As salaamu alaikum wa Rahmat Allah wa Barakaatuhu.
For too long, Muslims have been vilified in so many varied forms of mainstream media. Yet, due to the limited opportunities to create our own narrative, Muslims in the West had no alternative. This has had a very negative effect on our youth growing up with movies and TV telling them that devotion to Islam = terrorist or a backward mentality.
To give us a chance to tell our own stories, was created. FamCinema is an ambitious streaming platform available on most smart tvs and is currently available for download on Android phones and tablets (Apple coming soon insha Allah)
Our first feature-length film, The Green Game, also premieres tonight as early access.
We welcome you to become part of this movement to reclaim our story and to give us, and our children, the chance to enjoy programs that make us proud of our identity.
please share this message widely.
Jazakum Allahu khayr