bhakti Marga India, a Telegram channel dedicated to spreading the teachings of love and devotion from the heart of India. Whether you are a spiritual seeker, a yoga enthusiast, or simply curious about the rich spiritual heritage of India, this channel is for you. Bhakti Marga, which means the path of love and devotion, offers a unique perspective on spirituality that focuses on the power of love to transform lives. Through inspirational quotes, devotional songs, guided meditations, and teachings from spiritual masters, Bhakti Marga India aims to help you deepen your connection to the divine and find peace within yourself. Join us on this journey of self-discovery and spiritual growth as we explore the beauty of Indian spirituality together. Follow @bhakti_marga_india for daily inspiration and insights that will uplift your soul and nourish your spirit.

Bhakti Marga India

29 Jan, 07:45

Project Mantra
with Hiranmayi
Starting February 3rd

Project Mantra is a free, guided program to help you gradually build up a simple, yet powerful mantra chanting practice over 40 days.

The program is perfect for beginners looking for a simple, effective tool to help quiet the mind, open the heart and gain a more positive outlook on life.

Register here:

Bhakti Marga India

28 Jan, 16:32

with Paramahamsa Vishwananda

Guruji invites everyone to stop what they are doing and take 30 minutes to pray together once a month.

Please use THIS LINK to submit your names!

It is important to submit only the first and last names of each person, without including any additional details.

The next prayer will be broadcast LIVE on 30 January on Paramahamsa Vishwananda YouTube Channel at 8:30PM IST

‘Let us connect and pray together as one family.’
- Paramahamsa Vishwananda

8:30PM IST
Time Converter

30 Jan, 28 Feb, 30 Mar, 30 Apr

We know you are busy, so we will send a reminder message.

Bhakti Marga India

28 Jan, 10:16


Holi & Vrindavan Bhajans with Tejomayi

3 Sessions on Sundays
📅 February 2 & 23 + March 2
6:00 PM - 7:30 PM CET
📍 Online via Zoom

Cost: ₹1800 for all 3 sessions

The bhajans sung in Vrindavan during Holi are infused with divine energy that fills the heart with excitement and love. Learning these bhajans will amplify your experience of Holi, allowing you to sing along with joy and devotion.

As Guruji said, He wants all devotees to sing together. Imagine the divine joy of hundreds of voices in unison during Holi!

In these sessions, you will:

Learn Holi bhajans and other famous Bhajans from Vrindavan.

Be guided by Tejomayi on rhythm, pronunciation, and meaning.

Prepare to sing along during Holi celebrations with Guruji.

🌸 Join us to make this Holi even more special and spiritually uplifting!

For registration and details:

Bhakti Marga India

26 Jan, 15:05

Tu Hi - Swamini VishwaMohini | Kirtan Sessions

This kirtan, full of guru-bhakti, was sung by Swamini Vishwamohini in Vrindavan.

She has been singing it for many years to Paramahamsa Vishwananda, reminding all devotees that the satguru is the most important presence in our lives.

Remember to Share, Like, and Subscribe 🙌🏻

Jai Gurudev & Enjoy 😊

Bhakti Marga India

25 Jan, 05:19

भगवद्‍ गीता लेवल 2
हिंदी में
प्रत्येक शनिवार - रात 8:15 बजे
ज़ूम के माध्यम से ऑनलाइन

हिंदी ज्ञान शिक्षकों के साथ भगवद्‍ गीता की गहन चर्चा में सम्मिलित हों - यह एक मुख्य धार्मिक ग्रंथ है जिसे परमहंस विश्वानंद हमें अध्ययन करने के लिए कहते हैं। यह कोर्स भक्ति मार्ग अकादमी भगवद्‍ गीता इंटरमीडियट लेवल क्लास के साथ चलेगा ताकि आप इसे आसानी से पूरा कर सकें।

भगवद्‍ गीता का गहन ज्ञान आपके जीवन को कैसे परिवर्तित कर सकता है? हमारे साप्ताहिक ज्ञान कक्षाओं में जानें!

आज हम इक्षिता दास के साथ अध्याय 1 का अध्ययन करेंगे।

Join Zoom Meeting

Bhakti Marga India

24 Jan, 16:21


📅 Sunday 26 January
2:00 pm to 6:00 pm IST
📍Online via Zoom
Register here:

📅 Sunday 9 February
2:00 pm to 6:00 pm IST
📍Online via Zoom
Register here:

Bhakti Marga India

23 Jan, 16:00

Holi & Vrindavan Bhajans with Tejomayi

3 Sessions on Thursdays
📅 February 6, 13, & 20
6:00 PM - 7:30 PM CET
📍 Online via Zoom

Cost: ₹1800 for all 3 sessions

The bhajans sung in Vrindavan during Holi are infused with divine energy that fills the heart with excitement and love. Learning these bhajans will amplify your experience of Holi, allowing you to sing along with joy and devotion.

As Guruji said, He wants all devotees to sing together. Imagine the divine joy of hundreds of voices in unison during Holi!

In these sessions, you will:

Learn Holi bhajans and other famous Bhajans from Vrindavan.

Be guided by Tejomayi on rhythm, pronunciation, and meaning.

Prepare to sing along during Holi celebrations with Guruji.

🌸 Join us to make this Holi even more special and spiritually uplifting!

