Daily digest featured projects from Behance. The channel has an algorithm by which he searches and publishes projects himself. Need post? — https://gumroad.com/l/BehanceDaily
Somewhere Personal Media This is a graphic novel idea I am currently pitching.In a utopian future where everything is perfect, our worst enemies come from within our own selves. Somewhere Personal deals with the theme of self-development and mastery. https://www.behance.net/gallery/219193557/Somewhere-Personal
Behance Daily
10 Mar, 10:24
TP1 Media Rebranding de l'agence web TP1 dont la philosophie place l'humain au coeur de ses réflexions. Une identité fraîche et vivante, avec laquelle il est possible de s'amuser à l'infini. https://www.behance.net/gallery/6418257/TP1