كويزات منصة عايد المجانية ستيب @ayedacademystep Channel on Telegram

كويزات منصة عايد المجانية ستيب


لأي استفسار يخص الدورة والتسجيل فيها تواصل علي

☎️ 0567660905 _ 0530822244 ☎️

كويزات منصة عايد المجانية ستيب (Arabic)

هل تبحث عن طريقة ممتعة وفعالة لتعلم المواد الدراسية؟ إذا كانت الإجابة نعم، فقناة 'كويزات منصة عايد المجانية ستيب' على تطبيق التيليجرام هي المكان المناسب لك! هذه القناة تقدم أسئلة متنوعة ومثيرة للاهتمام في مختلف المواد التعليمية، مما يساعدك على تعزيز معرفتك وتحسين أدائك الدراسي

منصة عايد هي واحدة من أبرز المنصات التعليمية في العالم العربي، وتهدف إلى تقديم موارد تعليمية عالية الجودة مجانًا للجميع. والآن، بفضل قناة 'كويزات منصة عايد المجانية ستيب'، يمكنك الاستفادة من هذه الموارد بطريقة ممتعة وتفاعلية

إذا كنت بحاجة إلى مساعدة في التسجيل في دورة معينة أو لديك أي استفسار، يمكنك التواصل معنا على الأرقام التالية: 0567660905 أو 0530822244. فريقنا متاح لمساعدتك والإجابة على جميع استفساراتك. انضم إلينا اليوم وابدأ رحلتك في عالم المعرفة والتعلم!

كويزات منصة عايد المجانية ستيب

23 Jan, 20:18

‏صورة من MR.Wael

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22 Jan, 19:35

‏صورة من MR.Wael

كويزات منصة عايد المجانية ستيب

21 Jan, 20:12

‏صورة من MR.Wael

كويزات منصة عايد المجانية ستيب

20 Jan, 01:14

*لمتابعتنا على مواقع التواصل الاجتماعى اضغط على الرابط التالى*👇👇http://ayedacademy.com/social

كويزات منصة عايد المجانية ستيب

14 Jan, 20:35

هذي اخبار ستيب اليوم من النماذج والريدنق والقرامر اللي تكررت اليوم بالتوفيق لكم

كويزات منصة عايد المجانية ستيب

14 Jan, 10:18

حقق المركز الأول في الاختبار 👏👏

كويزات منصة عايد المجانية ستيب

08 Jan, 18:29

🎲 اختبار 'اختبار عايد للمستويات المختلفه'
🖊 10 أسئلة · 10 ث

كويزات منصة عايد المجانية ستيب

08 Jan, 08:14

الحاصل علي المركز الاول في الاختبار الثاني 👏👏

كويزات منصة عايد المجانية ستيب

07 Jan, 19:29

🎲 اختبار 'اختبار عايد للمستويات 2'
🖊 10 أسئلة · 30 ث

كويزات منصة عايد المجانية ستيب

07 Jan, 19:26

هو الحاصل علي المركز الاول في الاختبار 👏👏

كويزات منصة عايد المجانية ستيب

07 Jan, 14:32

🎲 اختبار 'اختبار عايد للمستويات 3'
جاهز ؟
🖊 15 سؤالًا · 45 ث

كويزات منصة عايد المجانية ستيب

06 Jan, 20:32


كويزات منصة عايد المجانية ستيب

14 Dec, 14:12

the end.
have a nice day 💗💗💗💗

كويزات منصة عايد المجانية ستيب

05 Dec, 15:41

محاضرة مجانية لقسم الاستماع

كويزات منصة عايد المجانية ستيب

04 Dec, 16:20

the end of today's quiz.
have a nice day 💗💗💗💗

كويزات منصة عايد المجانية ستيب

30 Nov, 10:43

that's the end of today's quiz.
have a nice day 💗💗💗💗

كويزات منصة عايد المجانية ستيب

30 Nov, 10:41

Yesterday, John sends two messages to his friend Ken about their trip to the desert.

