Do you believe in the power of prayers and incantations to solve life's problems and challenges? If so, then you've come to the right place! Welcome to 'عـلـوم غـریـبـه (حلال مشکلات با دعا و ذکر)' Telegram channel, also known as @asrar_oloum. This channel is dedicated to helping individuals identify and overcome issues related to magic, sorcery, and other mysterious phenomena through the recitation of prayers and incantations. From debunking spells to controlling spirits and improving luck, this channel offers a wide range of solutions to various problems. Whether you're seeking to have a child, summon or banish a spirit, or even delve into the world of mysticism, 'عـلـوم غـریـبـه (حلال مشکلات با دعا و ذکر)' is here to assist you. Connect with the channel administrator @Seyed3279 for personalized guidance and support. For consultations and inquiries, you can reach out directly via phone at 09175102494 or through Telegram at @asrar_oloum. Join us today on this spiritual journey towards resolving your troubles and embracing a brighter future through the power of prayers and incantations!
16 Feb, 18:22
12 Feb, 14:33
07 Feb, 18:25
06 Feb, 20:10
05 Feb, 11:32
03 Feb, 12:31
23 Jan, 12:29
23 Jan, 08:37
20 Jan, 12:12
20 Jan, 12:12
20 Jan, 12:11
12 Jan, 18:13
11 Jan, 18:40
30 Dec, 11:17
27 Dec, 18:31
16 Dec, 17:50
16 Dec, 17:49
08 Dec, 18:32
05 Dec, 08:41
03 Dec, 18:30
02 Dec, 18:41
19 Nov, 05:20
13 Nov, 16:43
12 Nov, 18:37
07 Nov, 18:39
05 Nov, 18:33
31 Oct, 18:31
27 Oct, 18:43
27 Oct, 18:41
27 Oct, 18:40
26 Oct, 14:36
24 Oct, 21:10
24 Oct, 12:33
05 Oct, 12:11
23 Sep, 04:10
20 Sep, 11:16
17 Sep, 18:22
10 Sep, 18:32
08 Sep, 18:38
06 Sep, 19:27
25 Aug, 18:05
23 Aug, 09:31
23 Aug, 09:31
23 Aug, 09:31
22 Aug, 18:41
22 Aug, 18:41
22 Aug, 18:41
22 Aug, 18:41
22 Aug, 18:41
22 Aug, 18:41