Analog Photography | плёнка のテレグラム投稿

Film photography channel, contact @earthmover
Фотографии на плёнку.
Sources: reddit, flickr
Фотографии на плёнку.
Sources: reddit, flickr
2,404 人の購読者
7,205 枚の写真
24 本の動画
最終更新日 10.03.2025 07:32
Analog Photography | плёнка によってTelegramで共有された最新のコンテンツ
Fuji Superia XTra 400, with Olympus XA (35mm, 1:2.8) source
Vapor Wave sky in this IR trichromy shot || Rollei IR 400 || Canon 1000n || 50mm f/1.8 source
Sayumi in Tokyo — Leica MP, 50 APO Summicron & Portra 800. source
One of these is a Fujifilm recipe for Portra 400, and one is actual Portra 400 (pushed one stop) source
Morning Scenes| Leica MP + Elmarit 28 | Portra 400 source
I found a Kodak Slide Tray with ~100 slides. Need help in tracking down whom it belongs to. source