🎊anime_/\_japanese:)song🏮 (@animejapanesesong) के नवीनतम पोस्ट टेलीग्राम पर

🎊anime_/\_japanese:)song🏮 टेलीग्राम पोस्ट

3,508 सदस्य
827 तस्वीरें
44 वीडियो
अंतिम अपडेट 07.03.2025 01:07

समान चैनल

Yamin Sensei ပညာဒါန
6,008 सदस्य
kuromi theme
3,988 सदस्य
Japanese songs🇯🇵
2,601 सदस्य

🎊anime_/\_japanese:)song🏮 द्वारा टेलीग्राम पर साझा की गई नवीनतम सामग्री


14 Aug, 05:38


Hi, today I want to tell you about DOGS.💗
The creation of the project communicates with the creators of notcoin, blum and telegram.👍
The bot rewards you for the age of your account.
You just need to run the bot and wait for the listing of this cryptocurrency.
It will be already on August 14, the birthday of telegram.💲
You can also perform tasks and invite friends to get more currency.🍀
On the exchange you can already sell 1000 $DOGS for 10$🦄

01 Aug, 09:22


Missed the success of NOTCOIN? That's okay, because there's a more worthy crypto project out there.💸
BLUM is creating a hybrid exchange. They have already received support from BINANCE LABS and many other projects.🤪
BLUM executives are former top managers of BINANCE, the biggest crypto exchange, they have already become the third channel in TELEGRAM.🤟
Now you can earn the future currency of this exchange by playing a telegram game.👍
Farm points in BLUM by simply picking up from once every 8 hours, doing tasks or getting them in the mini game, catching flowers. (I suggest picking up tickets every day, avoiding bombs, and getting started on TASKS right now)🔥🌳🕊️🐎
Participate in the development of cryptocurrency, have fun and earn money.🐺😌🐆