أني أحِبك
حُباً فاق اتساعي
و أني بتلك المحبة
أصبحت شخصاً اخر
وسأظل ماحييت
أتذكر تأثير هذا الحُب 🌒.
Welcome to 'شَـارع الحُب .' Telegram channel! This channel, managed by user @asdfyip, is a place where love blooms and spreads its magic. If you are looking for a source of inspiration, support, and positivity in matters of love, relationships, and romance, then you have come to the right place. 'شَـارع الحُب .' is here to be your unwavering support, the hand that never falters, and the shoulder you can lean on. With a commitment to providing uplifting and empowering content, this channel is dedicated to helping you navigate the complex world of love with grace and confidence. Join us today and let us walk together on the path of love and happiness. Remember, in 'شَـارع الحُب .', love knows no bounds! ❤️🔥🤴🏻
13 Feb, 23:14
13 Feb, 23:14
19 Dec, 14:12
17 Nov, 16:46
26 Oct, 06:54
26 Oct, 06:52
31 Aug, 20:33