AS Admins' Shit Posts のテレグラム投稿

WARNING: AS Admin's personal space! Like a blog.
Expect funny, unfunny, dank, cringe, all sorts of opinions. If you get triggered quickly, don't join this channel.
This channel is Admins' frustration dump.
Don't expect credit, Allah knows it's Haram.
Expect funny, unfunny, dank, cringe, all sorts of opinions. If you get triggered quickly, don't join this channel.
This channel is Admins' frustration dump.
Don't expect credit, Allah knows it's Haram.
2,489 人の購読者
628 枚の写真
440 本の動画
最終更新日 06.03.2025 19:32

8,127 人の購読者

5,922 人の購読者

1,873 人の購読者
AS Admins' Shit Posts によってTelegramで共有された最新のコンテンツ
Thak gya hu Bhai zimmedariya uthate uthate