Ape Mountain @apemtn37 Channel on Telegram

Ape Mountain


Jesus Christ is Lord of all. Scripture, Nephilimposting, and antichrist disrespectmaxxing.

This is NOT a Paranormies chat. Please do not bring discussions related to the podcast here or vice-versa, thank you.

Ape Mountain (English)

Welcome to Ape Mountain, a Telegram channel where we delve into discussions about Scripture, Nephilimposting, and the reverence of Jesus Christ as Lord of all. At Ape Mountain, we embrace the values of faith, spirituality, and respectful discourse on topics that are important to our members. It is a community where individuals come together to share their insights, ask questions, and engage in meaningful conversations about the teachings of Christ and other relevant subjects.

Our channel, @apemtn37, is a space for those who are passionate about deepening their understanding of religious texts and exploring the mysteries of faith. We encourage our members to approach discussions with an open mind, respect for diverse perspectives, and a commitment to learning from one another. It is a place where believers can connect, support each other, and strengthen their spiritual journey in a welcoming and inclusive environment.

Please note that Ape Mountain is not affiliated with Paranormies chat or any other podcast-related discussions. We kindly ask our members to refrain from bringing up topics unrelated to the focus of our channel. Our goal is to create a space where individuals can explore their faith, seek guidance, and engage in enriching conversations without distractions.

Come join us at Ape Mountain and be a part of a community that values faith, knowledge, and mutual respect. Let's embark on a journey of spiritual growth, enlightenment, and fellowship together. We look forward to welcoming you to our channel and sharing the joy of discovering the teachings of Jesus Christ as the ultimate guide in our lives.

Ape Mountain

10 Feb, 14:33

The moth attracted to the flame burns itself in the fire.

Likewise, we are innately drawn by this wicked flesh to sin, yet not I but through Christ in me we are more than conquerors.

For they that are after the flesh do mind the things of the flesh; but they that are after the Spirit the things of the Spirit.

For to be carnally minded is death; but to be spiritually minded is life and peace.

Because the carnal mind is enmity against God: for it is not subject to the law of God, neither indeed can be.

So then they that are in the flesh cannot please God.

But ye are not in the flesh, but in the Spirit, if so be that the Spirit of God dwell in you. Now if any man have not the Spirit of Christ, he is none of his.

And if Christ be in you, the body is dead because of sin; but the Spirit is life because of righteousness.

But if the Spirit of him that raised up Jesus from the dead dwell in you, he that raised up Christ from the dead shall also quicken your mortal bodies by his Spirit that dwelleth in you.

Ape Mountain

10 Feb, 04:51


Ape Mountain

04 Feb, 05:53

This is an urgent, must read for everyone!๐Ÿ‘‡๐Ÿป๐Ÿ’ฏ๐ŸŽฏ

Ape Mountain

30 Jan, 14:33

"With the acceptance by Adam and Eve of the doctrine presented by Satan and defined in Gen. iii.5, he became the spiritual and religious leader of the human race. He is still, and through all the ages has been, the religious teacher of every child of Adam who has not been born again of the last Adam.... The moment we recognize the true character of that being with whom our first parents closed their bargain, we receive light upon the greatest problems that perplex the human soul. The first man, by the exercise of his power of choice, committed the race to Satan's leadership."

Philip Mauro in The World and Its God (1905)

Ape Mountain

29 Jan, 15:08

On the topic of waiting upon the Lord as we spend the day with Him.

From Section 2: How to Spend the Day with God, from โ€œDirections for Daily Communionโ€ by Matthew Henry.

Ape Mountain

29 Jan, 13:41

"Satan has done and is doing his very best, not to drag men down, but to lift men up and to aid them in working out for them the happiest results."

Philip Mauro The World and Its God

Ape Mountain

27 Jan, 23:42


Ape Mountain

22 Jan, 16:54

Though he slay me, yet will I trust in him: but I will maintain mine own ways before him.

He also shall be my salvation: for an hypocrite shall not come before him.