For registration and details:

Bhakti Marga India

22 Jan, 05:51

भगवद्‍ गीता लेवल 2
हिंदी में
प्रत्येक शनिवार - रात 8 बजे
ज़ूम के माध्यम से ऑनलाइन

हिंदी ज्ञान शिक्षकों के साथ भगवद्‍ गीता की गहन चर्चा में सम्मिलित हों - यह एक मुख्य धार्मिक ग्रंथ है जिसे परमहंस विश्वानंद हमें अध्ययन करने के लिए कहते हैं। यह कोर्स भक्ति मार्ग अकादमी भगवद्‍ गीता इंटरमीडियट लेवल क्लास के साथ चलेगा ताकि आप इसे आसानी से पूरा कर सकें। भारत के ज्ञान शिक्षक (निकेश दास, देवकरण, अमृता दासी, दयिता दासी, इक्शिता दास) इन सत्रों का नेतृत्व बारी-बारी से करेंगे और स्वामिनी विश्वमोहीनी अतिरिक्त प्रश्नोत्तर सत्रों का आयोजन करेंगी।

"भगवद्‍ गीता के माध्यम से जो ज्ञान प्राप्त होता है, वह शुद्ध आनंद है क्योंकि स्वयं भगवान प्रत्येक शब्द में अपने आप को समाहित करते हैं। यही कारण है कि यह निष्कलंक, निष्कपट और परमानंद है।"
- परमहंस विश्वानंद

गुरुजी हम सभी से कहते हैं कि हम न केवल भगवद्‍ गीता को पढ़ें, बल्कि उसका अध्ययन करें, उसे समझें और अपने दैनिक जीवन में लागू करें। हम गीता से गुजरते हैं, लेकिन क्या गीता हमारे माध्यम से गुजरती है?

भगवद्‍ गीता का गहन ज्ञान आपके जीवन को कैसे परिवर्तित कर सकता है? हमारे साप्ताहिक ज्ञान कक्षाओं में जानें!

Bhakti Marga India

21 Jan, 07:02


All are welcome 🤗

Check calendar for more events:

Bhakti Marga India

19 Jan, 11:46

दर्शन एक अत्यंत व्यक्तिगत और विशेष अनुभव है, जो व्यक्ति और सतगुरु के बीच होता है। इन दिव्य क्षणों में परमहंस विश्वानंद जी आपको अपना 100% प्रेम प्रदान करते हैं। यह वह अवसर है जब आप दिव्य स्वरूप के सम्मुख आकर अपने हृदय की गहराइयों को प्रकट कर सकते हैं। प्रत्येक दर्शन में आप देख सकते हैं कि कैसे परमहंस विश्वानंद जी का हर व्यक्ति के साथ एक अद्वितीय संबंध है। अनेक लोगों ने इस दौरान ऐसा गहन प्रेम अनुभव किया है जिसे शब्दों में बयान करना कठिन है। सतगुरु के दर्शन प्राप्त करने की यह अनमोल कृपा अत्यंत दुर्लभ है, और वे इसे प्रत्येक आने वाले को सहजता से प्रदान करते हैं।  

क्या आप भगवान की आंतरिक पुकार की अनुभूति करते हैं ?

मार्च 2025 में स्वयं इस प्रेम को अनुभव करें :  
- 9 मार्च - सूरत  
- 15 मार्च - वृंदावन  

हमें बताएं यदि आप आ रहे हैं:

Bhakti Marga India

19 Jan, 11:46

Darshan is an extremely personal and special time between the individual and the Satguru. In those moments of Darshan, Paramahamsa Vishwananda gives 100% of His love to you. It is a time when you can come face to face with the Divine and pour your heart out. If you observe each Darshan, you can see how Paramahamsa Vishwananda’s connection to each person is utterly unique. Many experienced profound love that they could not explain. The Grace to receive the Darshan of the Satguru is such a rare treasure and He gives it freely to all who come.

Do you feel the inner call of the Divine?
Experience the love for yourself in March 2025
9 March - Surat
15 March - Vrindavan

Let us know you are coming:

Bhakti Marga India

18 Jan, 15:18

🌟 Exciting News 🌟

As per Guruji’s instruction, we are overjoyed to announce the formation of new Bhajan Groups across the country! 🎶💫

Guruji says:
"This is one thing that you should do, if you want to really spread, learn bhajans, make bhajan groups everywhere, not just OM Chanting groups. Bhajan groups also, where you sing the glory of Bhagavan. You know, it’s so beautiful!"

Bhajan groups are not just about singing—they are a powerful way to spread the love of the Divine and create a deeper connection with each other. Through bhajans, we share our hearts, our devotion, and our collective energy, strengthening our bond with the Divine and with fellow seekers. 🙏

Join a bhajan group!
Details here:

Don't see your city on the map?
Contact us to start your own bhajan group in your area!

Bhakti Marga India

17 Jan, 12:56

🌸 The Divine Family in Action: Bhakti Marga Sangha Across India 🌸

One of the sweetest things to witness is how devotees are coming together, sharing love, and growing spiritually within their communities. This month has been a testament to the power of devotion and connection, with so many inspiring events happening across India!

