ANTIVACCINE @antivaccin Channel on Telegram




Are you looking for a place to discuss and share information about the anti-vaccine movement? Look no further than our Telegram channel - ANTIVACCINE. Our channel, with the username @antivaccin, is a dedicated space for individuals who have concerns about vaccines and want to learn more about the potential risks and side effects. We provide a platform for open and respectful discussions on the topic, allowing members to express their views and opinions freely. Whether you are a parent looking for alternative healthcare options for your children or simply curious about the anti-vaccine movement, our channel is the perfect place for you. Join us today and be a part of a community that values critical thinking and informed decision-making when it comes to healthcare choices. Together, we can explore the complexities of vaccination and empower each other with knowledge and support.


11 Feb, 20:48

Reprezentanții Comisiei de la Veneția se află în România și vor avea discuții cu toate partidele politice în pregatirea unui raport pe Ordonanta privind comasarea alegerilor din România, care a fost emisă anul trecut în martie 2024 (OUG 21/08.04.2024).

Sesizarea e formulată de USR și inițial trebuia să se emită un raport până în octombrie 2024, dar acum e programat să fie votat în martie 2025. Bineînțeles că între timp alegerile comasate au avut loc bine merci, dar Comisia de la Venetia își dă doar părerea teoretică cu prvire la standardele constituționale și democratice nu anulează și nu oprește nimic.

Prezenta unor membri din aparatul tehnic al Comisiei de la Veneția nu are treabă cu anularea alegerilor din 6.12.2024, pentru simplul considerent ca pe acest aspect deja Comisia de la Veneția s-a pronunțat în regim de urgență.

Partidele, politicienii, instituțiile, candidatii si chiar publicul larg ar trebui sa pună presiune pe Parlament pentru a implementa recomandările legislative ale Comisiei din 27 ianuarie, lucru care se poate face rapid prin modificarea OUG 1/2025, care deja se afla in discuție la Senat.

Eu sper ca birocrații Comisiei de la Veneția să ceară explicații și Ministerului Justiției și liderilor din Parlament cu privire la ce fac pentru a introduce în legislația electorală recomandările lor, astfel încât Curtea Constituțională sa nu mai poată lua decizii arbitrar și netransparent în alegerile din mai 2025 și în viitor.

- Toni Neacșu


11 Feb, 20:47

Mandatele de percheziție se dau pentru anumite fapte penale presupus a fi fost comise.

Cum adică îl dai pentru un anumit candidat? Și la ce instanță te-ai dus dacă nu ai stabilit fapta comisă?

Și de ce nu îi cauți pe toți candidații atunci?

Asta chiar se numește poliție politică, Ceaușescu și Securitatea erau mici copii.

Vă este teamă că veți înfunda pușcăriile? De aia vă zbateți așa? 🙄

— av Ingrid Mocanu


11 Feb, 20:41

🇷🇴 🇷🇴 🇷🇴
⚠️ Atenție la plata cu card, retragere numerar bancomate, etc.


11 Feb, 20:38

Man in America: “AI mRNA Vaccines, Turbo Cancer & Blood Clots… What Could Go Wrong?!” w/ Tom Haviland

"🚨 Are massive data centers tracking your DNA? 🚨 On Man in America, Seth Holehouse and data analyst Tom Haviland expose how powerful corporations are collecting biological data, fueling the rise of mRNA gene-editing tech. Who’s really in control? Watch now!"

Subscribe ➡️⬇️➡️ @naomirwolf


11 Feb, 20:15

Europarlamentarul Diana Șoșoacă a cerut demisia Ursulei von der Leyen: „Ne împinge în război cu toată lumea!”


11 Feb, 19:28

Enjoy my latest song + music video! A comedy song exposing them all. "There's Nothing More Disgusting Than a Globalist!"


11 Feb, 19:24



11 Feb, 19:22

Este tatăl președintelui interimar, printre altele a luptat in armata Ungariei, împotriva romanilor. Asa se explica acțiunile fiului pro unguri din Oradea, in privința statuilor si antiromanism. Un trădător .


11 Feb, 19:21


11 Feb, 19:19

CDC has just issued a bulletin requiring hospitals to test for bird flu (H5N1) so they can find human cases and start the vaccine rollout.



11 Feb, 18:59

Gymnasiast beweist, dass ätherisches Oreganoöl mehr Bakterien abtötet als Amoxicillin.


