Welcome to 'all u need is ur Lord' Telegram channel, where we aim to spread positivity, faith, and inspiration to all our followers. Our channel name reflects the belief that in life, all you truly need is your Lord to guide you and provide you with inner peace. Our goal is to create a community of individuals who share a deep spiritual connection and strive to strengthen their faith. Whether you are seeking daily reminders, motivational quotes, or spiritual guidance, 'all u need is ur Lord' is the perfect place for you. Join us on this journey towards enlightenment and let the light of your Lord shine upon you. May Jannatul Firdaus be written for us all 📩💌
20 Feb, 07:16
07 Oct, 17:55
02 Aug, 14:09
30 Jul, 06:17
29 Jul, 12:57
29 Jul, 12:56
29 Jul, 12:54
22 Jul, 16:36
22 Jul, 16:28
12 Jul, 12:39