كويزات منصة عايد المجانية ستيب

30 Nov, 10:24

جاهزين نسوي كويز ؟

كويزات منصة عايد المجانية ستيب

26 Nov, 09:35

that's the end of today's quiz.
Have a nice day 💗💗💗💗

كويزات منصة عايد المجانية ستيب

19 Nov, 10:37

That's the end of today's quiz.
Have a nice day 💗💗💗💗💗

كويزات منصة عايد المجانية ستيب

19 Nov, 10:34

Audio from Hemat

كويزات منصة عايد المجانية ستيب

19 Nov, 10:26

Audio from Hemat

كويزات منصة عايد المجانية ستيب

19 Nov, 10:09

طيب هقفل الرسايل 15 دقيقة عشان الكل ياخد فرصته في الحل و بعدين هشرح الاسئلة و افتح الرسايل

كويزات منصة عايد المجانية ستيب

19 Nov, 10:08

موجودين نسوي كويز ؟

كويزات منصة عايد المجانية ستيب

16 Nov, 12:19

the end.
have a nice day 💗💗💗

كويزات منصة عايد المجانية ستيب

12 Nov, 09:25

the end.
have a nice day 💗💗💗

كويزات منصة عايد المجانية ستيب

05 Nov, 16:14

The end of today's quiz
و بالتوفيق لكل اللي اختباره بكره و باذن الله تحلو كويس و تجيبو اعلى من الدرجة اللي تبوها 💗💗

كويزات منصة عايد المجانية ستيب

05 Nov, 16:11

1) If we look at the night sky carefully, we will see that the stars are of many different colors. Some are red, others are yellow, and some are blue. This is also shown when we take color photographs of the night sky. You can take such a photograph with an ordinary camera as long as it is kept steady. A thirty second exposure is sufficient.
2) Astronomers have been able to classify stars according to color. They have found that blue stars are the largest and red stars the smallest. However, there are a few stars which cannot be classified in this way. These are the superstars. For example, Ryiejol is a blue
superstar as big as 40,000 suns and Beetle juice is a superstar with a size equal to 17,000 suns.
3) Suppose an astronomer observes two stars, one brighter than the other. If neither of them is a superstar, he will know immediately that the brighter star is closer. Astronomers have instruments like light meters which can measure the brightness of a star quite accurately. It is possible to measure a star's distance from the earth if astronomers know the color, brightness and whether or not it is a superstar.

كويزات منصة عايد المجانية ستيب

05 Nov, 16:07

1) An octopus has three hearts, eight arms, and one huge brain. They are extremely intelligent. They can learn new things just like humans. They even learned a few things to get them out of dangerous situations. If an octopus is in danger of a predator, such as a shark or bird, it can use some pretty incredible skills to get away.
(2) Octopuses don't have teeth or sharp claws to defend themselves. Instead, they use more clever ways to fool their attackers. Octopuses like to hide themselves in the sand on the bottom of the ocean floor. The octopus: can change the color of its skin to match the sand. And this color change, or camouflage, happens in less than a minute. Some octopuses like to stay in more shallow water where there are rocks and coral. Because octopuses are invertebrates, meaning they don't have backbones, they can fit themselves into small spaces between the rocks away from their predators.
(3) Another way an octopus can hide is by shooting ink. An octopus uses a part of its body called a siphon to shoot ink into the water. The ink forms a cloud that hides the octopus. By the time the ink clears and the predator can see again, the octopus has swum away or hidden.
(4) If an octopus is being attacked, it can actually make itself look like a dangerous sea snake. It will bury itself in the sand, keeping two arms where they can be seen. It will change the color of those arms to match a sea snake. But what if there's no time to hide? If an octopus is in trouble, it can break one of its arms. The arm will then change colors and move around in the water in front of the predator while the octopus swims away to safety. The octopus' arm will grow back.
(5) There is one kind of octopus that has poison to use in defense. The blue ringed octopus is tiny, it could fit inside your hand. Predators might think this size makes the octopus a great snack, but they know to stay away. The blue ringed octopus is very poisonous and can kill predators much larger than itself, including humans.
(6) Octopuses eat crabs, shrimps and lobsters, but they will sometimes eat larger prey, too, such as sharks. The octopuses usually drop down on their prey from above, and then use their powerful arms to pull it into their mouth.
(7) Most octopuses stay along the bottom of the ocean, although some types are pelagic, meaning they live near the water surface. Other octopus live in deep, dark waters, and rise from below at early morning and evening to search for food.
(8) For the most part, octopuses live alone in dens made from rocks. They build their dens themselves by moving the rocks into place with their powerful arms. These brilliant builders sometimes even fashion a rock door that pulls closed when the octopus is safely inside the den.