From Swamini Vishwamohini visiting the Varanasi sangha, to Rishika Abhirami in Bengaluru, to large, heartfelt gatherings in Mumbai, (and more!) our sangha is truly alive with love and devotion. 🙏

The most beautiful part? Many devotees have shared that the sangha feels like family. And that’s exactly what we are – a spiritual family, connected through the love and Grace of our Satguru, Paramahamsa Vishwananda. ❤️

🫶 Paramahamsa Vishwananda wrote about Sangha in one of His tweets:

"Only in sangha one can get true support when it comes to society, community or others. It is a place of many spiritual gifts and space where true growth happen. So the need to be with others fulfill in the company of people who are on the same path and have the same vision of the goal of life. Their opinions become valuable feedback to you, but also true support. Sangha is the place which prepare you to be free and to enjoy being alone. And in this case being alone means being with God and Satguru."

💕Your thoughts and ideas are always welcome! Let’s co-create even more beautiful experiences and opportunities for connection. 💖

Bhakti Marga India

11 Jan, 15:57

Holi & Vrindavan Bhajans with Tejomayi

3 Sessions on Thursdays
📅 February 6, 13, & 20
6:00 PM - 7:30 PM CET
📍 Online via Zoom

Cost: ₹1800 for all 3 sessions


The bhajans sung in Vrindavan during Holi are infused with divine energy that fills the heart with excitement and love. Learning these bhajans will amplify your experience of Holi, allowing you to sing along with joy and devotion.

In these sessions, you will:

Learn Holi bhajans and other famous Bhajans from Vrindavan.

Be guided by Tejomayi on rhythm, pronunciation, and meaning.

Prepare to sing along during Holi celebrations with Guruji.

As Guruji said, He wants all devotees to sing together. Imagine the divine joy of hundreds of voices in unison during Holi!

🌸 Join us to make this Holi even more special and spiritually uplifting!

For registration and details:

Bhakti Marga India

07 Jan, 11:32

🦁 Do you know the story of Simhachalam Narasimhadev?

He is divine gift to the world, manifested by Paramahamsa Vishwananda. He travels with Rishika Abhirami, who organizes events where people can participate in Abhishekam and receive His blessings. There are countless experiences from devotees how He uplifts and transforms their lives.

❣️Hear the story of His appearance here:

📍Where is Simhachalam Narasimha traveling to next?
- Bengalruru - January 11-12
- Rishikesh - January 25-26
🗓 Stay up to date on our calendar for where He may travel next.

👉 Want Him to visit your city? Reach out to us to organize an event!

Bhakti Marga India

06 Jan, 07:44

🧘🏽‍♀️Yoga as God Sees It 🧘🏽‍♀️
🗓 25-26 January
📍 Rishikesh, Aavya Wellness Center

With deep love and devotion, we invite you to join us for a two-day spiritual immersion guided by Rishika Abhirami.

🤍 Day 1: 25 January, 4:30 PM - 8:00 PM

We will begin the day with an auspicious Narasimha Puja, dedicated to the beloved Simhachalam Narasimha, a deity manifested for Rishika by Gurudev, Paramahamsa Vishwananda, in 2019. During this sacred ritual, you will have the opportunity to receive blessings and darshan.

Following the Puja, we will dive into a beautiful satsang “Bhakti Yoga: The Path of Love", where we will explore the depth of spirituality and yoga. We will conclude the day with a heartfelt kirtan, performed by a talented band from Vrindavan.

🤍 Day 2: 26 January, 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM

The second day begins with a transformative Bhagavad Gita Workshop: "True Yoga According to Krishna." Together, we will delve into the wisdom of Krishna and uncover the true essence of yoga through this timeless scripture.

The day will conclude with OM Chanting, an ancient and powerful healing practice, allowing you to harmonize your energies and connect deeply with yourself and the Divine. This technique also empowers you to pray for and heal others, spreading love and positive vibrations to those in need.

🤍 As Gurudev, Paramahamsa Vishwananda, always says: "True Yoga is that which unites you with the Lord, where all karma is cleansed, and finally ends. It is only through Bhakti that a bhakta and the Lord become one."

•⁠ ⁠BG Workshop: 450 rupees
•⁠ ⁠Location: Aavya Wellness Center, Balaknath Road, Behind The Ganesha Palace, Rishikesh

Bhakti Marga India

04 Jan, 14:11

"Feeling God More Through Seva"

Jai Radha Dasi shares how her deep longing to "feel God more" pushed her to ask Guruji what is her next step. He answered simply: "Vrindavan" Coming to Vrindavan for seva for 3 months, she was pushed to go deeper and grow in unforseen ways. Hear more about her experiences in this new Youtube video:

Want to know more about the seva programmes in Vrindavan and Pandharpur?
Check out our program page:

Bhakti Marga India

01 Jan, 04:12

Jai Gurudev!

The new year is a time for resolutions. To realize the goal of life and make spirituality the topmost priority in our lives should be on the top of our list. For that we have the Satguru who compassionately gives us endless reminders to engage in the teachings and practices He gives.

"A new year is coming. Build up devotion and make the foundation of bhakti within your heart, within your mind, and let it grow."
- Paramahamsa Vishwananda


Start this New Year off right by making resolutions for your spiritual path. Here are some ideas of resolutions you can make:

1. Do more Japa
śrī viṭṭhala giridhārī parabrahmane namaḥ

Also, listen to Gurudev chanting on Youtube throughout your day:

2. Listen to Satsangs of Guruji

endless satsangs on His youtube channel:

3. Go deeper into your Atma Kriya Yoga practice

new students - see upcoming courses:

for practicing AKY yogis - join AKY Immersion online with Swami Tulsidas:

4. Engage in Seva (selfless-service)

Vrindavan and Pandharpur ashrams offer a seva program:

5. Study the teachings of Bhakti Marga

- Satsang with Rishika Abhirami every Thursday
- Sunday Study program for devotees
- Youtube lectures by Bhakti Marga Swamis and teachers:

6. Join an OM Chanting Circle near you

see all circles around the country:

🎉🎉 Upcoming events:

Darshan with Paramahamsa Vishwananda
9 March - Surat
15 March - Vrindavan

12-19 March

and many more!

