Welcome to NIFTY BY JADEJA, a Telegram channel managed by the user @bankniftyprofessor. Please note that the channel's content is for educational purposes only and should not be considered as trading recommendations. The channel owner is not a SEBI registered analyst. NIFTY BY JADEJA provides valuable insights and information related to the Nifty index and market trends. It aims to help followers learn about trading strategies, market analysis, and risk management. While the channel offers a wealth of knowledge, it is important to remember that all posts and levels are for learning purposes only. The channel owner does not take any responsibility for any losses or profits incurred by followers. To stay up-to-date with the latest news and updates, join NIFTY BY JADEJA on Telegram. Contact the channel owner via the provided link for further information and educational resources.
10 Feb, 08:10
04 Feb, 09:01
04 Feb, 02:46
03 Feb, 09:24
17 Jan, 17:00
17 Jan, 05:38
16 Jan, 09:54
11 Jan, 02:54
10 Jan, 09:32
10 Jan, 04:11
08 Jan, 15:35
08 Jan, 05:19
08 Jan, 05:19
08 Jan, 03:38
07 Jan, 08:38
07 Jan, 06:03
07 Jan, 06:02
06 Jan, 04:10
27 Dec, 04:36
20 Dec, 04:21
19 Nov, 05:07
18 Nov, 08:20
14 Nov, 16:57
13 Nov, 09:10
12 Nov, 16:23
12 Nov, 08:42
11 Nov, 15:09
11 Nov, 09:21
06 Nov, 09:47
05 Nov, 09:56
04 Nov, 11:32
04 Nov, 04:51
03 Nov, 03:39
25 Oct, 04:25
25 Oct, 04:25
24 Oct, 04:45
23 Oct, 05:05
19 Oct, 04:36
18 Oct, 08:16
18 Oct, 04:29
17 Oct, 04:22
17 Oct, 04:21