Welcome to A .V. DΔMΔRIΕN ' actv Telegram channel, where roleplaying enthusiasts come together to create engaging stories and immerse themselves in fictional worlds. This channel is dedicated to fans of Hwang Hyunjin and Jeon Jungkook, two popular figures in the roleplaying community. Whether you're a seasoned roleplayer or just starting out, this channel is the perfect place to connect with like-minded individuals and explore your creativity. Join us and step into the shoes of your favorite characters, unleashing your imagination and storytelling skills. The channel also features links to other roleplaying communities and handy bots to enhance your experience. Come be a part of our vibrant community and start your roleplaying journey today. Established since 30/6/2021. Play, have fun, and let your creativity soar with A .V. DΔMΔRIΕN ' actv!