🇾🇪🇵🇸الغالبون🇮🇷 is a Telegram channel that focuses on empowering individuals to stand up for their rights and defend themselves. The channel's title, written in Persian, symbolizes strength, unity, and resilience. The channel provides valuable content and resources to help individuals prepare and equip themselves with the necessary tools to face challenges head-on. From self-defense techniques to legal rights, the channel covers a wide range of topics to empower its members. The channel also emphasizes the importance of security and privacy, with activities being conducted in a private group to ensure confidentiality. Join the community at @algalibounbot for anonymous chats and stay tuned for time-limited content that will be deleted after a certain period. Thank you for your patience and collaboration in this empowering journey.
21 Nov, 20:31
21 Nov, 19:05
21 Nov, 16:10
21 Nov, 13:35
21 Nov, 12:00
21 Nov, 08:30
21 Nov, 06:30
20 Nov, 21:50
20 Nov, 20:30
20 Nov, 19:30
20 Nov, 18:51
20 Nov, 16:07
20 Nov, 13:51
20 Nov, 11:58