Stay updated on our Whatsapp channel about future events and activities happening in Bhakti Marga India!

Bhakti Marga India

31 Dec, 08:58

31 December 2024
7:50pm IST

Our annual "Year in Review" broadcast has become legendary in Bhakti Marga. Join us TODAY for a nostalgic look back on the events of 2024 and forward to what is in store for 2025.

You can watch the broadcast live starting at 7:50 INDIA TIME on the BHAKTI MARGA YOUTUBE CHANNEL.

Bhakti Marga India

30 Dec, 14:00

‼️ LIVE NOW ‼️


On the 30th of each month, Paramahamsa Vishwananda leads an online global prayer for the welfare of the world. We'll be starting in just a few minutes.

Join us now on His YouTube Channel:

Your participation in this global prayer event is more than just a moment. It's a chance to make a real difference.

Bhakti Marga India

28 Dec, 09:07

Join Rishika Abhirami in Bengaluru this January for two amazing events!!

January 11
Bhakti Immersion

Spend the evening with your senses, mind and heart fully focused on the Divine. Through the 4 arms of Paramahamsa Vishwananda's teachings: rituals (Narasimha Sahasranama Puja), knowledge (satsang), yoga & meditation (OM Chanting) and devotional arts (kirtans), you'll get to experience the differnent facets of bhakti yoga!

Registration required:

January 12
Bhakti Satsang

Quiet your mind and dive into the joy of satsang & kirtan. Take the opportunity to ask Rishika Abhirami questions about Paramahamsa Vishwananda's teachings and the spiritual path. Combined with kirtan and a guided meditation, this event will surely have you feeling energized with the Divine.

Bhakti Marga India

27 Dec, 11:00

The Power of Yoga

Atma Kriya Yoga is a priceless gift from Masters Mahavatar Babaji and Paramahamsa Vishwananda to awaken and deepen this love and connection with the Divine. Experience a full yogic system that includes chanting, breathing, mudras, asanas, meditation and more!

Check out our website to see upcoming courses in a city near you!

Register here:

Bhakti Marga India

22 Dec, 10:05

Simple Puja Course
December 29 10am-2pm
Taught Online

*Hindi Translation Available

Puja is a an amazing opportunity to develop a relationship with God. It is the external action of devotion towards any image of God by offering service towards Him. Puja allows a person to worship the external form of God, so one can find God seated inside their heart.

Simple puja is an introductory course to puja and helps a person develop the practice of doing puja daily. In this course, one will learn step by step how to perform puja and the associated mantras with each step.The simple puja course is open to all. After three months of practicing simple puja one is eligible to take the abhishekam course.

Register here:

Bhakti Marga India

21 Dec, 05:59

Celebrate New Year’s Eve in Shree Giridhar Dham! We will celebrate with bhajans and dancing in the temple, as well as a festive dinner. We will ring in the New Year with a final Arati at midnight.

For the first day of the New Year, we will have a New Year’s Abhishekam during our morning prayers starting at 9AM.

"A new year is coming. Build up devotion and make the foundation of bhakti within your heart, within your mind, and let it grow." - Paramahamsa Vishwananda

Bhakti Marga India

19 Dec, 12:27

7 December 2024: Darshan with Paramahamsa Vishwananda in Pandharpur, Maharashtra, India

Darshan is an extremely personal and special time between the individual and the Satguru. In those moments of Darshan, Paramahamsa Vishwananda gives 100% of His love to you. It is a time when you can come face to face with the Divine and pour your heart out. If you observe each Darshan, you can see how Paramahamsa Vishwananda’s connection to each person is utterly unique. Many experienced profound love that they could not explain. The Grace to receive the Darshan of the Satguru is such a rare treasure and He gives it freely to all who come.

Do you feel the inner call of the Divine?
Experience the love for yourself in March 2025
9 March - Surat
15 March - Vrindavan

Let us know you are coming:

Bhakti Marga India

18 Dec, 11:07

Atma Kriya Yoga is a priceless gift from Masters Mahavatar Babaji and Paramahamsa Vishwananda to awaken and deepen this love and connection with the Divine. Experience a full yogic system that includes chanting, breathing, mudras, asanas, meditation and more!

Check out our website to see upcoming courses in a city near you!

Register here:

Bhakti Marga India

17 Dec, 11:33

The Mumbai Sangha hosted a beautiful celebration last week which featured a blessed puja to Simhachalam Narasimhadev, Kirtan and Satsang. It is so special when Simhachalam visits any city, because His energy and blessings are so powerful. Everyone had the chance to pour water during the abhishekam as well as sing kirtan and the Narasimha Kavacam. Everyone shared that they felt the Divine love of Gurudev throughout the entire event. The puja was followed by a heart touching and thought provoking satsang from Rishika Abhirami. One of the final highlights was receiving Narasimhadev's blessings when Rishika Abhirami put Him on each person's head.

