Welcome to 'A Library' - the Telegram channel where you can discover a hidden collection of books they don't want you to read. Are you tired of mainstream literature and looking for something different, controversial, or thought-provoking? Then this is the channel for you! 'A Library' provides a curated selection of books that challenge the status quo, explore unconventional ideas, and expand your mind. From banned books to underground literature, you'll find a variety of reading materials that will spark discussions and inspire new perspectives. Join us at '@alillibrary' and unlock a world of hidden knowledge that is waiting to be explored. Expand your horizons, challenge conventional thinking, and dive into the depths of literature that will leave you questioning everything you thought you knew. Whether you're a book lover, a rebel at heart, or someone seeking to broaden your intellectual horizons, 'A Library' is the perfect place for you. Join us today and embark on a journey of discovery unlike any other.