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✅️Ingliz tili ustozlari ATTESTATSIYA KANALI

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Attestatsion/Nazirovna (Russian)

Представляем вам канал 'Attestatsion/Nazirovna', созданный для всех, кто интересуется процессом аттестации и подготовкой к нему. На этом канале вы найдете полезную информацию о всех аспектах аттестации, а также возможность общаться с экспертами и специалистами в данной области. nn'Attestatsion/Nazirovna' - это место, где вы сможете получить консультации по составлению аттестационных работ, подготовке к защите дипломных проектов, а также узнать о последних изменениях в законодательстве, касающихся процедуры аттестации. Кроме того, здесь вы найдете материалы для самостоятельного изучения и подготовки, которые помогут вам успешно пройти процесс аттестации. nnКанал 'Attestatsion/Nazirovna' призван помочь студентам, аспирантам и молодым специалистам разобраться в сложной и ответственной процедуре аттестации, а также подготовиться к ней наилучшим образом. Присоединяйтесь к нам и получайте актуальные знания и советы от опытных специалистов!


23 Nov, 02:52

🎚️ English Idioms in Use

😄 for ADVANCED level
🔵 thorough explanations
effective exercises
✔️ unique visual illustrations

Speakingda Advanced level idioms dan foydalanmoqchi bo’lganlar uchun 💯


13 Nov, 06:42

🔔Ingliz tilida fe'l iboralar (up/down)

✳️ Bugungi darsimizda tepaga va pastga degan ma'nolarni bildiruvchi up va down ko'makchilari bilan kelgan fe'l iboralarni ko'rib chiqamiz.
1️⃣ Quyidagi iboralarda 'up' - tepaga, yuqoriga degan ma'no saqlanib qolgan.
put something up (on a wall etc.) - osmoq, ilmoq
🔸I put a picture up on the wall.
pick something up - ko'tarib olmoq, olmoq
🔸There was a letter on the floor. I picked it up and looked at it.
stand up - o'rnidan turmoq
🔸Alan stood up and walked out.
turn something up - ovozini ko'tarmoq
🔸I can’t hear the TV. Can you turn it up a bit?

2️⃣ Huddi shunday quyidagi fe'l iboralarda ham 'down' - pastga, quyiga ma'nolari saqlanib qolgan.
take something down (from a wall etc.) - (pastga) olmoq
🔸I didn’t like the picture, so I took it down.
put something down - (pastga) qo'ymoq
🔸I stopped writing and put down my pen.
sit down / bend down / lie down - (pastga) o'tirmoq, egilmoq, yotmoq
🔸I bent down to tie my shoelace.
turn something down - ovozini pasaytirmoq
🔸The oven is too hot. Turn it down to 150 degrees.

3️⃣ Quyidagi fe'l iboralarda 'down' ko'makchisi qulatmoq, yiqitmoq, buzmoq, urib ketmoq ma'nosiga qo'shimcha ravishda qo'llanilgan.
knock down a building / blow something down / cut something down etc. - (binoni, biror narsani) qulatmoq, buzmoq, kesib tashlamoq
🔸Some old houses were knocked down to make way for the new shopping centre.
🔸Why did you cut down the tree in your garden?
be knocked down (by a car etc.) - mashina urib ketmoq
🔸A man was knocked down by a car and taken to hospital.
burn down = yonib kul bo'lmoq
🔸They were able to put out the fire before the house burnt down.
*be destroyed by fire

4️⃣ Quyidagi fe'l iboralarda 'down' ko'makchisi sekinlashish,pasayish, susayish ma'nolarida qo'llanilgan.
slow down = sekinlashmoq
🔸 You’re driving too fast. Slow down.
*go more slowly
calm (somebody) down = sokinlashmoq, o'zini bosib olmoq
🔸Calm down. There’s no point in getting angry.
*become calmer, make somebody calmer
cut down (on something) = kamaytirmoq
🔸I’m trying to cut down on coffee. I drink too much of it.
*eat, drink or do something less often

5️⃣ Quyidagi fe'l iboralarida esa 'down' ko'makchisi turli ma'nolarda keladi.
break down = (mashina, munosabat) buzilmoq, darz ketmoq
🔸The car broke down and I had to phone for help.
🔸Their marriage broke down after only a few months.
*stop working (for machines, cars, relationships etc.)
close down / shut down = yopilmoq
🔸There used to be a shop at the end of the street. It closed down a few years ago.
*stop doing business
let somebody down = ko'nglini qoldirmoq, hafsalasini pir qilmoq
🔸You can always rely on Paul. He’ll never let you down.
*disappoint them because you didn’t do what they hoped
turn somebody/something down = (hujjatni/taklifni) rad etmoq
🔸I applied for several jobs, but I was turned down for all of them.
🔸Rachel was offered the job, but she decided to turn it down.
*refuse an application, an offer etc.
write something down = yozib olmoq
🔸I can’t remember Ben’s address. I wrote it down, but I can’t find it.
*write something on paper because you may need the information later


13 Nov, 06:38

Rahmat darslar uchun 1 toijaga otdim


13 Nov, 06:38

Assalomu alekum


13 Nov, 03:53

Assalomu alaykum ustoz shu guruhni ochib barcha ustozlarga beminnat yordam berib ularni xursand qilayotganiyz uchun Alloh ajrini ming barobar qilib bersin 3kun shu guruhda qatnashib 82 bal bn 1toifaga utdim Alloh bilmyzni ziyoda umryzni uzoq ikki Dunyo soadatini bersin hech qachon bilim berishdan charchamang 😘😘😘😘😘🤲🤲🤲🤲🤲🤲🤲


12 Nov, 17:50

Assalomu alaykum ustoz katta rahmat 1 - toifaga o'tdim🥳


12 Nov, 15:36

Men 1 ga utdim raxmat ustoz😘


12 Nov, 15:36

Katta rahmat ustoz


12 Nov, 15:36

Man 2 ga utdim


12 Nov, 15:17

Man 70 ball bn 2- toifaga o'tdim


12 Nov, 15:17

Assalamu alaykum


12 Nov, 06:16

Paradigm transkriptiya
Take after meaning
He's in hot water meaning
Monoftongni top: boy cloud now cat

Odd word: sope hope rope cop
Reluctant ga sinonim

Reading fish fin, diease levels, volunteering haqida matn


12 Nov, 06:16

Resemble shekli


12 Nov, 06:16

Take after synonym
Remove. Follow. Capture. Resemble


12 Nov, 05:39

Adawmasam wu javob bo'ladi


12 Nov, 05:39

Degan javob ham bor edi