أحدث المنشورات من ‎الأخوات - The Sisters (@alakhawaatthesisters) على Telegram

منشورات ‎الأخوات - The Sisters على Telegram

‎الأخوات - The Sisters
Learning QUR'AN, SUNNAH, Way of the SALAF ...all by connecting with the SCHOLARS of Ahlus Sunnah wal Jama'ah
3,613 مشترك
5,928 صورة
547 فيديو
آخر تحديث 09.03.2025 02:49

قنوات مشابهة

Istighfar Alarm
6,793 مشترك
The Way Of Salafiyyah
6,340 مشترك

أحدث المحتوى الذي تم مشاركته بواسطة ‎الأخوات - The Sisters على Telegram

‎الأخوات - The Sisters

08 Mar, 01:31


‎الأخوات - The Sisters

07 Mar, 17:39


⚡️The forgotten Sunnah:

💠Making Du`aa in the Night Prayers:

1️⃣ When you hear/recite Aayaat that praise Allaah, then you should pause and glorify Allaah.

2️⃣ When you hear/recite the Aayat on Jannah, then you should pause and ask Allaah for it.

3️⃣ When you hear/recite the Aayaat on Jahannum, then you should pause and seek Allaah’s protection from it.


‎الأخوات - The Sisters

07 Mar, 17:32


‎الأخوات - The Sisters

07 Mar, 16:02


‎الأخوات - The Sisters

07 Mar, 15:15


Advice for Beginner Imams Leading Tarawih and Qiyam Prayers


It is essential to emphasize sincerity of intention and purpose, while being mindful of the ways in which Shaytān may encourage showing-off and self-admiration.


One must understand that leading the Muslims in prayer is both an honor from one perspective and a responsibility from another.


The imam must acquire proper knowledge of the rulings related to prayer and its method in accordance with the Sunnah. He should not step forward to lead the people unless he has studied these matters thoroughly so that he may lead them in the prayer of the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him.


He must have learned the proper recitation of the Qur’an from qualified teachers and be proficient in its recognized modes of recitation.


He should be cautious of common mistakes that disturb the worshippers, summarized as follows, with an emphasis on the most important ones:

Raising the voice excessively in recitation and takbir to the point that it becomes disruptive.

Lowering the voice too much in takbir, especially in sujud, making it difficult for people to hear the transition, particularly for women praying behind him.

Ensuring his takbirs align with his movements, rather than preceding them. It is incorrect to say takbir while still in sujud or ruku‘ and after completing them. Rather, the takbir should coincide with the movement, neither preceding nor following it. This helps inform the congregation that the transition has occurred in sync with the takbir.

Reciting correctly without imitating or forcing oneself to mimic a specific reciter unless the recitation itself is valid and well-established.

May Allah reward everyone with goodness.

Written by
Shaykh Abu Muhammad Salah Kantoosh al-‘Adani, may Allah protect and preserve him.
‎الأخوات - The Sisters

07 Mar, 13:34


👆🏽Authentic Morning and Evening Supplications and Remembrances for Every Muslim

📚 Free Book PDF in Arabic and English with Transliteration.

🏡 Share with friends and relatives.
‎الأخوات - The Sisters

07 Mar, 13:21


Ramadan aur Ehsan

Shaikh Zafar UI Hasan Madani حفظه الله

👆🏻Daily short reminders in Ramadan
‎الأخوات - The Sisters

07 Mar, 12:17


Which of those who fast are greatest in reward?
‎الأخوات - The Sisters

07 Mar, 01:26


12 Authentic Du’aas for Istighfaar (Seeking Forgiveness)

https://greatrewards.abdurrahman.org/2013/01/05/rewards-for-dhikr-chart-excellent-one/ - See Page 10.
‎الأخوات - The Sisters

06 Mar, 20:06


The Virtue of Reciting Qurʾān in the Nights of Ramaḍān
Imām Ibn Rajab