محمدرضا دهقانی-تاریخ معماری (Persian)
The Telegram channel 'محمدرضا دهقانی-تاریخ معماری' or 'architectureandculture' is a platform created by Mohammadreza Dehghani for increasing the level of specialized knowledge in architectural history. Mohammadreza Dehghani, also known as @mohammadrezadehghanishirazi, is a passionate expert in architectural history who has dedicated himself to educating and sharing his insights with the audience. Through this channel, he aims to provide in-depth discussions, analysis, and curated content on the rich history of architecture. You can also follow Mohammadreza Dehghani on Instagram for more updates and engaging content related to architecture and culture. Join this channel today to explore the fascinating world of architectural history and deepen your understanding of this essential aspect of human civilization!