11 Feb, 18:56


11 Feb, 18:54


“HIV is neither necessary nor sufficient to cause AIDS.”
Luc Montagnier

AIDS is the new trojan horse for digital IDs now linked by Big Pharma/Big ID to sexual activity and HIV status.

First they used travel bans and Covid19 fearmongering, but it didn't work to get a large enough numbers of the young hooked on digital IDs to balance those resisting them, so now they are using sex and the fear of AIDS to usher in their digital ID system for the next generations.

You heard it here first.

And yes, repeated boosters will compromise the immune system leading to V-AIDS (vaccine acquired immuno-deficiency syndrome) which will be misdiagnosed as "HIV caused AIDS", and splices of HIV in the "vaccine" mRNA spike protein coding will make it more likely for the "vaccinated" to PCR test positive for HIV, starting the new PCR pseudoepidemic of HIV false testing.

Robin Monotti

2015 gain of function research confirming HIV pseudovirus used in SARSCOV made in Wuhan

Montagnier confirming HIV RNA is in the SARSCOV2 virus itself

HIV "clamp" in C19 "vaccine" attempt they claim was paused yet was it any different to other mRNA injections?

Pzifer-Biontech & HIV protein in the C19 injections

For the record, the HIV virus and the AIDS disease are separate issues, as what was called AIDS was the result of the overdosing of the pharmaceutical "cure" called "AZT", which was instead a toxin, in pretty much the same way that the C19 "vaccine" and repeated "boosters" are toxins which make SARSCOV2 infection both more likely and worse in outcome.

Reference article:
"The rise and fall of AZT: It was the drug that had to work. It brought hope to people with HIV and Aids, and millions for the company that developed it. It had to work. There was nothing else. But for many who used AZT - it didn't"



11 Feb, 18:00



11 Feb, 17:04

What kept the unvaccinated safe?


11 Feb, 17:04

British farmers are gathering in London once more in major stand against the government!


11 Feb, 17:02


"There is no scientific paper proving that HIV is a probable cause of AIDS. None."



11 Feb, 17:01


Je früher, desto besser

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08 Feb, 22:59

Half a billion dollars from USAID went to an NGO who interfered in Romanian elections.

Huge Soros network targeting children, conservatives and journalists in Romania, Poland, Slovenia, Hungary, Georgia.

They could be operating in your country using these projects.


08 Feb, 21:32

BREAKING: Eighteen state Attorneys General have launched an investigation into Dr. Fauci’s role in the COVID-19 response, condemning Biden’s blanket pardon as a disgraceful attempt to shield him from accountability—while hinting that prosecution is on the table.

➡️ @RealTimeDailyNews


08 Feb, 21:27

Cristian Botez: Disperare mare a Sistemului Soroșist contra Boicotului Național propus de Călin Georgescu pentru 10 februarie - Au scos și ultimul Hering din conserve


08 Feb, 21:27

Noua epidemie cu VSR - manipularea și dezinformarea au atins cote înalte


08 Feb, 21:27

USAID a finanțat peste 6.200 de jurnaliști din 707 agenții de presă și 279 de ONG-uri ”media”, inclusiv nouă din zece agenții de presă din Ucraina, alături de ”șoareci, șobolani și maimuțe transgender". Casa Albă: ”PRIORITĂȚI DEMENTE”


08 Feb, 21:25

🪦🇦🇺🏃‍♂Died Suddenly competing in triathlon


08 Feb, 21:23

Here’s a brilliant recap on most of the madness!


08 Feb, 21:20


Del gives updates on HHS confirmation hearings; Jefferey Jaxen Reports on the USAID fiasco, and the unprecedented attack on Farmers globally; Dr. Neu Breaks Down the Mawson Study, the MAHA Movement, and the coming MAPS conference for medical Professionals.

Guest: Dr. James Neuenschwander


08 Feb, 21:20

🇦🇺💉❗️Fremantle ratepayers please get in touch with councillors and ask them to support the motion put forward at Monday's electors meeting. Clip from Fremantle Herald #phm #dnacontamination


08 Feb, 21:16

Musk Says His DOGE Team Uncovered $100 BILLION in Medicare and Medicaid Waste After Gaining Access to the System

“This is where the big money fraud is happening.”

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08 Feb, 21:16

Elon Musk’s DOGE Team Enters Consumer Financial Protection Bureau

Staffers are “mad as hell.”