Ape Mountain

31 Dec, 23:39

Letโ€™s make this new year, a year of soul winning, repentance, prayer, and worship.

Ape Mountain

29 Dec, 20:02

The Birth of Jesus Is A Non Christmas Fact

Ape Mountain

25 Dec, 14:42


Ape Mountain

06 Dec, 15:15

The Repent Before True Faith.

Ape Mountain

02 Dec, 03:17


Ape Mountain

29 Nov, 17:47

A part of the Danish Bible's preface written by the translator:

"Oh eternal almighty God and most dearest Father, I your poor child, want now very much to get in touch with your Godly majesty, and therefore I ask you with all humbleness, that you with the help of your Son Jesus Christ, our Lord and Brother by the Holy Ghost, will illuminate my understanding, ignite my heart, charge my libs, for your most holy Name's sake, Amen.

Like so should everyone ideally and internally pray who wants to read the Bible, that is these holy subsequent cordial small books, for them rightly to understand, to God's honor and his bliss. For they are not like other books, who are composed and written, after human reason and will, and therefore could be understood by the soul's reasonable acumen, even also of those who are not turned to God and renewed of his excellent grace, by Jesus Christ's Spirit, but those people of the holy God, who were drawn thereto by the Holy Ghost, have comprehended, spoken, and written this, so we first should know that no prophecy, or Godly, Heavenly teaching, in scripture, may be drawn into somebody's own interpretation or resolution, who would mean himself able by himself to be able to interpret and understand, and that no one can rightly hear or grasp God's Word, without him being of God, and his new Creature by the Holy Ghost in Jesus Christ our Lord.

Therefore it is necessary, that all those who wants to rightly comprehend and understand and have The Lord's right mind and meaning, in this wonderful and holy Scripture, which is firmly superior and more precious than all of the world's treasure, should without reluctant defiance let themselves rightly repent by God from the evil, and so of innermost heart pray for that Holy Ghost, by Jesus Christ, and with the help of him in thus way become spiritual, emerge to and get promoted as true Children of God, day after day, and so rightly understand, the more and more, God's spiritual Word, in it's true meaning and power, to their souls daily bettering in fear of God and eternal salvation, whereto it is finally given and written.
Thereon have we examples, in Adam, Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Moses, and since then in David, all of the prophets and the apostels, and all those who have been scholars for God's Kingdom...

And we know, that Jesus Christ's Father will yet certainly give all those that Holy Ghost, who do not resist him, but in thus way pray thereof rightfully, and there ideally and diligently read and hear, and cordially consider his holy Word. Whereto the same graceful God, give all of us his good Spirit, who can lead us on the right path, to the certain truth, and everlasting life, in his Son Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen."

Ape Mountain

28 Nov, 15:47


โ€œEven when we were dead in sins, hath quickened us together with Christ, (by grace ye are saved;)โ€ - Ephesians 2:5

By Carl Olof Rosenius.

Part II:

But when man is spiritually dead, what is it then, that leads him through life? The apostle says in verse 2 that โ€œWherein in time past ye walked according to the course of this world, according to the prince of the power of the air, the spirit that now worketh in the children of disobedience:โ€

First, the ways of the world, man follows the main stream, does, as others do, looks upon the world and beholds what the ruling tone is; if it is brutish, he is also brutish, but if the tone be more refined, he lives in more beautiful ways as well; thus, he can appear in many different forms, but all those forms are conformed to the world, to the many, who walk the wide way.

But is the world itโ€™s own master?
No, says the apostle.
The worldโ€™s ways are decided by the prince, the prince of the power of the air, Christ also calls him the prince of this world, and The Lord does not turn this piece of wording out to be lying either. We shall never forget, how there are two spiritual kingdoms, and two spiritual princes, which fights for the souls of mankind,
Belial and Christ, the dragon and Michael, the serpent and the seed of the woman, the strong and the stronger.

โ€œAnd there was war in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon; and the dragon fought and his angels,โ€
It is a fight, which continues, as long the world stands.