Stay tuned to where Simhalachalam Narasimhadev travels to next!
(Hint: there is a Bengaluru event coming up!)

Bhakti Marga India

09 Dec, 10:35

We are heartedly inviting you for a program with Rishika Abhirami in Mumbai on the 12th of December. The program will include puja for Simhachalam Narasimha Dev, Deity manifested by Guruji, Satsang and kirtan. Rishika Abhirami will be happy to answer your questions and share her experiences and knowledge of the path of Bhakti with Paramahamsa Vishwananda.

Bhakti Marga India

09 Dec, 03:36

Pandharpur with Guruji Day 2
(December 5th)

On this day, an incredible abhishekam on Sri Vitthala and Sri Rukmini of Takpithe Vitthal Mandir was performed alongside Paramahamsa Vishwananda's personal murtis. For over 2 hours, Paramahamsa Vishwananda conducted the puja personally while devotees sang kirtan and meditated on Vitthala's form.

Devotees gathered later at Vishnupad, where the footsteps of Lord Krishna are located, partially submerged in the middle of the river. Sometimes the temple is entirely submerged in water. Nearby is a second pair of footprints of Lord Krishna, where He stood to protect Saint Janabai from being hanged to death under accusation of stealing Vitthala's jewelry. Paramahamasa Vishwananda gave a wonderful satsang about Saint Janabai and Her unique relationship with Vitthala.

Guruji's tweet about Saint Janabai: "Janabai wrote hundreds of Abhangas, singing of her endless association with Vitthal. He would grind grain with her, and the grinding wheel which He personally used to help her is still worshiped in Gopalpur, near Pandharpur today. One can have Darshan of the handprints made by Bhagavan and His dear bhakta on the grinding wheel made of hard stone. But the most incredible part of Janabai’s Bhakti was her boundless desire to serve her SatGuru because it was through Him that she had received closeness with Vitthal."

In the evening, there was a legendary Kirtan in the main Rukmini Vitthala temple of Pandharpur. Paramahamsa Vishwananda poured His sweetness into each Bhajan. His voice along with the chorus of devotees rang through the temple and everyone’s hearts. After Kirtan, everyone took Pad Darshan of Lord Vitthala, having the Grace to touch His Lotus Feet.

Bhakti Marga India

23 Nov, 06:42

परमहंस विश्वानंद के साथ दिव्य दर्शन - केवल 14 दिन शेष
स्थान: पंढरपुर, 7 दिसंबर

सच्चे और निश्छल प्रेम की दिव्य दृष्टि में डूबें, जो आपके हृदय को खोलकर इसे आध्यात्मिक प्रकाश से भर देगी।
परमहंस श्री स्वामी विश्वानंद का आशीर्वाद आपके जीवन को गहरे अर्थ और उद्देश्य से प्रकाशित करेगा।
उनका दिव्य दर्शन आपके भीतर शाश्वत प्रेम की अनुभूति जगाएगा और आपकी आत्मा को जाग्रत करेगा।

अभी पंजीकरण करें:

Bhakti Marga India

23 Nov, 06:41

14 Days Until Darshan with Paramahamsa Vishwananda
Pandharpur - December 7th

Look into the eyes of real unconditional love and let it open your heart. Paramahamsa Sri Swami Vishwananda’s blessing will help you find a deeper sense of meaning and purpose in your life. His darshan will shower you with unconditional love and awaken your soul.

Register now:

Bhakti Marga India

18 Nov, 14:23

बड़ी खबर!

परमहंस विश्वानंद 7 दिसंबर, 2024 को पंढरपुर में दर्शन देंगे!! हमारे पास भारत में 3 आगामी दर्शन हैं! इन अद्भुत अवसरों में से एक या अन्य सभी में भाग लें और एक प्रबुद्ध गुरु द्वारा आशीर्वाद प्राप्त करें। दर्शन, एक ऐसा जीवन बदलने वाला क्षण है, जब गुरु कृपा और दिव्य प्रेम की अनुभूति का अवसर प्राप्त होता है। प्रत्येक व्यक्ति का अनुभव अद्वितीय है। आईए अनुभव करिए!

“जब मैं आपकी आँखों में देखता हूँ मैं आपकी चेतना को देखता हूँ, आपकी आत्मा को देखता हूँ और यही आपकी वास्तविकता भी है”।
-परमहंस श्री विश्वानन्द

अभी पंजीकरण करें:

Bhakti Marga India

18 Nov, 14:23


Paramahamsa Vishwananda will be giving Darshan in Pandharpur on December 7th, 2024!!
We now have 3 upcoming Darshans in India! Take part in one or all of these amazing opportunities to be blessed by a God-realized Master.
Darshan is a life changing moment where the Grace of the Master is revealed and one has the opportunity to experience Divine Love. Each person’s experience is unique. Come experience yours!

“When I’m looking at your eyes, I’m looking at your consciousness, I am looking at your atma itself. And that is the reality of who you are. “
- Paramahamsa Vishwananda

Register now:

Bhakti Marga India

16 Nov, 08:08

Happy Kartik Purnima from Shree Giridhari Dham in Vrindavan - the land where the eternal Ras is happening.

