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Having Harmony 🧘🏻‍♀
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Awakened Travellers によってTelegramで共有された最新のコンテンツ

Awakened Travellers

30 Jan, 16:02


Looks like something that could fly gracefully at 15,000mph and gently land perfectly at 2mph with all legs intact, and all whilst not having any type of joystick or being able to see out of the porthole window from the seated position, and no electronics to guide...

Looks like there would be plenty of storage space for the moon buggy in there too...

Oh and then, having landed with only 20 seconds of fuel left, to be able to take off again, this time without Houston, and catch up with the mother ship that's somehow still travelling at 15,000mph somewhere up there, get in front of the mother ship and gently dock with millimeter precision and without external cameras, without electronic assistance, and even without being able to see out of the tiny window, so that the astronauts can climb back into the mother ship and all return safely home...
Awakened Travellers

30 Jan, 14:30


Why are they adding fluoride to the water?

Join: @RevealedEye
Awakened Travellers

30 Jan, 14:25


Early Electric Automobiles 1861.

Electric cars might seem like the vehicles of the future, but they were actually a symbol of the past. However back in the day, they didn't use the infamous Lithium batteries which cause major pollution to the environment. They used Sodium-ion batteries that are much cleaner option as they are basically made of salt.

Sodium-ion batteries offer superior environmental credentials, enhanced safety, and much lower raw material costs than Lithium-ion that we use today.

Join us: HISTORY 📜
Awakened Travellers

30 Jan, 14:22


they mean to wipe you out with technology... television, cell towers and nano tech will control the masses until there's nothing organic left...

Join us: HISTORY 📜
Awakened Travellers

30 Jan, 04:12

Awakened Travellers

08 Jan, 12:49



"Looks at the word NEWS. It's a nautical navigation term meaning north, east, west and south. NewsCAST is about casting a fishing line, another maritime term. A broadCAST is a newsCAST that reaches a broader audience. A news ANCHOR is another maritime term, a fabricated personality that ANCHORS you to your media illusion. A TV CHANNEL is another maritime term, channeling your thoughts to where your controllers want you to go. The world wide NET is yet another maritime term. A news headline that gets your attention is called "THE HOOK." Just so you know, you're the fish and the people organizing your thoughts (to their benefit) are the fisherman...”

TV = Television = Tell-LIE-vision

TV PATENT = Patente US B6506148 B2

Join us: HISTORY 📜
Awakened Travellers

08 Jan, 12:49


As promised in my previous post, here is most of the collection of the creepy murals found at the Denver international airport. I have been told by many commentators that’s in recent years they have started to cover up many of these I wonder why? Perhaps too many people waking up and starting to notice what has been deliberately put in our faces all along?
Awakened Travellers

08 Jan, 12:49


A banana taped to duct taped to a blank canvas sold for 6.5 million dollars the other day. This is the sad state of modern art, architecture, and pretty much everything made today. Nothing close to the capabilities of the old world, it’s easy when compared to see how much we have regressed.
Awakened Travellers

08 Jan, 12:49


There are more plants in this image than your average greenhouse

Can't wait for YouTube to suggest this CIA propaganda cartoon at the top of my feed either...

PS. Had no clue Lex was a midget too.
Awakened Travellers

08 Jan, 12:49


The buried and melted ruins of Ani in Turkey shows us another made to be forgotten link to our hidden past.