Dr Joe Dispenza archive (@becomingsupernatural23) के नवीनतम पोस्ट टेलीग्राम पर

Dr Joe Dispenza archive टेलीग्राम पोस्ट

Dr Joe Dispenza archive
Dr. Joe Dispenza is an international speaker, researcher, author, and educator who is passionate about the findings from the fields of neuroscience, epigenetics, and quantum physics.

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अंतिम अपडेट 06.03.2025 04:09

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Dr Joe Dispenza archive द्वारा टेलीग्राम पर साझा की गई नवीनतम सामग्री

Dr Joe Dispenza archive

14 Feb, 20:56


To some, Valentine’s Day may seem like little more than a holiday based on selling chocolate and greeting cards – and a narrow definition of romantic love.

But for our community, any day that honors love is a day when we – at least for a moment – center the elevated emotion that’s at the “heart” of this work. And that’s worth celebrating.

So, from our hearts to yours, we’re offering 25% off every product in the Love Collection from now until Tuesday, February 18, at 11:59 p.m. PST.*

As Dr Joe says: “You can always open up more. You can always create more. You can always love more. There is always more love.” We hope the creations in our Love Collection help you tune in ... find it ... and feel it.

Tune in to Love 🤍

*Discount automatically applied at checkout – and cannot be applied to previous purchases.
Dr Joe Dispenza archive

11 Feb, 17:54


Dr Joe Dispenza archive

11 Feb, 17:48


You are the placebo PDF


Making Minds Matter The incredible results I’ve seen in the advanced workshops I offer and all the scientific data that has come out of that have led me to the idea of the placebo: how people can take a sugar pill or get a saline injection and then their belief in something outside of themselves makes them get better.

I began to ask myself, “What if people begin to believe in themselves instead of in something outside of themselves? What if they believe that they can change something inside of them and move themselves to the same state of being as someone who’s taking a placebo? Isn’t that what our workshop participants have been doing in order to get better? Do people really need a pill or injection to change their state of being? Can we teach people to accomplish the same thing by teaching them how the placebo really works?”
Dr Joe Dispenza archive

28 Jan, 08:45


Our purpose in life isn't to be beautiful, or to be popular, or to achieve status – in other words, to be successful by external measures. Our purpose, rather, is to remove the masks and façades that block the flow of higher intelligence – the expression of a greater mind – through us.

It’s to become empowered by our creative efforts – and to ask greater questions that will lead us to a more enriched destiny. To expect the miraculous, instead of the worst-case scenario. To live as if this greater power is in favor of us.

To ponder the uncommon, contemplate our achievements in alchemizing this unseen power, and open our minds to more expanded possibilities. To accept the challenge to evolve our being.

There is no end to this adventure. What’s possible for us is defined by the questions we ask, the knowledge we embrace, and our willingness to experience the unknown. If we can keep an open mind and heart, the possibilities – and we – are unlimited.

🌌 What adventures await you in the unknown?
Dr Joe Dispenza archive

24 Jan, 00:51


“As I was going through the course ... I started to have the thought that I was going to heal myself before I went to the event. And that came into my mind ... that that was a possibility.”

Diagnosed with severe osteoporosis, Lisa was about to attend her first Week Long Advanced Retreat with Dr Joe. To prepare, she was taking the Progressive Online Course – a prerequisite for attending the event.

While watching the course lectures and practicing the meditations at home, Lisa began to consider the possibility she didn’t have to wait for the retreat to have a breakthrough. Like so many students before her, she realized she didn’t have to wait ... for anything. She could change her biology by changing her mind.

As Dr Joe says, “If you’re waiting, you’re not creating.” Don’t wait – enjoy 20% off his updated Progressive Online Course through January 31, 2025, at 11:59 p.m. PST.
Dr Joe Dispenza archive

15 Jan, 13:16


Dr Joe Dispenza archive

15 Jan, 10:42


Now that the holidays are behind us, how do you continue to grow the elevated emotions you nourished during that season of gratitude and giving?

In his latest blog, Dr Joe talks about his own process of self-reflection and intention-setting and walks you through those practices ... so you can take all that thankfulness, joy, and love in your heart ... and use it as creative energy in the coming year.

As he writes, this is how we evolve from being in a state of self-reflection to a state of self-creation.

What did you accomplish this past year? What goals did you meet? How did you evolve your practice? What challenges and personal limitations did you overcome? Share your thoughts here ... and read Dr Joe’s Blog to learn more about how to improve your model of creation.
Dr Joe Dispenza archive

13 Jan, 10:56


Grounding/Earthing Index

• The Earthing Movie: The Remarkable Science of Grounding (Documentary)

• Grounding: What Happens When We Connect Our Skin With the Surface of the Earth?

• Grounding: the Ultimate Healing Practice

• Eliminate Inflammation and Free Radicals With Grounding

• Ground Yourself For Better Health 📚
Book Summary | Downloadable PDF

Study: The Effects of Grounding (Earthing) on Bodyworkers’ Pain and Overall Quality of Life

• One-Hour Contact with the Earth’s Surface (Grounding) Improves Inflammation and Blood Flow—A Randomized, Double-Blind, Pilot Study

⚡️Grounding Gear⚡️
discount code: EVOLVEDTRUTH

Join @EvolvedTruth 🌱
Dr Joe Dispenza archive

10 Jan, 19:42


Motivational Speech By Dr. Joe Dispenza

At some point in our lives, we all experience doubt. But doubt isn’t a matter of failure – it’s simply a question of awareness.

When you can’t imagine a solution to a challenge, you’re operating from the same level of mind that created it. The harder you try to solve the problem, the more elusive the solution seems, and the more doubt takes hold.

The key is learning how to change your level of mind by changing your awareness or energy – and becoming conscious of new possibilities.
Dr Joe Dispenza archive

07 Jan, 12:33


“To create a new life, you have to leave part of yourself behind. It is the overcoming process that is the becoming process.” 
When attendees at our first-ever 10-Day Extended Retreat in Cancún, Mexico, turned to Day 1 in their retreat journals, they saw these words from Dr Joe. 
In those transformative 10 days, they overcame – their bodies, their environment, and time. They overcame themselves. And as they walked through new dimensions, they became familiar with unlimited possibilities in the unknown. They became familiar ... with their future selves. 
Is this your year to meet your future self? Our 2025 retreat calendar is filling up quickly – find your seat.