Paramahamsa Vishwananda on Twitter:

"Kartik Purnima celebrates every aspect of Paramatma, Prem, and all the ways to reach Him. The SatGuru shows each of these in the divine right time, one simply needs true Sharanagati.
In Vraj, Kartik Purnima is the day that Radha-Krishna are celebrated with dance and song, to invite the Divine Raas into the heart. Oil lamps are lit and bhaktas gather around this enormous collection of lamps to immerse themselves into the Prem of Bhagavan. The central lamp is Sri Krishna Himself and the surrounding lamps are all the atmas in the universe. All surrounds Him alone and everyone is equidistant from Him."

Read the full post here:

Bhakti Marga India

14 Nov, 07:54

Happy Tulsi Vivah from Shree Giridhar Dham Vrindavan

Excerpt of Gurudev’s tweet on X - 13 November 2024:

‘Blessings to all on Tulsi Vivah, the day of union between the atma and Paramatma. On Tulsi Vivah, we celebrate the extraordinary Bhakti and Prem between Tulsi Vrinda Devi, and Sri Krishna Shaligram Bhagavan. When Bhagavan turned into a stone to remain at the roots of Bhakti. When the bhakta turned into a small plant to forever offer everything to Bhagavan’s Lotus Feet… We have heard the version of the story of Vrinda Devi when she was deeply hurt by the treachery of Shreeman Narayan and cursed Him, when He came in the form of her husband and tricked her. But that version of the story is so different from the truth, and the reality is so extraordinary. Where there is true Bhakti and Prem, where there is only the SatGuru and His love, such limited things like deceiving and cursing are only a foolish understanding of the outside. The events that people perceive are always limited, no matter how advanced or elevated one seems to be. Only the SatGuru is beyond all limitations… The sweetness of true Bhakti is humility, acceptance, respect, and gratitude for everything as a gift from Bhagavan directly. Don’t let your pride and ego take you away from the truth of Bhakti for even a single moment. Stay in the gentle warmth of His love and there you will receive everything. Let the SatGuru’s help bring you to His reality of unconditional love which is the sweetness of Amrit. Many blessings to everyone.’

Continue reading:

Bhakti Marga India

11 Nov, 04:52


13 November

Join us in the evening for prayers and sacred marriage of Tulsi Devi and Narayana. Tulsi Vivaha celebrates the marriage of Tulsi Devi and the Supreme Lord. Tulsi Devi represents selfless devotion and She appears in the form of a sacred basil plant. Her devotion is so pure, a single leaf offered with love will satisfy the Lord and invoke His blessings.

15 November

Join us on November 15th for a transcendent celebration of Kartik Purnima, the brightest full moon of the year! We will have a lovely evening of devotional singing, dance, pujas, and lighting of the Kartik Lamp, which symbolizes Sri Krishna.

Bhakti Marga India

10 Nov, 13:16

बड़ी खबर!

परमहंस विश्वानंद 7 दिसंबर, 2024 को पंढरपुर में दर्शन देंगे!! हमारे पास भारत में 3 आगामी दर्शन हैं! इन अद्भुत अवसरों में से एक या अन्य सभी में भाग लें और एक प्रबुद्ध गुरु द्वारा आशीर्वाद प्राप्त करें। दर्शन, एक ऐसा जीवन बदलने वाला क्षण है, जब गुरु कृपा और दिव्य प्रेम की अनुभूति का अवसर प्राप्त होता है। प्रत्येक व्यक्ति का अनुभव अद्वितीय है। आईए अनुभव करिए!

“जब मैं आपकी आँखों में देखता हूँ मैं आपकी चेतना को देखता हूँ, आपकी आत्मा को देखता हूँ और यही आपकी वास्तविकता भी है”।
-परमहंस श्री विश्वानन्द

अभी पंजीकरण करें:

Bhakti Marga India

10 Nov, 13:12


Paramahamsa Vishwananda will be giving Darshan in Pandharpur on December 7th, 2024!!
We now have 3 upcoming Darshans in India! Take part in one or all of these amazing opportunities to be blessed by a God-realized Master.
Darshan is a life changing moment where the Grace of the Master is revealed and one has the opportunity to experience Divine Love. Each person’s experience is unique. Come experience yours!

“When I’m looking at your eyes, I’m looking at your consciousness, I am looking at your atma itself. And that is the reality of who you are. “
- Paramahamsa Vishwananda

Register now:

Bhakti Marga India

10 Nov, 06:01


Surat - March 9
Vrindavan - March 15

Announcing Paramahamsa Vishwananda Darshans in India in 2025. Take part in one or both of these amazing opportunities to be blessed by a God-realized Master. Darshan is a life changing moment where the Grace of the Master is revealed and one has the opportunity to experience Divine Love. Each person’s experience is unique. Come experience yours!

“When I’m looking at your eyes, I’m looking at your consciousness, I am looking at your atma itself. And that is the reality of who you are. “
- Paramahamsa Vishwananda

Register now:

Bhakti Marga India

07 Nov, 05:59

Celebrate Gopashtami with us! On the morning of November 9th, we will have morning prayers followed by Gau Mata cow puja next door.

On this auspicious day in Kartik Month, young Sri Krishna went through the rite of passage to become a cowherd. It was the first time that young Sri Krishna and Sri Balaram were sent by Nanda Maharaj to herd the cows in Vrindavan. We honor this day by expressing devotion and honor to the cows that Sri Krishna loves so much.

