Placing decorations, lights and colors on homes, Ramadan lanterns, and other things are among the innovations that were introduced to the Muslims during the era of the Fatimids and those after them. There is no doubt that innovations are introduced by emotions.
The Prophet ﷺ entered Ramadan, and he was more eager to do good than we are. He did not decorate his house, he did not decorate his masjid, nor did he command this. The Companions did not do it, their followers did not do it, nor did the four Imams who were followed. Rather, I have not read this in the book of a recognized scholar among the scholars of this nation.
This is something attributed to Ramadan and to worship because it is linked to the month of worship. So it is included in the category of worship and not in the category of customs. Therefore, it is necessary for us to leave this matter and make ourselves aware of the approach of Ramadan by abundant fasting in Sha’ban, as the Prophet ﷺ did, and by pointing out these virtuous days and giving glad tidings about them when Ramadan comes and what they contain of good deeds, as the Prophet ﷺ did.
Prof. Dr. Sulayman ar-Ruhayli