شهادت امامهادی(ع) رسید🖤👇
This Telegram channel, with the title "「 ߊࡅ࡙ߺܥߊ ❟ ܝܝ݅ܝߺߊܩࡋߺ❟ ִֶָ🤍 」", is a space dedicated to sharing beautiful and inspiring content with its followers. The channel username, "@ayda_ve_shamlo", suggests a focus on love, longing, and connection. The channel description includes a Persian quote expressing a deep longing to be close to someone special. It also mentions the start date of the channel and encourages followers not to copy or forward content without permission. With emojis like ❤️ and 😌 adding a touch of emotion and warmth to the messages, this channel seems to offer a blend of poetry, quotes, and heartfelt expressions. If you're looking for a channel that speaks to the soul and celebrates love and connection, "「 ߊࡅ࡙ߺܥߊ ❟ ܝܝ݅ܝߺߊܩࡋߺ❟ ִֶָ🤍 」" might be the perfect place for you to find some inspiration and meaningful content in your daily feed.
03 Jan, 18:50
03 Jan, 15:38
03 Jan, 14:07
03 Jan, 04:05
02 Jan, 16:33
02 Jan, 05:05
01 Jan, 15:13
01 Jan, 11:50
01 Jan, 10:27
01 Jan, 09:18
31 Dec, 15:42
31 Dec, 11:12
31 Dec, 10:10
31 Dec, 07:29
30 Dec, 14:08
30 Dec, 08:04
30 Dec, 06:36
30 Dec, 06:15
29 Dec, 21:20
29 Dec, 18:47
29 Dec, 18:43
29 Dec, 12:52
06 Dec, 05:54
05 Dec, 12:27
05 Dec, 11:15
05 Dec, 05:20
03 Dec, 12:16
01 Dec, 05:20
30 Nov, 18:27
29 Nov, 01:46
28 Nov, 18:33
27 Nov, 19:04
27 Nov, 02:29
26 Nov, 05:08
26 Nov, 04:35
26 Nov, 02:55
25 Nov, 10:03
22 Nov, 16:39
21 Nov, 10:10
20 Nov, 08:09
19 Nov, 18:47
به مردهای که واقعا مرد بودن
که پناه و پناهگاه بودن
ک ارامش جان بودن
مرد هایی ک بخاطر مرد بودن خو به ضعیفی اسیب نزدن
مردهای که حق مردانگی خو به اطرافیان خو ادا کردن
و مرد و مردانه پای قول هاخو بودن
جنس مذکر زیاد هست ولی مرد خیلی نایابه
جنس مذکر بودن اسونه ولی مردانگی سخت!.
·❤️😍19 Nov, 18:39
19 Nov, 11:07
18 Nov, 11:05
یروز یجایی دیدمش، منو یادش نیومد
18 Nov, 06:27
17 Nov, 10:04
17 Nov, 05:08
16 Nov, 15:36
16 Nov, 05:34
16 Nov, 05:14
15 Nov, 07:02
14 Nov, 09:23
14 Nov, 09:20
14 Nov, 07:00
10 Nov, 09:54
10 Nov, 09:51
09 Nov, 09:07
09 Nov, 06:06
09 Nov, 05:58
09 Nov, 05:55
07 Nov, 17:43
07 Nov, 17:42
06 Nov, 15:45
06 Nov, 10:35
04 Nov, 09:33
03 Nov, 08:08
02 Nov, 17:42
02 Nov, 09:38
01 Nov, 05:36
01 Nov, 02:37
31 Oct, 17:58
31 Oct, 13:14
31 Oct, 10:10
31 Oct, 08:22
30 Oct, 16:42
29 Oct, 06:06
27 Oct, 18:58
27 Oct, 10:57
27 Oct, 10:57
27 Oct, 10:37
26 Oct, 14:35
26 Oct, 04:54
25 Oct, 13:30
25 Oct, 12:40
25 Oct, 09:09
25 Oct, 03:11
24 Oct, 09:58
24 Oct, 06:11
24 Oct, 02:28
23 Oct, 06:35
22 Oct, 19:07
22 Oct, 15:53
18 Oct, 16:12
18 Oct, 12:10
18 Oct, 04:35
17 Oct, 16:52
16 Oct, 17:32
16 Oct, 17:30
15 Oct, 15:49
15 Oct, 02:20
14 Oct, 20:07
14 Oct, 15:22
11 Oct, 06:19
08 Oct, 17:11
06 Oct, 07:26
05 Oct, 16:30
05 Oct, 15:15
05 Oct, 13:09