For those still alive, there are class action style lawsuits popping up for the J&J poisonous talcum powder. I’ve spent the past 4 years being criticised, insulted, ridiculed, talked down to, vilified, and ignored because people could not get their head around the fact that pharmaceutical companies would knowingly inject them with poison. ☠️
I have highlighted my point of interest in this poster from JoinTheClaim, and let me say it again, J&J, as in the fluffy baby 👶 friendly Johnson & Johnson, knew back in the 1970s their talcum powder was carcinogenic and potentially cancer causing, yet they spent millions on advertising over the decades, encouraging you to liberally sprinkle it over the genitals and body of your precious babies and children. Today we are a few days shy of 2025, so they knew it was poisonous a good 50 years ago. Yes. FIFTY YEARS. 5️⃣0️⃣.
Quick Quiz
Do you know when the poisonous versions were withdrawn in:
1. USA 🇺🇸
2. UK 🇬🇧
Without looking it up, and before you read any further, write ✍️ your answers in the comments. I have posted the answers below. 👇🏽
Also, did you know that Dr Anthony Fauci recorded a video telling you and the world how safe the Johnson & Johnson covid vaccine was, and, that WITHIN A YEAR, it was WITHDRAWN due to causing blood 🩸 clots and heart attacks? If you didn’t see Fauci’s infomercial video, here it is:
His J&J endorsement video was produced behalf of The Biden Administration and The White House. The same White House and President who just issued immunity to the covid vaccine manufacturers until 2029, and the same administration who gave Fauci a preemptive pardon. I don’t think you have the be an olfactory specialist to smell 👃🏾 something fishy 🐠 going on.
I haven’t ever seen Fauci share an updated video warning ⛔️ people who took the J&J covid shot of the dangers, and what symptoms and side effects to look out for.
Have you seen an updated warning ⚠️ video?
If so, please post it in the comments. Their covid product is called JANSSEN*, as per the spelling in the VAERS image below. ⬇️
Ask yourself, if they could do that to babies around the world for over 50 YEARS, does it take that much of a stretch of the imagination 💭 they could and would pull the same stunt again with no qualms whatsoever, particularly if they had global governments, politicians, MPs, and apparent health agencies both backing them up and providing them with financial immunity❓
There’s an old saying that the apple 🍎 doesn’t fall far from the tree . . . . .🌳 (I’ll add to that saying to bring it up to date, by saying, unless the government hurls the aforementioned apple or buries it).
I have said that it takes on average 47.5 years for these atrocities to be made public, and for the political pearl clutching to begin. What’s happening now with the talcum powder is in alignment with my theory.
IF, they pull the same stunt as the makers of the thalidomide drug, their product could potentially be rebadged and sold to third world countries. I’m not saying that’s what J&J have done, it is just the model that those who have gone before them have adopted so they can keep on making money for their dangerous products.
You can watch the UK 🇬🇧 lawsuit video here:
I am interested to hear your thoughts and comments.
🐆⚫️ ⚫️ ⚫️ ⚫️ ⚫️
Marilyn Devonish
The NeuroSuccess Coach & Futurist
#Marilyn Devonishpatterns #health
Quick Quiz Answers
1. USA 🇺🇸 talcum powder withdrawn in 2020.
2. UK 🇬🇧 talcum powder withdrawn in 2022.
NB: Poisonous ☠️ carcinogenic effects known about in 1970s.
* The COVID-19 vaccine developed by Janssen Pharmaceuticals, sold under the brand name Jcovden, was made by Janssen Vaccines in Leiden, Netherlands, and its Belgian parent company Janssen Pharmaceuticals, a subsidiary of American company Johnson & Johnson.