كويزات منصة عايد المجانية ستيب

05 Nov, 15:57

قطعة الفهرس
Unit 1
Origins of Hispanic Culture: Europe………………….1
Unit 2
Origins of Hispanic Culture: America……………….20
Unit 3
Religion in the Hispanic World…………………………35
Unit 4
Revolutionary Movement of the Century…………60

كويزات منصة عايد المجانية ستيب

05 Nov, 15:54

My uncle Ahmad is a physician. He helps people when they are sick. When his patients go to the office, he may ask them to breathe while he listens to their chest. Then he listens to the sound of the air in their lungs. He may have to ask them many questions and examine them to see what is making them sick. He helps people have better health.

كويزات منصة عايد المجانية ستيب

05 Nov, 15:54

طيب هنعمل كمان Reading Quiz عشان اللي عنده اختبار بكره

كويزات منصة عايد المجانية ستيب

05 Nov, 15:11

The end.
have a nice day 💗💗💗

كويزات منصة عايد المجانية ستيب

03 Nov, 12:41

That's the end of your today's quiz.
You did a great job. So proud of you. 💗💗💗

كويزات منصة عايد المجانية ستيب

03 Nov, 12:34

An Air India flight bound for New Delhi with 130 people onboard made an emergency landing in southern Pakistan last week due to technical problems, aviation officials said. The Airbus A320 from Abu Dhabi made the unscheduled stop at Nawabshah airport, around 230 kilometers northeast of the port city of Karachi, Pakistan.

كويزات منصة عايد المجانية ستيب

03 Nov, 12:29

In the year 2000, people spent $3.2 trillion dollars on travel. In 2005, they spent $3.4 trillion. In 2016, they will probably spend about $4.2 trillion. What is the most popular country that people go to? France is the most popular: 62.4 million people went to France in 2006. The United States is the second most popular country to visit: 46.3 million people went there in 2006.Spain was third, with 41.3 million visitors. Italy and Britain came next, and China was sixth.
2) Who travels? Europeans and some Asians travel to other countries the most. But Americans spend the most money in other countries. In 2006, Americans spent 52.6billion in other countries. Germans were next: they spent $49.8 billion in other countries. Japanese were third: they spent $37.0 billion.
3) Where do the big spenders go? In 2006, Americans went mostly to Mexico 206) and Canada 136), but they also went to Europe and the Caribbean. Germans went mostly to other countries in Europe, but about 26of them came to the United States. Japanese recycling
travelers went all over the world: The United States, Europe, and Asia.
4) Why do people travel so much? Some people want to learn about other cultures business immigrants. They travel to their home countries to visit. Some people travel to the United States. many people are their families.

كويزات منصة عايد المجانية ستيب

03 Nov, 12:25

Adam is not as tall as Eric.

كويزات منصة عايد المجانية ستيب

03 Nov, 12:18

Ibn Sina
1) Husayn ibn Abdullah Ibn Sina is well known in the Arab world simply as «Ibn Sina». He is also well known in the West by the name «Avicenna» which simplifies the pronunciation. In 980 A.D. Avicenna was born in Bukhara which is now part of Russia and known as Uzben. By the age of 10, he was already proficient in the Qur'an and Arabic classics. By the age of 16, he finished Islamic law studies, geometry, anatomy, logic and philosophy. By the age of 18. he completed the study of medicine. Soon after that, he became the Prime Minister and the physician of the Ruler of Bukhara. The Ruler was impressed by the intelligence and endurance of his Prime Minister and opened for him Library which was unique in its literary richness.
2) Avicenna's life was extraordinarily exhausting. All day long he was busy with his patients and government work. At night, he was busy lecturing and writing books. After many years of hard work and many achievements, Avicenna died in 1037 A.D. at the age of 57.
3) Avicenna wrote 100 treatises: 21 of them were major of which 16 were in medicine. He wrote a book in medicine named Al Qanon fi Al Tibb. It was translated into many languages. Al Qanon fi Al Tibb is an encyclopedia containing more than one million words. It consists of
five volume.

كويزات منصة عايد المجانية ستيب

21 Oct, 09:09

the end.
have a nice day 💗💗

كويزات منصة عايد المجانية ستيب

21 Oct, 08:58

جاهزين نسوي quiz ؟

كويزات منصة عايد المجانية ستيب

19 Oct, 09:53

the end.
have a nice day💗💗