AUT.Capital Announcements Indonesia


Menyatukan investor dan proyek kripto untuk nilai bersama yang maksimal

✔️Marketplace untuk barang & jasa
✔️Autentic Platform modal untuk STO/IDO
✔️BlockDex DEX
✔️AUT Token utilitas


AUT.Capital Announcements Indonesia

15 May, 11:16

🎉 Exciting News Alert!

Today marks a significant milestone for Autentic!

🚀 At precisely 12:00 UTC, the much-anticipated listing begins! We remind you that the listing will be on P2B Exchange (link).

Have any questions or facing some issues related to P2B Exchange? Don't hesitate to drop a comment below. Our dedicated team is here to assist you promptly. Your satisfaction is our top priority! 🛠

Also, our CBDO Artem is about to post a video on YouTube to help you to navigate during listing. Stay tuned!

🌟Today we make a huge step towards the revolution of the world of investments. 💰 With tokenization, we're breaking existing barriers, giving new possibilities for investors and real-estate developers! 💡

Follow the news:

AUT.Capital Announcements Indonesia

31 Mar, 12:44

AUT.Capital Announcements Indonesia pinned «•Apa Perbedaan Presale kemarin dan Publik sale selama bulan april.? •Presale terakhir Di harga $0.08 / AUT COIN •Publik sale Selama bulan April Harga AUT COIN sdh di harga $0.1 *Note: Setelah Memasuki bulan Mei Listing di P2B exchange. Dan sesuai yg tertera…»

AUT.Capital Announcements Indonesia

31 Mar, 12:44

•Apa Perbedaan Presale kemarin dan Publik sale selama bulan april.?

•Presale terakhir Di harga $0.08 / AUT COIN

•Publik sale Selama bulan April Harga AUT COIN sdh di harga $0.1

Setelah Memasuki bulan Mei Listing di P2B exchange.

Dan sesuai yg tertera di whaitpaper Kemungkinan akan langsung menyusul listing:
-Mexc exchange
-Lbank exchange
-Bybit exchange

AUT.Capital Announcements Indonesia

02 Jan, 03:09

AUT.Capital Announcements Indonesia

30 Dec, 08:44

AUT.Capital Announcements Indonesia

17 Dec, 16:44

🚀 Berita Menarik!

🌟 Kami sangat senang mengumumkan bahwa Autentic telah berhasil menyelesaikan perjanjian strategis dengan dana investasi yang menyadari potensi besar proyek kami dan siap mengalokasikan dana yang signifikan untuk mendukung Autentic!

🔄 Berkat kemurahan hati investor kami, kami memutuskan untuk memangkas biaya token AUT dari $0,8 menjadi $0,08 yang luar biasa khusus untuk Anda. Ini menghadirkan peluang luar biasa untuk memperoleh token dari proyek mutakhir dengan harga luar biasa.

Pelanggan kami yang berharga yang membeli token dengan harga sebelumnya pada putaran awal penjualan token sekarang akan menerima token 10x lebih banyak, bersama dengan bonus tambahan 10%! Misalnya, jika Anda awalnya memiliki 50 token AUT, total Anda sekarang akan meningkat menjadi 500 token, ditambah 50 token tambahan sebagai bonus. Secara keseluruhan 550 token AUT! 😍

🤩 Ini adalah situasi yang saling menguntungkan bagi semua orang – bagi kami, baik pembeli lama maupun pembeli baru – semua ini dimungkinkan berkat dukungan investor baru kami!

🌐 Kunjungi situs web kami untuk memanfaatkan peluang ini dan membeli token.

#Otentik #TokenUpdate #Blockchain #Crypto #BonusToken 🚀

AUT.Capital Announcements Indonesia

16 Dec, 15:56

​​🚀 Exciting News!

🌟 We are thrilled to announce that Autentic has successfully concluded a strategic agreement with an investment fund that recognizes the immense potential of our project and is prepared to allocate significant funding to support Autentic!

🔄 Thanks to the generosity of our investors, we've decided to slash the cost of the AUT token from $0.8 to an incredible $0.08 exclusively for you. This presents an exceptional opportunity to acquire tokens from a cutting-edge project at an amazing price.

Our valued customers who purchased tokens at the previous price in the earlier rounds of the token sale will now receive 10x more tokens, along with an additional 10% bonus! For instance, if you originally had 50 AUT tokens, your total will now increase to 500 tokens, plus an extra 50 tokens as a bonus. Overall 550 AUT tokens! 😍

🤩 This is a win-win situation for everyone – for us, and both our existing and new buyers – all made possible by the support of our new investors!

🌐 Visit our website to seize this opportunity and buy tokens.

#Authentic #TokenUpdate #Blockchain #Crypto #BonusTokens 🚀

AUT.Capital Announcements Indonesia

06 Dec, 08:04

AUT.Capital Announcements Indonesia

30 Nov, 18:56


Dear community members! We decided to arrange a cross-marketing collaboration with our partners and organize a huge giveaway for all our users!

🏆Prize Pool For Each Winner🏆

- Telegram Premium account for 3 month + 10 $AUT tokens from Autentic,
- 50 $CLS from ColdStack,
- detachment of mercenaries packed in animated 3D NFTs from Arcona,
- 400 000 $FLRBRG from FloorCheeseBurger,
- 10 000 $CIO from Opincur,
- 4 $MEN from MetaHub Finance,
- access to WL for 1 free NFT character and 10 meme-tokens from Asquids

📌How to enter:
Join our channels on Telegram, follow Twitter and then try your luck!

⌛️End Date: December 7, 2023

100 WINNERS will be picked randomly and each of them will get ALL the prizes!

CryptoEagles will host an AMA soon, so all of you can go deeper into our projects and find out more collaboration details.

AUT.Capital Announcements Indonesia

30 Nov, 11:38

Channel created