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08 Feb, 20:52

REPORT: A new peer-reviewed study finds COVID-vaccinated people are SICKER than their unvaccinated counterparts.

“Safe and effective.”

The study, based on a survey of over 1,000 people in Germany, found:

• 42% of vaccinated individuals needed a doctor’s visit, compared to just 30% of the unvaccinated.

• 30% of vaccinated respondents caught COVID-19, while only 23% of unvaccinated people did.

• 21% of vaccinated individuals reported muscle and joint problems, compared to 15% of the unvaccinated.

In other words, “Vaccinated individuals experienced a greater overall disease burden, with more doctor visits, higher rates of COVID-19 infections, and increased musculoskeletal issues compared to the unvaccinated.”

Epidemiologist @ NicHulscher reacted to the study, writing, “This isn’t surprising given the mechanism of action of COVID-19 mRNA injections (instructing cells in vital organ systems to produce toxic Spike protein).”

“This study adds to the large body of evidence supporting the immediate market withdrawal of COVID-19 ‘vaccines.’”

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08 Feb, 19:56


08 Feb, 19:56


08 Feb, 19:29

Western Australia Government Data


08 Feb, 19:29

@ChGefaell THREAD
Something dark is going on in Canada . .


08 Feb, 19:28

Look what they did to our antibodies

Our immune systems are supposed to fight viruses. Now they invite them round for tea. It's all down to IgG4...


08 Feb, 19:27

Protection from COVID reinfections plummeted from 80% to 5% with omicron 😂


08 Feb, 19:23


20 Nov, 05:57

Australian Outrage Mounts as Citizens Seek Answers Following Member of Parliament Russell Broadbent's Stunning DNA Contamination Address

"For the TGA to dismiss these concerns outright, without credible testing or scientific analysis, is a failure of the duty of the Australian people!"


20 Nov, 05:57

DNA Expert Warns of Mysterious New 'Turbo Cancer' Outbreak | Kevin McKernan


20 Nov, 05:30

Bill Gates funded newspaper admitting that the inheritance tax raid on farmers is a land grab, just like HS2 was a land grab and never about building a railway. See you at the Farmers protest today.


19 Nov, 22:54






19 Nov, 22:50

Today in London, farmers protested in their thousands. The government and their puppeteers want the land. But the land is for the people and the trusted custodians of that land are the farmers. Already there have been suicides, farmers taking their lives - prior to the IHT changes - to ensure the farms go to the family without having to sell the land to pay death duties. And what will the government spend the money on? More arms to Ukraine & Israel or bombing Yemen. We need farmers, not government. We need food, not wars. Paying tax is being complicit in the crimes of government. Fund farmers instead.


19 Nov, 22:18

Skewing The Safety Signals: Dr Jessica Rose Reveals All!

Adding mRNA to cat and dog vaccines? How much do we really know?


19 Nov, 21:29

Watch now as we count down to the launch of Starship's sixth flight test →


19 Nov, 21:25

💢 Klimakonferenz Baku:
Fleisch, Eier usw. sollen verboten werden

UN-Klimakonferenzen können nur erfolgreich sein, wenn die Abschlusserklärung den Ausstieg aus tierischem Eiweiß ... beinhaltet

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19 Nov, 21:25

Acum ne spun ce o sa mincam!👇👇👇


19 Nov, 21:15

"Bill Gates is funding all this and he is a well known eugenicist...if you put together the COVID-19 pandemic and the franken shots, the estimate I've seen now is maybe 20 million already dead. So that as I think Gates and some of these other people see it that's a good start."

Professor of international law Dr. Francis Boyle describes for Eddie Hobbs how he believes that the COVID injections—what he refers to as "franken shot" bioweapons—as well as the COVID-19 disease itself, constitute a depopulation agenda. Boyle notes that those behind the agenda likely include players like Bill Gates and the World Economic Forum.

"Bill Gates is funding all this and he is a well known eugenicist and has publicly stated the human population has to be reduced. And so, you know, if you put together the COVID-19 pandemic and the franken shots, the estimate I've seen now is maybe 20 million already dead," Boyle says. "So that, as I think Gates and some of these other people see it, that's a good start. The World Economic Forum, those types of people."