The form of government in the kingdom of darkness is founded on lies, murder, deceit, sin, and death, as Christ says, that the prince of the world is the father of lies and was a murderer from the beginning. The servants and subjects of that kingdom are, besides the fallen angels, all ungodly people on this earth and in hell.

The form of government in the Kingdom of Christ is founded on truth and grace, righteousness, and peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost. As the scriptures saith; โ€œJustice and judgment are the habitation of thy throne: mercy and truth shall go before thy face.โ€ And the servants and subjects in that kingdom are, the besides the good angels, all faithful people on this earth and in heaven.

โ€œAlas, if only thou knew, who walks around in Satanโ€™s chain
How truly tough it is, that Satanโ€™s slavery
Then thou wouldnโ€™t hesitate a single moment in thine pain
But instead seek the one, who could make you free
Alas, what a blessed day, you would receive
If you begun right now to believeโ€

Ape Mountain

26 Nov, 19:53


Ape Mountain

25 Nov, 08:27


โ€œEven when we were dead in sins, hath quickened us together with Christ, (by grace ye are saved;)โ€ - Ephesians 2:5

By Carl Olof Rosenius.

Part I:

Mark the apostelโ€™s word which he here uses regarding the natural manโ€™s condition. The short, but very telling word: Dead. โ€œDead in sins,โ€.

It is that deeply terrifying word used for everything, that came about as a consequence of the fall of man: โ€œfor in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die.โ€ The life given by God has ceased, man is spiritually speaking a corpse. For thus hath The Lord Christ himself spoken: โ€œlet the dead bury their dead.โ€

Many suppose, that this is a hard saying, which is not to be understood by the full meaning of the word, dead, which it normally has; But make no mistake, do not suspect The Lord Christ to have used an over exaggerated expression.
And when we see, that he has just collated in expressed words, the fleshly and the spiritually dead man as two kinds of corpses, then we shall consider the matter at hand, and with astonishment become aware of, which meaning, there lies in the word, dead.

The fleshly corpse is known hereby, that he not only senses nothing, sees nothing, hears nothing, feels nothing, but also that he doesnโ€™t even have a single drawing of breath, despite him having organs, eyes, ears, mouth, and lungs, just as a man who is alive would.

With that then being the case, is it not so with the spiritually dead man as well?

He can have all the exterior senses in a fresh and alive condition, he can have a bright mind, a feeling heart, much wisdom, noble foundations, beautiful words and deeds; all things but the life in Christ.
It is this alone, which he is missing, fellowship with God, a sense for God, for his will, his Word, his grace. He sees, hears, thinks, and feels in a most certainly vital manner, when it comes to all matters that are worldly, which makes sense to him, but he doesnโ€™t sense anything which is of Godโ€™s Spirit.

We shall consider some examples hereon: He reads, hears, understands, and believes in a certain way Godโ€™s Word, but he can also read and hear Godโ€™s most certain condemnations over his existence, and still feel completely at ease.

He reads and hears of the Kingdom of God, of Godโ€™s grace and friendship, of the blessed reunion with God, but it does not even awake within him the smallest longing for it, just like there is not even a single drawing of breath with a corpse. His heart is only filled with idols, with earthly and vain matters, and: โ€œWhat shall we eat? What shall we drink? Wherewith shall we be clothed?โ€ And: โ€œWhat shall we now see, hear, and enjoy? But Godโ€ฆ God what? What does God want?โ€

That matter he doesnโ€™t regard whatsoever. Yes, notice indeed, how he already has a certain faith in the truth of Godโ€™s Word, upon which he maybe never has even doubted, he has something within himself, that bares witness of it; and now he sees and hears in that exact same Word of God the most firm condemnation of every single one who is not born of the Spirit of God, and who is not born again, and at the same time he does not know of any rebirth within himself; and yet still, he only has affection for the most corrupt fruits!
And even still holds this to be the Word of God!

