Welcome to SHATOVA, a Telegram channel created by the talented artist Asia Shatova. Asia Shatova, also known by her username @asiashatova, is a gifted illustrator and designer whose work has captivated audiences around the world. Through her channel, Asia shares her latest creations, behind-the-scenes glimpses into her artistic process, and exclusive content for her loyal followers. Whether you're a fan of Asia's work or simply appreciate beautiful art, SHATOVA is the perfect place to stay updated and inspired. You can also follow Asia Shatova on Instagram at @shatova for even more stunning visuals. Join the SHATOVA community today and immerse yourself in the world of this talented artist!
28 Jan, 09:16
26 Jan, 17:11
26 Jan, 12:08
26 Jan, 02:07
25 Jan, 11:54
25 Jan, 11:11
09 Jan, 07:25
27 Dec, 15:25
27 Dec, 13:18
27 Dec, 10:16
27 Dec, 10:13
27 Dec, 10:10
27 Dec, 10:08
03 Dec, 15:13
29 Nov, 06:19
28 Nov, 13:23
28 Nov, 10:27
28 Nov, 08:58
25 Nov, 12:50
24 Nov, 14:23
24 Nov, 14:17
18 Nov, 06:21
17 Nov, 14:05
17 Nov, 11:33
15 Nov, 13:43
14 Nov, 07:07
14 Nov, 07:03
14 Nov, 06:54
13 Nov, 14:53
11 Nov, 14:56
10 Nov, 10:42
02 Nov, 01:26
30 Oct, 11:12