Boyle goes on to note:

"[Twenty] 20 million dead is a good start as they they see it. Plus, if you look at the demographics of, you know, who died, it is primarily senior citizen. And that then is economically beneficial. It wipes out Social Security pensions, Medicare, at least in this country, and things of that nature. So you no longer have to pay for these people...COVID-19, you know, I have figures here, but it is far more lethal the older you get. And it's literally, you know, wiping out senior citizen populations."

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15 Nov, 21:25



15 Nov, 16:50

BREAKING: Elon Musk is now following Alexander Soros, the son of George Soros, on X.

➡️ @RealTimeDailyNews


15 Nov, 16:05

RFK Jr outlines his plan to eliminate pharmaceutical ads on TV, ensure transparent access to federal health databases, and put an end to corrupt practices within the medical journal industry.

"I'm not intimidated by the agencies. I know how they work and how to change them, and most of those changes you do not need Congress for...

With a stroke of the pen, you can change back the rule that allows pharmaceutical advertisers to do direct-to-consumer ads on television...

I can open up all the databases... CDC keeps it in a lockbox like Fort Knox. Well, I'll open up that database on day one... I have 100 things that I'm going to do immediately to unravel the agency capture."


15 Nov, 16:05

“I think we’re on the cusp of, really, the beginning of uncovering what happened with COVID.”



15 Nov, 16:00

Yaaaaaay! 🤩🤩🤩


15 Nov, 15:58

🔴 La corrotta Von der Leyen, imperatrice europea senza voto di nessuno, premiava a settembre Teresa Ribera per l'eccellente lavoro che sicuramente avrà svolto collaborando alla distruzione assoluta dei dintorni di Valencia.

Tra i suoi meriti per l'incarico, Teresa è stata quella di aver distrutto alcune dighe - più della somma delle dighe distrutte dal resto dei paesi europei - anche di aver ignorato le richieste comunali di pulire i letti dei fiumi e dei burroni straripati.

In seguito si è preso la responsabilità di ritardare gli allarmi e di scomparire misteriosamente per un'intera settimana.

Ribera è in procinto di essere nominato vicepresidente della Commissione europea e commissario per la concorrenza e una transizione competitiva pulita ed equa.

Tre commissioni del Parlamento europeo ne stanno ora valutando i meriti.

Dal 25 al 28 novembre il gruppo del Parlamento europeo dovrà approvare la decisione di Von der Leyen.
I parlamentari non decidono nulla, si limitano ad approvare
Sapete già cosa ci aspetta!

📱 @canariasdyu

Ogni Stato europeo ha il suo politico corrotto servo di Bruxelles

Iscriviti ➡️ La Voce Libera


15 Nov, 15:36

At a meeting of cardiologists in Auckland, an attendee said the spike protein generated by the mRNA covid injections is a cardiotoxin. As a result, cardiology waiting rooms and hospital cardiac wards are full, especially with young patients, and the problem is not going away. It is getting worse.

Meanwhile, Health New Zealand is delaying the release of health data, citing patient confidentiality concerns.  And the New Zealand Medical Council continues to prosecute doctors who raise concerns about vaccine safety, creating a culture of fear among medical professionals.

Join 👉 @DrPaulMarik


15 Nov, 15:24

Nu de alta,dar ca să știm pe viitor de ce nu avem energie electrică,printre altele,Slava USR,Slava Ghinea, gibonul cu sandale din USR,artizanul și groparul României 🤮🤮🤮


15 Nov, 06:49

The propaganda machines are leaving X at an alarming rate.


15 Nov, 06:42

Sen. Rand Paul will take over the chairmanship of the upper chamber’s Homeland Security Committee starting in January after two years as the panel’s top Republican — and he’s told The Post he wants to uncover the truth about the COVID-19 pandemic.


15 Nov, 06:04

🤔The director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Dr. Mandy Cohen, expressed concern about Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s role in the next Trump administration, saying on Wednesday that if given wide sway over health matters, he might use his newfound power to spread misinformation and sow distrust.

Even if Mr. Kennedy is not appointed to a high-level position, such as secretary of health and human services, he appears likely to have a role at the White House. If so, he would “have a lot of influence in things,” Dr. Cohen said in an interview with The New York Times.

“Even without changing one regulation or one piece of guidance,” she said, “the sharing of misinformation from a place of power is concerning.”



15 Nov, 06:04


FDA employees are threatinlng to QUIT if RFK Jr. joins Trump’s administration.


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15 Nov, 05:54

Bobby congratulations!