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Army Safety Channel


News about Army Safety

Army Safety Channel (English)

Welcome to the Army Safety Channel, a dedicated platform for all the latest news and updates regarding Army safety procedures and protocols. Whether you are a member of the military or simply interested in staying informed about this crucial topic, our channel is the perfect resource for you. We aim to provide reliable information on a wide range of safety issues that affect our soldiers and personnel, ensuring that they are well-prepared and protected at all times. From training exercises to equipment maintenance, we cover it all. Join us today and stay ahead of the curve when it comes to Army safety. Stay safe, stay informed with the Army Safety Channel!

Army Safety Channel

06 Feb, 01:56

Fasting month is round the corner, keep a close watch for our fasting soldiers!

Army Safety Channel

05 Feb, 05:41

The MT-Risk Assessment Checklist (MT-RAC) enables SAF drivers and Vehicle Commanders to identify the potential risks and mitigation measures before the commencement of a transport detail.

Army Safety Channel

05 Feb, 05:41

Recognise the signs and symptoms of heat injury and use the β€œ7Rs” to apply first aid measures to our soldiers.

Army Safety Channel

05 Feb, 05:41

It is important to adhere to the Safe Movement Measures when manoeurving combat vehicles. Deploy ground guides when required, especially in confined spaces. Ensure that they are proficient in executing guiding roles.

Army Safety Channel

29 Jan, 02:42

Adequate rest is important for soldiers to sustain and maximise performance; and it also prevent them from injuries/accidents.

Army Safety Channel

29 Jan, 02:41

Reporting Near Misses allows us to learn why these accidents happened, and how to prevent them.

Army Safety Channel

29 Jan, 02:41

Here are 10 Safety Reminders for a Strong Start and Stay SHARP in the New Year.

Army Safety Channel

22 Jan, 06:05

Ensure our servicemen are well hydrated at all times and drink at our own pace.

Army Safety Channel

22 Jan, 06:05

It is important to adhere to the Safe Movement Measures when manoeurving combat vehicles. Deploy ground guides when required, especially in confined spaces. Ensure that they are proficient in executing guiding roles.

Army Safety Channel

22 Jan, 06:05

Proper report classification enables effective follow-ups and generating of meaningful insights.

Army Safety Channel

15 Jan, 07:57

Be mindful that our public roads are shared among several types of road users. Take note of your environment when riding.

Army Safety Channel

15 Jan, 07:57

Inclement weather is an adverse weather condition that poses risks to training. Stay Safe and Stay Alert.

Army Safety Channel

15 Jan, 07:57

Networked Automated WBGT System (NAWS) measures WBGT readings accurately up to a 2km radius and trigger timely automated updates to mobile applications. It enables a more responsive Work-Rest Cycle adoption and enhance our Heat Stress Management Process.

Army Safety Channel

15 Jan, 07:57

Here are some Safe Tips for everyone to take note before going for training.

Army Safety Channel

15 Jan, 07:57

CAT 1 Lightning Status could affect and disrupt (1) Outdoor LF Exercises, (2) Field / Physical Training, and (3) Topography Exercises.

Army Safety Channel

08 Jan, 05:16

Just Culture is a balanced culture, in which a fair and measured approach is applied to deal with unsafe acts. It builds an atmosphere of trust to encourage open reporting.

Army Safety Channel

08 Jan, 05:16

Pre Ops Drills are conducted to guarantee the safety of the vehicle and crew and to refresh the crew with critical skills to handle emergencies if needs arise.

Army Safety Channel

08 Jan, 05:16

Recognise the signs and symptoms of heat injury and use the β€œ7Rs” to apply first aid measures to our soldiers.

Army Safety Channel

02 Jan, 00:17

Keep our ears open to conversations. They are the first indicators that complacency has set in.

Army Safety Channel

02 Jan, 00:17

Here are 10 Safety Reminders for a Strong Start and Stay SHARP in the New Year.

Army Safety Channel

25 Dec, 02:33

Think Safety, Embrace Safety and Train Safely!

Safety begins with You!

Army Safety Channel

25 Dec, 02:33

The "Dirty Dozen" in safety refers to 12 common safety hazards that are often overlooked or underestimated, but can lead to accidents and injuries.

Be aware, be mindful, be safe.

Army Safety Channel

18 Dec, 07:26

Man-Down Drill (MDD) is a sequence of activities taken when a soldier is "down" or in distress. MDD facilitates (1) rapid response, (2) prompt medical attention and (3) call 1733 for urgent evacuation if required.

Army Safety Channel

18 Dec, 05:23

Be mindful that our public roads are shared among several types of road users. Take note of your environment when riding.

Army Safety Channel

18 Dec, 05:23

Here are some Safe Tips for everyone to take note before going for training.

Army Safety Channel

11 Dec, 09:06

Recognise the signs and symptoms of heat injury and use the β€œ7Rs” to apply first aid measures to our soldiers.

Army Safety Channel

11 Dec, 09:06

Just Culture is a balanced culture, in which a fair and measured approach is applied to deal with unsafe acts. It builds an atmosphere of trust to encourage open reporting.

