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منشورات ‎الأخوات - The Sisters على Telegram

‎الأخوات - The Sisters
Learning QUR'AN, SUNNAH, Way of the SALAF ...all by connecting with the SCHOLARS of Ahlus Sunnah wal Jama'ah
3,613 مشترك
5,928 صورة
547 فيديو
آخر تحديث 09.03.2025 02:49

أحدث المحتوى الذي تم مشاركته بواسطة ‎الأخوات - The Sisters على Telegram

‎الأخوات - The Sisters

14 Feb, 03:44


Ruling on Decorating Homes in Preparation for Ramadan

Placing decorations, lights and colors on homes, Ramadan lanterns, and other things are among the innovations that were introduced to the Muslims during the era of the Fatimids and those after them. There is no doubt that innovations are introduced by emotions.

The Prophet ﷺ entered Ramadan, and he was more eager to do good than we are. He did not decorate his house, he did not decorate his masjid, nor did he command this. The Companions did not do it, their followers did not do it, nor did the four Imams who were followed. Rather, I have not read this in the book of a recognized scholar among the scholars of this nation.

This is something attributed to Ramadan and to worship because it is linked to the month of worship. So it is included in the category of worship and not in the category of customs. Therefore, it is necessary for us to leave this matter and make ourselves aware of the approach of Ramadan by abundant fasting in Sha’ban, as the Prophet ﷺ did, and by pointing out these virtuous days and giving glad tidings about them when Ramadan comes and what they contain of good deeds, as the Prophet ﷺ did.

Prof. Dr. Sulayman ar-Ruhayli

‎الأخوات - The Sisters

13 Feb, 19:20


Good Character Starts at Home: Be Sweet Inside and Out—Don’t Be Like Honey Outside and Onion Inside!

Shaykh Sulayman Ar-Ruhayli حفظه الله
‎الأخوات - The Sisters

13 Feb, 17:51


📜 Sheikh Abu Zaid Zameer حفظه الله is video mein bayan karte hain ke asli ilm kya hai, kis se seekhna chahiye, aur bina ilm ke deen par baat karna kitna khatarnak ho sakta hai.

📉 Misinformation ke is dor mein asal ilm ko pehchaniye aur sirf waqia ulema se seekhne ki aadat dalain.

📹 Abhi Deklijiyay:
‎الأخوات - The Sisters

13 Feb, 14:02


The 15th of Sha'ban

Sh AbdulRazzaq Al Badr حَفِظَهُ اللّهُ

‎الأخوات - The Sisters

13 Feb, 14:02


📢 Get Ready for Ramadan with Ustadh Abdulrahman! 🕌

Join us for a Double Weekend Dawrah Ilmiyyah at Mirdif Grand Mosque, hosted by Dar Al Ber.

📖 Topics Covered:
🔹 Kitab al Siyam from Bulooghul Maram
🔹 Selected Quranic verses related to fasting

📅 Dates:
🗓️ 14, 15, 16 Feb (Fri-Sun)
🗓️ 21, 22, 23 Feb (Fri-Sun)
🕓 Time: From Asr to 10 PM

Free Entry | Open to All
🚗 Free Basement Parking

Don't miss this opportunity to gain authentic knowledge and spiritually prepare for Ramadan!

📍 Location: Mirdif Grand Mosque, Dubai

📲 Share with family & friends! See you there, In shaa Allah!
‎الأخوات - The Sisters

13 Feb, 04:33


Lecture by Sheikh Abdul Rahman Al-Sudais حفظه الله, warning against dedicating the night of 15 Sha'ban to extra worship/celebration‼️
‎الأخوات - The Sisters

13 Feb, 02:52


💎[From Allah’s Greatness is His Care for Us Despite Our Smallness in the Universe]

🖊️One of the Salaf said:

"سُبْحَانَ مَنْ لَا ‌يَمْنَعُهُ ‌عَظِيمُ ‌سُلْطَانِهِ أَنْ يَنْظُرَ فِي صَغِيرِ سُلْطَانِهِ."

"Glory be to the One whose immense dominion does not prevent Him from observing the small things in His dominion."

📚 See: Abū Nuʿaym al-Iṣbahānī. Ḥilyat al-Awliyāʾ wa-Ṭabaqāt al-Aṣfiyāʾ. 1st ed. Cairo: Maṭbaʿat al-Saʿādah, n.d. 10:10. Abū al-Shaykh al-Iṣbahānī, ʿAbd Allāh ibn Muḥammad. Al-ʿAẓamah. Edited by Riḍāʾ Allāh ibn Muḥammad Idrīs al-Mubārakfūrī. Riyadh: Dār al-ʿĀṣimah, n.d. 1:395, report no. 105.
‎الأخوات - The Sisters

12 Feb, 19:29


Shaykh ‘Abdur-Razzaaq ibn 'AbdulMuhsin al-Badr:

I remember once, Shaykh Muhammad Salih ibn Uthaymeen came to
Madinah to deliver a lecture in the Islamic University. So I was requested to introduce the Shaykh , and give an introduction for the lecture. So before the lecture I began to introduce the Shaykh. I said: “We gather on this good, blessed day, with the renowned Shaykh Al-Allamah…” Shaykh Uthaymeen said: “Be quiet!” He said this in front of those gathered. He said it in a loud voice such that I was not able to complete my statement. The Shaykh silenced me. May Allah have mercy upon him. I didn’t even know how to complete the introduction. And you can find this recorded on the tape. The Shaykh scolded me. He said: “Be quiet!” So I started again, and began to put some words together. I said, the Shaykh is with his students and his beloved. And the Shaykh started delivering his lecture. When the person is not pleased with praise and he does not accept it and he prevents it; it will not harm him. But if he is pleased with the praise, and he aspires for people to praise him; in this case it will harm him and destroy him. How many people have been destroyed and harmed by praise! We ask Allah to safeguard all of us.

‎الأخوات - The Sisters

12 Feb, 14:40


It is from the Sunnah for a teacher to say "Ahsant" (well done) to his student when he masters what he taught him
‎الأخوات - The Sisters

12 Feb, 12:12


Shaykh Sālih al-Fawzān حفظه الله stated:

"And some of the people say: 'I'll repent before death', so we say:

Do you know when you're going to die? You could die in an instance with no chance to repent, not knowing whether or not the tawbah was accepted because tawbah has its conditions."

Source: Explanation of at-Tahāwiyyah p. 87

وبعض الناس يقول: أتوب قبل الموت، فنقول له: وهل تدري متى تموت ؟ يمكن أن تموت في لحظة لا يمكن معها التوبة، ولا تدري هل التوبة
مقبولة أم لا؛ لأن التوبة لها شروط