Bhakti Marga India

04 Nov, 04:55

Govardhan Puja evening celebrations in Vrindavan

Paramahamsa Vishwananda:
“The lifting of the Govardhan Parvat is such a beautiful Leela. It gave Sri Krishna His extraordinary name, Giridhari, the one who lifts the mountain on His little finger. One aspect of the story many people know. That Sri Krishna lifted the mountain to break the pride of Indra and protect the residents of Vraj from the incessant rains. But there are hidden aspects that are not so well known. When Sri Krishna was about to take birth in Vraj, Srimati Radharani was also preparing everything, all that would be needed for the Leelas of Bhagavan. But She couldn’t bear to leave Goloka Vrindavan, Sri Yamuma Maharani, and Sri Govardhan Parvat behind.”

Read the full post on X:

Bhakti Marga India

31 Oct, 06:44

Happy Diwali!

Join us in the ashram tonight for Lakshmi Puja, Satsang, and Kirtan! We will light the temple both literally with oil lamps as well as figuratively through our loving expression to Krishna.

"On the evening of Deepavali, Pujas and celebrations invite Maha Lakshmi into everyone’s home and place of work. After She emerged from the Milky Ocean on the day of Dhanteras, Her subsequent marriage with Bhagavan and Her unconditional love as the Mother of the Universe is celebrated on Deepavali. The bestower of all riches but most importantly the bestower of the ultimate wealth, Prem. On this Diwali, light the inner lamp of Bhakti and Prem so strongly that no wind and rain can extinguish it. Let the Akash Deepam of your life carry you upwards to attain the Lotus Feet of the SatGuru and find ultimate bliss. Many blessings to all."

Read Paramahamsa Vishwananda full post on X!

Bhakti Marga India

30 Oct, 08:53

Note: time change to 7:30 due to daylight savings in Germany

Bhakti Marga India

30 Oct, 08:53

with Paramahamsa Vishwananda

Guruji invites everyone to stop what they are doing and take 30 minutes to pray together once a month.

Please use THIS LINK to submit your names!

It is important to submit only the first and last names of each person, without including any additional details.

The next prayer will be broadcast LIVE on 30 October on Paramahamsa Vishwananda YouTube Channel at 7:30pm IST!

‘Let us connect and pray together as one family.’
- Paramahamsa Vishwananda

7:30 PM IST

30 Oct, 30 Nov, 30 Dec

We know you are busy, so we will send a reminder message before we begin the prayer.

Bhakti Marga India

29 Oct, 11:55


Since Lord Krishna did not eat a single meal during the entire 7 days while He was lifting Govardhan, the citizens of Vraj wanted to offer Him all the food He missed out on. Lord Krishna used to have 8 meals per day so 8 meals x 7 days = 56 dishes! It is an ancient tradition since that time to offer Krishna 56 dishes, called Chappan Bhog, especially on the auspicious day of Govardhan Puja.


Bhakti Marga India

29 Oct, 08:18

Happy Dhanteras to all!

Join us in the ashram tonight and the next nights for Choti Diwali (Oct 30) and Diwali (Nov 1) in the ashram for Lakshmi Puja, Yagna, Satsang, and Kirtan! We will light the temple both literally with oil lamps as well as figuratively through our loving expression to Krishna.

“Dhanteras or Dhantrayodashi is the great celebration of the emergence of Maha Lakshmi and Dhanvantari from the Milky Ocean.
The churning of the Milky Ocean is a Leela that has great significance for those who wish to sincerely walk the spiritual path. It represents the great battle one must fight against one’s bad qualities that are hidden within, the inner asuras and demons. However, never forget that the devas or the good qualities only win because of the direct intervention and will of Bhagavan. One’s efforts are crucial, nothing can work without them. Because it is through one’s sincere and continuous efforts that one shows Bhagavan the deep desire to reach His Lotus Feet. Then He joyfully manifests Himself in one’s life, as the SatGuru comes to collect back to Himself every jeeva that is longing for Him.“
Read Paramahamsa Vishwananda full post on X!

Bhakti Marga India

26 Oct, 07:12

with Paramahamsa Vishwananda

Guruji invites everyone to stop what they are doing and take 30 minutes to pray together once a month.

Please use THIS LINK to submit your names!

It is important to submit only the first and last names of each person, without including any additional details.

The next prayer will be broadcast LIVE on 30 October on Paramahamsa Vishwananda YouTube Channel at 6:30pm IST!

‘Let us connect and pray together as one family.’
- Paramahamsa Vishwananda

6:30 PM IST

30 Oct, 30 Nov, 30 Dec

We know you are busy, so we will send a reminder message before we begin the prayer.

Bhakti Marga India

23 Oct, 07:38


Why is it customary to offer 56 different dishes of prasad to Lord Krishna? What does the 56 signify? The tradition comes from the Govardhan Leela, during which Sri Krishna skipped 56 meals. As a symbol of gratitude and deep reverence for His protection, devotees offer 56 dishes during major festivals.

At Shree Giridhar Dham, where Giridhari is holding up Govardhan hill on His little pinky, Govardhan Puja is our main festival. We want to offer the best prasad to Him on this auspicious day. Everyone is welcome to participate.


Bhakti Marga India

22 Oct, 16:32


OM Chanting is spreading light & positivity across India with its regular circles in multiple cities. OM Chanting is a seva (selfless service) to humanity and the environment. It is one of the most ancient and powerful techniques, given by masters Paramahamsa Vishwananda and Mahavatar Babaji to purify and uplift us all. We can use OM Chanting to pray for people, countries and situations for their healing and improvement.