Army Safety Channel

11 Dec, 09:06

Prompt reporting of Near-Misses can prevent accident and save lives. A Near-Miss Today can be an Accident tomorrow. Do not dismiss a Near-Miss.

Army Safety Channel

11 Dec, 09:05

The MT-Risk Assessment Checklist (MT-RAC) enables SAF drivers and Vehicle Commanders to identify the potential risks and mitigation measures before the commencement of a transport detail.

Army Safety Channel

04 Dec, 07:50

Be aware of the No-Go Criteria (NGC) for military wheeled vehicles and stop vehicles when NGCs are observed.

Army Safety Channel

04 Dec, 07:50

Ensure our servicemen are well hydrated at all times and drink at our own pace.

Army Safety Channel

04 Dec, 07:50

CAT 1 Lightning Status could affect and disrupt (1) Outdoor LF Exercises, (2) Field / Physical Training, and (3) Topography Exercises.

Army Safety Channel

27 Nov, 06:20

Heat Treatment Equipment are used as first aid to Reduce Body Temperature for suspected Heat Injury.

Army Safety Channel

27 Nov, 06:20

Man-Down Drill (MDD) is a sequence of activities taken when a soldier is "down" or in distress. MDD facilitates (1) rapid response, (2) prompt medical attention and (3) urgent evacuation if required.

Army Safety Channel

27 Nov, 06:20

Here are some Safe Tips for everyone to take note before going for training.

Army Safety Channel

20 Nov, 05:08

It is important to adhere to the Safe Movement Measures when manoeuvring combat vehicles. Deploy ground guides when required, especially in confined spaces. Ensure that they are proficient in executing guiding roles.

Army Safety Channel

20 Nov, 05:08

Recognise the signs and symptoms of heat injury and use the β€œ7Rs” to apply first aid measures to our soldiers.

Army Safety Channel

20 Nov, 05:07

Adequate rest is important for soldiers to sustain and maximize performance; and it also prevent them from injuries/accidents.

Army Safety Channel

13 Nov, 05:27

The No Move Time aims to minimise the interaction of our military vehicles with other road users during the peak traffic hours.

Army Safety Channel

13 Nov, 05:27

CAT 1 Lightning Status could affect and disrupt (1) Outdoor LF Exercises, (2) Field / Physical Training, and (3) Topography Exercises.

Army Safety Channel

13 Nov, 05:26

Speed limits are put in place for a safer road environment and driving behaviour. Let us comply.

Army Safety Channel

06 Nov, 07:55

Reporting Near Misses allows us to learn why these accidents happened, and how to prevent them.

Army Safety Channel

06 Nov, 07:54

Proactive management of risk factors can prevent heat injuries.

Army Safety Channel

06 Nov, 07:54

Risk Assessment Checklist (RAC) is a simple checklist carried out on-site and prior to training for soldiers to raise safety concerns. It allows for a bottom-up approach in risk assessment as part of the Risk Management process.

Army Safety Channel

30 Oct, 04:59

Tagging of soldiers is mandatory for activities of medium or higher. It provides visual reminder for commanders to accord these soldiers with additional attention and implement risk mitigation measures.

Army Safety Channel

30 Oct, 04:59

Fatigue will affect driver’s concentration and judgement. Sufficient rest must be provided before and during driving detail.

Army Safety Channel

23 Oct, 07:44

Maintenance Mixed Crew consists two or more technicians. In some cases, operators will be called upon to assist.

Army Safety Channel

23 Oct, 07:44

Safety stoppages are immediate stops when a safety breach or unsafe practice is spotted. It can be called by anyone. A Safety Pause is imposed on activities which warrant a review of control measures or to remind participants of pertinent points. It is imposed by minimally the Supervising Officer. A Safety Time-Out is imposed after the occurrence of 1) Major incident or serious Safety Breach, or 2) Indications of serious systemic issues.

Army Safety Channel

23 Oct, 07:44

Recognise the signs and symptoms of heat injury and use the β€œ7Rs” to apply first aid measures to our soldiers.

Army Safety Channel

16 Oct, 05:01

Ensure our servicemen are well hydrated at all times and drink at our own pace.

Army Safety Channel

16 Oct, 05:01

Understanding Right of Way (RoW) protocol and adherence ensures safe interaction of vehicles in military training area.

Army Safety Channel

16 Oct, 05:00

It is important to adhere to the Safe Movement Measures when manoeuvring combat vehicles. Deploy ground guides when required, especially in confined spaces. Ensure that they are proficient in executing guiding roles.

Army Safety Channel

09 Oct, 04:10

Proactive management of risk factors can prevent heat injuries.

Army Safety Channel

09 Oct, 04:10

Reporting Near Misses allows us to learn why these accidents happened, and how to prevent them.

Army Safety Channel

09 Oct, 04:10

Proper report classification enables effective follow-ups and generating of meaningful insights.

Army Safety Channel

02 Oct, 06:51

Prehabilitation Exercises serve to help our soldiers to reduce likelihood of Musculoskeletal Injuries.

Army Safety Channel

02 Oct, 06:51

Keep our ears open to conversations. They are the first indicators that complacency has set in.

Army Safety Channel

25 Sep, 07:40

Here are some Safe Tips for everyone to take note before going for training.