He sees, reads, and hears in the Word of God how there are two ways. The wide, which leads to damnation, that many walk on, and the narrow, which leads to the life, whereupon very few walk; but he doesnโ€™t even worry a single day about which of these ways he himself is walking on. And still he holds the Bible to be Godโ€™s Word!

But why doesnโ€™t he fear? Yes, say it!
This is what it is to be dead. Behold, what it entails: Dead. Dead in sins and trespasses.

Ape Mountain

24 Nov, 13:41


Ape Mountain

24 Nov, 00:11

Truly the effect of the Law is now choked, thine heart and conscience fell asleep and hardened. But when the Law has lost itโ€™s power over thee, when sin no longer can break thee or cause distress, what then is the faith? What then is the Gospel and Christ to thee? Nothing more but an old lecture for the intellect and mouth, which thou now very well can recite, but which makes no impression upon thee. For where the Law does not crush and kill, there can the Gospel not give any life nor power.

Therefore thou art not in the least sorrowful nor afflicted over thee, neither joyful nor strong in The Lord. And wilt thou not even acknowledge this condition, but instead continue to praise thee by The Gospel, then the horrible hypocrisy enters, which completes the hardening of the heart, and destroys the last spark of mercyโ€™s effect.

Such hearts, are similar to those hard, smooth, plain flint stones, which by the seashore hath been sanded by the waves and sand of the sea. When the heart by rushing care for the worldly on one side, and a hypocritical walk with The Word on the other has been cut and sanded, it is at last so hardened and smooth that nothing ever sticks to it. And this is still a heart, which once was open to The Spirit of mercy, and felt sin bitterly, and the mercy of Christ even more in abundance. And now this heavenly seed is choked by thorns of the world. How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning!

All the earthโ€™s pleasure and pain, it is oh so short
let then, O Jesus, nothing take me from thee Lord
thou knowest, how easy I stray
alas, lead me, lead me the right way!

Ape Mountain

24 Nov, 00:11

Choking of the seed.
โ€œHe also that received seed among the thorns is he that heareth the word; and the care of this world, and the deceitfulness of riches, choke the word, and he becometh unfruitful.โ€ - Matthew 13:22.

By Carl Olof Rosenius.

In Christ saying, what chokes the good seeds of The Word in the heart, wherein it already has sprung up, he solely mentions: the care of this world, the deceitfulness of riches, and the lust for life. He mentions no severe sins or transgressions, no dishonesty, theft, fraud, etc, as the reason for the souls perdition, but only that the effect of The Word is choked in the heart.

With this we can now learn where the line is drawn, where an otherwise allowed consideration for the worldly not only falls into greed for the world, but also leads to death. This is a thing of serious importance to consider. An honest Christian feels to his dismay, that he isnโ€™t completely free from earthly cares. And so he asks: โ€œDo I still yet truly have life in God? Or when is this worldliness unto my death?โ€

Consider here the answer of Christ: When it chokes the good seed in thine heart, then it is unto thine death. But how and when does this happen?
Answer: Since the good seed is the Word of God, and this had begun to spring forth in thine heart, then consider first and foremost, what it is in Godโ€™s Word, that springs forth within the heart. As the Word is a double: Law and Gospel, and so itโ€™s effect in the heart is also double: The effect of the Law is an awakened and broken heart, that feels the pain of sin, and feels it to such extend, that it makes the entire world one of big tribulation, which chases and drives him on to seek salvation and peace in Christ. Even after the faith has arisen within him, it leads to daily repentance, that one cannot live as the world, lustful and free in sin, that one cannot live foolishly, but instead needs to be restrained, chastened, and crucified by The Spirit, yes, when one always in such a way feels oneโ€™s sin, that we greatly strive to have faith, and so that the Gospel and Christ becomes alive and precious to us.

This is both the Law and The Gospelโ€™s effect. The Gospelโ€™s specific effect is, that the broken soul receives peace in Christ, as well as life, comfort, and joy by the Gospel, thereof also it receives works of love. In other words: Repentance, faith, and holiness is the Wordโ€™s effect within the heart.

Since this is given, it is easy to understand, what it means, that the good seed is choked by the care of this world, or by the deceitfulness of riches, or the lust for life.

It happens when thou gets too many things to care about. Whether it stems from worries in poverty, or from the joys and pleasures in success and riches. Thou gets so many things to care about, that thine heart becomes so consumed, filled, and occupied by this worldliness, that the care for Godโ€™s grace and friendship is put on to the side; For then the Word has soon no longer any effect upon thine heart. Soon sin has no longer any force to worry or cause sorrow: Thou feels it barely, it is for thee light as a feather; For thou hast other concerns of much bigger importance, other sorrows and joys; thou hast no time to ground thee in any spiritual worries. Thou hast a firm foundation of worldly joys, a thick, soft, bed underneath thine peace, the bed being thine worldly happiness! Therefore art thou always strong and courageous in thine Christianity, or at least, thou arenโ€™t broken or sorrowful over sin no more. The same matters, which once concerned thee, and which truly are sins, can now freely pass by, and thou art never grieved by these, no in fact, thou begins slowly to excuse them or even defend them.

Ape Mountain

22 Nov, 22:27


Maybe you are tired.

Maybe itโ€™s late.

Maybe itโ€™s early.

Maybe itโ€™s not going so well.

Maybe everything is going so well that you barely sense it.

Maybe youโ€™ve had a rough day, and is feeling pretty beaten up.

Maybe youโ€™ve had a fantastic day to the point you can barely sit still through it.

Whatever the case may beโ€ฆ


Read and pray.

Get it done.

Ape Mountain

18 Nov, 16:27

Creed Confessions doesn't work, here is why:

How many churches do you see sticking to some kind of confession?
Repeating it every single service, almost as a mantra for what they believe in.

Before stating what I'm about to state, I would like to make clear that I am not against stuff like explanations of the root foundations of faith.
As an example, I love Erik Pontoppidan's "Truth unto fear of God", and I read it often.

It is great education, but here is the issue:

Do I agree with it 100%?

No, absolutely not. I agree on it's fundamentals, but there is stuff in there that is plain incorrect.
So, it is not the Bible, surprise surprise, what to do?
Listen to the stuff that is Biblical, and don't listen to what isn't.

The same thing is the problem with any creed, denomination, etc.
If you find that it isn't perfect, can you then remove yourself from it?
If I call myself a calvinist, can I separate from Calvin?
If I call myself a Lutheran, can I separate from Luther?
If I stand by the baptist creed of confession, can I go against it?

I hope you see the problem by now, and you can see the results in the world as well.
People don't turn their church around because of Scripture, they stick to their church because it is their church.
The same is the case with their pastor, denomination, creed, and theology.

My point being here, never let any preacher or book take higher place than The Book!
The Word, written by The King.
It is perfect, it is what no man ever can be.
Cling unto it's perfection, and not man's flaws.

Ape Mountain

17 Nov, 17:53

โ€œThat was only said to Israel.โ€

โ€œThat was only said to the church of Corinth.โ€

โ€œThat was only said about the book of revelations.โ€

โ€œThat wasnโ€™t in the originalsโ€

โ€œIt was only written this way because of the time it was written in.โ€

โ€œThat was only the opinion of Paul, not God.โ€

โ€œMatthew only wrote it this way because of (bla bla bla bla bla bla) in the other gospels.โ€

โ€œThe Old Testament was only for the people before Christ.โ€

โ€œThe 4 Gospels are the only ones that are canon.โ€

โ€œBut the book of Enoch says.โ€


Get some faith, some Christian grit, and stop saying โ€œhath God saidโ€ in 10+ different ways.

Ape Mountain

16 Nov, 02:43

The Strong Jutlanders Old Motto:

The shortness of time,
the certainty of death,
the length of eternity.โ€

โ€œYou have to think about eternity!โ€
Was the words, spoken by a random customer, that cut through to the Strong Blacksmithโ€™s heart.

He became the mightiest among them, and their leader, but it all came back to one customer going out of his way to preach the undeniable facts of life.

The specific man in question was named Peter Frandsen Rider, who himself had sat in a church on a random Sonday, when one sentence struck him and he in his own word:

โ€œI awaked as if I was in the flames of hell, terrified and tormented, but afterwards, the rebirth grew within me daily, by cries and brave tears.โ€

never know who will receive the Gospel, so make all consider:
The shortness of time,
the certainty of death,
the length of eternity.โ€

Ape Mountain

13 Nov, 14:14

Did Danes Originate From The Tribe of Dan?

Not a sermon, but an answer to clear up confusion.

Ape Mountain

10 Nov, 10:45


Ape Mountain

03 Nov, 12:32

โ€œAnd I will sanctify my great name, which was profaned among the heathen, which ye have profaned in the midst of them; and the heathen shall know that I am the LORD, saith the Lord GOD, when I shall be sanctified in you before their eyes.โ€
โ€” Ezekiel 36:23 (KJV)

Ape Mountain

03 Nov, 11:35


Ape Mountain

30 Oct, 20:02

Ecclesiastes 12:13-14 (KJV)
13 Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man.

14 For God shall bring every work into judgment, with every secret thing, whether it be good, or whether it be evil.


Ape Mountain

27 Oct, 11:45


Ape Mountain

22 Oct, 03:25

I found a very old Scandinavian hymn on an old piece of paper recently.

The author is unknown and there are no mentions of it in any book as far as Iโ€™ve researched.

The hymn was made, according to the paper, as a guide to how a man should rule his household, and how to keep himself aligned with God.

I have translated it below, and hope it brings people spiritual nourishment in their studying.

โ€œIn the Lordโ€™s name I now go out,
All of my house God rules over.
My wife with children dear,
Let thee, O God! Command them.
Protect my heart, mouth, and hand,
From sin and harm, from mocking and shame.
Let me my work perform faithfully,
And return home happy to my house,
That everything happens for you God my Lord!
To celebration and thanks, to praise and honoring.

My God I always let guide,
He has guided for many years,
That can not hurt me, but both,
Of his hand I do receive everything.
He one day more give can,
Than an emperor receives of his land.

Alone I pray of thee O Lord!
That three things for me thou will bestow:
Good nourishment give and daily bread,
Let me God fear till my death,
Let me receive salvation,
And live with God for eternity.

Govern your house with caution.
Such be cheerfully rich.
With prayer thou begin shall,
What God gives thee, take care well thereon.
Keep towards understanding, let everyone receive theirs,
Notice neither thine wife way to
o insufficiently.
So gives God thee daily bread,
And takes care of thee until thine death.

Oh God! How does it now happen?
Those whom I do not harm, want to harm me.
Those who envy me and neither will give,
May though allow that I remain alive.
When they about my condition ask,
Then may they for themselves well grieve.

In all thine deeds should God
โ€™s honor,
The first and the last be.
For God alone is that man,
Who thou in all things help can.

Thine marriage must be pure.
Thou may not love more than one.
Live abstinent and disciplined in all thy time,
On education and chastity put diligence.

O Father, Son, and Holy Ghost!
Have mercy on me in my condition,
And where I go in or out,
Then think of me, O mild God!โ€

Ape Mountain

20 Oct, 10:51


Ape Mountain

20 Oct, 10:51


Ape Mountain

19 Oct, 04:26

James 1:5-8:

If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him. But let him ask in faith, nothing wavering. For he that wavereth is like a wave of the sea driven with the wind and tossed. For let not that man think that he shall receive any thing of the Lord. A double minded man is unstable in all his ways.

Ape Mountain

12 Oct, 17:54


Ape Mountain

07 Oct, 02:53


Ape Mountain

06 Oct, 16:25

Psalms 14:1

โ€œ(To the chief Musician, A Psalm of David.) The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God. They are corrupt, they have done abominable works, there is none that doeth good.โ€