Find an OM Chanting circle near you!

If you don’t see your city on the map, but wish to learn how to join an OM Chanting, please contact us!

Bhakti Marga India

20 Oct, 17:06

Seva in Vrindavan testimony

Gopal Krishna Das shares his experience cooking prasad for Giridhariji everyday. Vrindavan is so special and one learns so many new skills as well as wisdom for the spiritual path.

Bhakti Marga India now has two phenomenal seva programmes for devotees, one in Vrindavan and another in Pandharpur. Each is unique and allows devotees to learn and grow on the spiritual path in their own special way. Don’t miss this extraordinary chance to experience the joy of seva for our beloved Guru.

Bhakti Marga India

17 Oct, 05:15

Happy Sharad Purnima and Beginning of Kartik Month!

"Sharad Purnima is also the Raas Purnima. The Maha Raas of Bhagavan Sri Krishna is eternal. It has ever existed and will ever exist. It is not bound to one time or place. Wherever and whenever one sincerely longs for and is devoted to Sri Krishna’s Lotus Feet, He manifests His elixir-like presence there."

“Kartik is a time – this month is a reminder of why we are here. We all know that we are here to attain the Love of God, to attain His Grace, to attain Him, to be one with Him, to be one near Him. But how do we attain that? To attain God, God doesn’t want anything from anybody outside. God has created the whole universe freely for everyone to enjoy. Do you think He needs anything from anyone? No, He doesn’t need anything from anyone. But we need it. We need Him. And the reminder of that is the love which He has put inside of our hearts. And this is the only thing that can link us humans to Him, nothing else. All what we do is an act of loving Him. All the prayers that we do is so that the love inside of our hearts for Him grows so that His Grace can manifest inside of our heart. So this love relationship which we have with Him, that’s what we are celebrating.”
- Paramahamsa Vishwananda

Bhakti Marga India

16 Oct, 09:04


Since Lord Krishna did not eat a single meal during the entire 7 days while He was lifting Govardhan, the citizens of Vraj wanted to offer Him all the food He missed out on. Lord Krishna used to have 8 meals per day so 8 meals x 7 days = 56 dishes! It is an ancient tradition since that time to offer Krishna 56 dishes, called Chappan Bhog, especially on the auspicious day of Govardhan Puja.


Bhakti Marga India

16 Oct, 09:03

November 2nd

Govardhan Puja is the biggest festival of the year in Shree Giridhar Dham, where our Beloved Giridhariji is holding up Govardhan and protecting us all! This holy day of Govardhan Puja commemorates the divine act where Lord Krishna, in an extraordinary display of strength and compassion, lifted the Govardhan mountain to protect the inhabitants of Vraj from the wrathful Indra's deluge. This special leela is the reason Krishna received the name of Giridhari, signifying "one who lifts the mountain."

Event Details:

Bhakti Marga India

15 Oct, 08:54

Happy Shirdi Sai Maha Samadhi!

Shirdi Sai is an incredible saint who holds a special place in the heart of our Gurudev, Paramahamsa Vishwananda. He was the first saint to appear to Him when He was a child and since then, Guruji has expressed deep reverence and affection for Shirdi Sai. Every year, on October 15th, Guruji celebrates by performing Abhishekam on Shirdi Sai’s Murti and singing bhajans dedicated to Him.

In Vrindavan, we will also be celebrating by performing a puja to his relic and praising him in bhajans and Satsang.
If you are in the area, please join us for prayers!

Bhakti Marga India

14 Oct, 09:15

Navaratri & Dussehra 2024 Highlights
Celebrations at Shree Giridhar Dham, Vrindavan

The Divine Mother blessed us all for an incredibly powerful and transformative 10 days. We transformed our Beloved Yamunaji each night into each form of the Navadurga and Giridhari stood next to Her, as a reminder of our goal and what She has come to help us achieve. Guruji tirelessly shared deep wisdom and insights of each day, showing us how to go deep within and transform ourselves. As we say goodbye to Maa during this time, we carry with us the lessons we have learned deep within our hearts.

"What have you learned? What are you taking with you moving forward? Have the lessons and experiences at the Feet of the SatGuru gone deep inside your heart? Or, have you just had some fun and the moment that Navaratri comes to a close, your eyes will also close and turn away from the goal? That is the most important question. Have you realized what the goal is?"
- Paramahamsa Vishwananda

Bhakti Marga India

12 Oct, 16:30

Happy Dussehra!
Celebrations at Shree Giridhari Dham

Parmahamsa Vishwananda wrote:

“VijayaDashami, Dussehra, the day of celebrating the victory of good over evil in endless ways.
On this beautiful day, we glorify the incarnation of AdiShakti JagadAmba Ma emerging victorious from Her long war against all the demons. The victory of Sri Ramchandra and the Vanar army over the demon king Ravan and his evil minded followers. The day when the Pandava prince Arjun retrieved his Gandiva bow from the hollow of the Shami tree where they had hidden their weapons. And then in his form as Brihannala defeated the whole Kaurava army single-handedly....
Such an extraordinary day full of blessings. To retain so much grace, what is needed? Humility and sincerity. With humility one never forgets one’s place. Each one is a small particle of dust at the SatGuru’s Lotus Feet. This is the state and nature of all jeevas. And with sincerity one keeps making one’s effort to remain laser-focused on the SatGuru’s Lotus Feet…”

Read full Twitter post: