اعلانات وظائف - علاء أبونبعة @alaabunabaajobs Channel on Telegram

اعلانات وظائف - علاء أبونبعة


قناة مخصصة لإعلانات الوظائف التي تصلني بشكل شخصي من الجهات التي تبحث عن موظفين لوظائف شاغرة لديهم.

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علاء أبونبعة

اعلانات وظائف - علاء أبونبعة (Arabic)

تعتبر قناة 'اعلانات وظائف - علاء أبونبعة' على تطبيق تيليجرام واحدة من أفضل الوسائل للبحث عن فرص عمل جديدة في مختلف المجالات. يدير هذه القناة علاء أبونبعة، الذي يستقبل الإعلانات الوظيفية بشكل شخصي من الشركات والمؤسسات التي تبحث عن موظفين لشغل وظائفها الشاغرة. بفضل هذه القناة، يمكنك الحصول على فرص عمل مثيرة ومناسبة لمؤهلاتك وخبرتك. إذا كنت تبحث عن وظيفة جديدة أو ترغب في تغيير مسار حياتك المهني، فإن هذه القناة هي المكان المناسب لك. انضم إلينا اليوم ولا تفوت فرصة جديدة تنتظرك!

اعلانات وظائف - علاء أبونبعة

28 Jan, 05:48


اعلانات وظائف - علاء أبونبعة

07 Jan, 05:26

عرض وظيفي: مراجع داخلي
المسمى الوظيفي: مراجع داخلي
الشركة: شركة مساهمة مدرجة
الموقع: الرياض المملكة العربية السعودية
الخبرة المطلوبة: خبرة لا تقل عن سنتين

الوصف الوظيفي:

تعلن إحدى الشركات المساهمة المدرجة عن حاجتها إلى مراجع داخلي ذو خبرة متميزة في مجال التدقيق الداخلي، للمساهمة في تعزيز الضوابط الداخلية، إدارة المخاطر، وضمان الامتثال للمعايير المهنية واللوائح التنظيمية.

المهام والمسؤوليات:
1. إجراء عمليات التدقيق الداخلي: مراجعة العمليات المالية والإدارية للتأكد من الكفاءة والامتثال للقوانين واللوائح.
2. تقييم إدارة المخاطر: تحديد وتحليل المخاطر المتعلقة بالعمليات التشغيلية والمالية وتقديم توصيات لتحسينها.
3. إعداد تقارير التدقيق: تقديم تقارير تفصيلية توضح النتائج والتوصيات للإدارة التنفيذية ومجلس الإدارة.
4. مراقبة الالتزام: التأكد من تطبيق السياسات والإجراءات الداخلية وفقاً للمعايير المحلية والدولية.
5. المساهمة في تحسين العمليات: تقديم مقترحات لتحسين الكفاءة التشغيلية والرقابة الداخلية.
6. متابعة التوصيات: التأكد من تنفيذ التوصيات الخاصة بالتدقيق ومعالجة الثغرات المكتشفة.
7. الالتزام بالسرية: الحفاظ على سرية المعلومات والبيانات الحساسة المتعلقة بالشركة.

المؤهلات والمتطلبات:
1. درجة البكالوريوس في المحاسبة، المالية، أو أي تخصص ذي صلة.
2. خبرة عملية لا تقل عن سنتين في مجال التدقيق الداخلي، ويفضل في شركات مساهمة مدرجة.
3. معرفة متقدمة بمعايير التدقيق الداخلي (IIA) وقواعد حوكمة الشركات.
4. إلمام بالأنظمة المالية والتشريعات ذات الصلة بسوق الأسهم السعودي (مثل لوائح هيئة السوق المالية).
5. القدرة على التحليل الدقيق وحل المشكلات.
6. مهارات قوية في إعداد التقارير وتقديمها للإدارة العليا.
7. إجادة استخدام برامج التدقيق وأنظمة ERP، بالإضافة إلى مهارات ممتازة في Excel وPowerPoint.
8. إجادة اللغتين العربية والإنجليزية تحدثًا وكتابةً.

المزايا الوظيفية:
• راتب تنافسي يتماشى مع سوق العمل.
• تأمين طبي شامل للموظف وعائلته.
• بيئة عمل احترافية تدعم النمو والتطوير.

يرجى إرسال السيرة الذاتية مرفقة بخطاب تغطية إلى البريد الإلكتروني: [email protected] مع ذكر “مراجع داخلي” في عنوان الرسالة.

اعلانات وظائف - علاء أبونبعة

06 Jan, 18:18


اعلانات وظائف - علاء أبونبعة

06 Jan, 10:34


اعلانات وظائف - علاء أبونبعة

06 Jan, 10:33


اعلانات وظائف - علاء أبونبعة

07 Dec, 17:53

مطلوب خبير في الرقابة المالية Financial Control
للعمل لدينا لمشروع مدته 6 أشهر في دبي - الامارات
على أن يكون خبراتها العملية بحد 10 سنوات في المجال في دول الخليج
يرجى ارسال السيرة الذاتية على البريد الالكتروني:
[email protected]
او التواصل على الرقم:
+962 788723369

اعلانات وظائف - علاء أبونبعة

14 Nov, 09:32

مطلوب مدير مالي لمجمعات طبية في المناطق التالية:

خميس مشيط

خبره في اعداد التقارير المالية ومعرفة متقدمة بالإكسل وعرض البيانات المالية…

لا يتجاوز العمر ٤٥ سنة…

على من تتوفر فيه الشروط ارسال السيرة الذاتية من خلال الواتساب فقط ونامل عدم الاتصال…


اعلانات وظائف - علاء أبونبعة

18 Oct, 03:44

مساء الخير

شركة العطية والطريفي لتدقيق الحسابات والاستشارات الضريبية بحاجة الى مدقق داخلي عدد 2 للعمل في قطر :

أن يكون حاصل على مؤهل جامعي تخصص محاسبة أو مالية، أو مجال آخر ذات علاقة.
أن يكون حاصل على شهادة مهنية متخصصة في التدقيق، مثل CIA.
أن يكون لديه خبرة لا تقل عن 5 سنوات في مجال التدقيق الداخلي.
معرفة تامة بالمعايير العالمية للتدقيق الداخلي.
المعرفة بمبادئ المحاسبة والمحاسبة الإدارية والمعايير المحاسبية.
القدرة على تقييم وإدارة المخاطر.
القدرة والمعرفة على استخدام الحاسب الآلي وتطبيقاته ذات العلاقة.
إجادة اللغة العربية والإنجليزية تحدثًا وكتابةً.
مهارات الاتصال الفعال والعمل ضمن الفريق

للتواصل : [email protected]


اعلانات وظائف - علاء أبونبعة

16 Oct, 18:40

Job Title: Internal Audit Manager
Reporting Line: Board of Directors/ Audit Committee
Responsible for internal audit activities the position is established to ensure that policies and procedures are being followed consistently throughout the company in order to safeguard its assets, verify the accuracy and reliability of its accounting data, Asses the internal controls Structure, and promote adherence to the prescribed policies.
Accountability Objective:
As an Internal Audit Manager (IAM), the incumbent is accountable to the Board for evaluating Internal control Structure, governance, Risk Management, regulations implementation and preparing reports on compliance with established policies and procedures and making proper recommendations to management and Audit Committee.
Specific Accountabilities:
1.Planning the Internal Audit activities (Risk based) and annual work objectives:
• Develop/ revise the Internal Audit Policies and Procedures Manual;
• Develop a comprehensive internal audit program for the Company by preparing annual work plans and objectives for the Internal Audit Unit;
• Present new areas of risk and exposure for the company to the Board Committee;
• Present Annual plan to the Board for approval that includes the audit scope and time schedule of activities;
2.Organizing and Implementing:
• Perform financial, operational, and compliance audits in accordance with the internal audit program; This entails regular field visits to branches to conduct audit tests of controls according to the following:
- Execute detailed field audits including loan application and borrowers’ specific information audits;
- Assist the Operations Department in developing corrective action;
- Follow up to determine adequacy of corrective actions by loan officers, loan supervisors, and any of the operations team;
- Work with the BOD, General Manager and Senior Management to enhance oversight;
- Perform compliance Audit related to CBJ Regulations to ensure the proper Implementation of the instructions and regulations
• Manage and supervise any internal audit staff in conducting audit work;
• Review the company’s practices and records for compliance with established internal policies and procedures to ensure all areas of operational and other risks are continually reviewed and analyzed in the course of the internal audit exercise including:
- Determine if the system of authorization and recording procedures is adequate to provide reasonable internal control over assets, liabilities, income and expenses;
- Review cash control procedures and monitor safeguarding of assets;
- Determine that there is segregation of duties and dual control, as necessary;
- Review pertinent documents necessary to determine if an audit trail exists for all records and systems;
- Conduct investigations of irregularities discovered by or brought to the auditor’s attention;
- Investigate, as requested the Board, fraud, embezzlements, and defalcations within the company;
- Work in cooperation with law enforcement agencies in any such cases as deemed necessary;
3.Reporting and Communicating Audit Results:
• Oral communication and debriefing with Branch staff, including training for correct procedures;
• Periodically review and discuss audit findings and other matters at other such times as necessary;
• Develop recommendations for improving internal controls, operating efficiency and the adequacy of the company’s records and recordkeeping;
• Report audit findings and recommendations (financial and operational) to the board based on the results of regularly scheduled audits, non-scheduled audits, and at any time when issues need to be addressed by the board;
• Written and oral reporting to Vitas Jordan Board Committee.
4.Monitoring and follow up of audit recommendations:
• Monitor previous audit recommendations
• Conduct follow-up reviews of financial, operational, or regulatory compliance deficiencies noted during audits;
• Provide input to updated policies and procedures
• Follow up on Audit committee recommendations.

اعلانات وظائف - علاء أبونبعة

16 Oct, 18:40

• Follow up on CBJ report and new regulations.
• Follow up on External auditors’ report and recommendations.
5.Relationships with stakeholders:
• Manage communications with the Board Committee and other stakeholders: coordinate with the independent external auditors and all applicable regulatory agencies to best utilize available resources and achieve established objectives;
6.Perform other duties as required, consistent with the goals, objectives, and responsibilities of the position.
Internal Communication:
• Board of Directors;
• Direct and indirect contact with all departments of the company and its directors and employees;
External Communication:
• Contact with customers and key stakeholders;
Job qualifications:
Academic qualifications
• University degree in Accounting or Finance, preferably holds a CIA, CFE or any other Related designation;
Practical experience
• Minimum of 10 solid years of internal audit experience;
Professional/ Technical Know-How
• Thorough knowledge of account practices/procedures;
• Excellent skills as well as strong knowledge of audit techniques and standards;
• Broad audit experience and the ability to interact with management at all levels;
Corporate Know-How
• Thorough understanding of the company’s policies and procedures;
• Knowledge of the applicable Jordanian laws and regulations.
• Knowledge of the applicable CBJ regulations related to MFI’s
Interpersonal Skills
• Excellent oral and written communication skills both in Arabic and English languages;
• Excellent investigation skills;
• Demonstrated problem solving and decision-making skills;
• Display thoroughness and confidence.
• Organized team leader.
Please submit your resume to [email protected] with the subject line "Internal Audit Manager"

اعلانات وظائف - علاء أبونبعة

15 Oct, 06:44

*Internal Audit Manager Job Opportunity*

A reputable, listed group of companies operating in Real Estate, Construction, Manufacturing, Operational Maintenance, and Human Resources, based in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.

_Job Requirements_

• Must be of Arab nationality (Saudis preferred).
• Must have construction and/or manufacturing audit experience.
• Bachelor’s degree in Accounting or Engineering.
• 9-12 years of experience in internal or external audit.
• Strong verbal and written communication skills.
• Fluency in English.

_How to Apply_

If you meet the requirements, please send your CV to [email protected] with the subject line: IAM-1024.

اعلانات وظائف - علاء أبونبعة

13 Oct, 06:05

Job Title: Chief Legal Officer

Location: Qatar

About Us:
We are a leading holding group in Qatar that includes different industries mainly real estate, hotels and services . We are seeking a Chief Legal Officer to join our executive team.

Key Responsibilities:

• Oversee all legal matters related to real estate transactions, contracts, and compliance, risk mangemet, plos and M& A.

• Provide strategic legal advice to senior management and the board.

• Manage litigation and dispute resolution processes.

• Ensure compliance with local laws and regulations.


• Minimum 15 years of legal experience, preferably in real estate.

• Strong understanding of Qatari laws and regulations.

• Excellent negotiation and communication skills.

How to Apply:
Interested candidates should submit their resume and a cover letter outlining their qualifications to:
[email protected]

اعلانات وظائف - علاء أبونبعة

01 Oct, 03:49

Financial Controller / Finance Head

This position reports directly to the Finance VP.


- Bachelor’s degree in Finance, Accounting, or a related field; an advanced degree (e.g., CPA, CMA, ACCA) is a plus.
- Minimum of 5-7 years of experience in controlling, accounting, ideally with an auditing background, preferably in the healthcare industry.
- Strong knowledge of IFRS and local regulations, including VAT & Zakat.
- Advanced proficiency in Microsoft Office suite (Excel, Word, PowerPoint, Outlook, etc.).
- Bilingual in Arabic and English is preferred.
- Preferably (but not limited to) residing in Saudi Arabia and available to join on short notice.


- Lead, guide, and direct all accounts, ledgers, and reporting systems to ensure compliance with appropriate standards and regulatory requirements.
- Protect assets by establishing, monitoring, and enforcing internal controls.
- Consistently analyze financial data and prepare accurate financial reports in a timely manner.
- Establish and maintain relationships with patients and customers, providing effective solutions to resolve issues.


- Strong interpersonal, organizational, analytical, and leadership skills.
- Solid background in budgeting and financial management.
- Excellent verbal and written communication skills, including problem-solving abilities.

How to Apply:

Please send your CV to [[email protected]].

اعلانات وظائف - علاء أبونبعة

01 Oct, 03:48

Job Opportunity:
Chief Accountant Needed for a Leading Medical Group

We are seeking a highly skilled Chief Accountant with strong expertise in accounts receivable and revenue booking/management. The ideal candidate should have:

- Minimum of 5 years of relevant experience in accounts receivable and revenue accounting.
- Proficiency in IFRS 15(Revenue from Contracts with Customers) and IFRS 9 (Financial Instruments).
- Strong Excel skills and familiarity with Oracle.

We are looking for a detail-oriented professional capable of leading financial operations efficiently and effectively.

Kindly to share the resume to [[email protected]].

اعلانات وظائف - علاء أبونبعة

24 Sep, 07:02

فرصة وظيفية بمسمى مدير الإدارة القانونية والحوكمة وأمين سر مجلس الادارة..

‏الجهة: شركة مساهمة مدرجة
‏المدينة: الرياض
‏الخبرة: +4 سنوات
و يشترط للمرشحين ما يلي:
-سعودي الجنسية
-سبق له العمل في شركة مساهمة مدرجة
-خبرة في مجالس الإدارات ومتطلباتها
-‏خبره في إدارة الشركات والحوكمة
-بكالوريوس قانون
-شهادة افصاح (ifsah)

‏طريقة التقديم: ارسال CV لـ :
‏⁦ [email protected]

اعلانات وظائف - علاء أبونبعة

26 Aug, 10:16

• Superb computer skills, including database management
• Excellent analytical, problem-solving, and decision-making skills.
• Proficiency in best practices for testing, version control, and defect management.
• Ability to work collaboratively, exercising good judgment, decision-making, and problem-solving skills to achieve shared goals.

If you are interested in applying for this position, please send your resume and a cover letter to [email protected]. In the subject line of your email, please include the position title (e.g., " QUALITY ASSURANCE AND RISK OFFICER "). Ensure your resume is in PDF format and attached to the email.

اعلانات وظائف - علاء أبونبعة

26 Aug, 10:16

QUALITY ASSURANCE AND RISK OFFICER (Send Resume: [email protected])
About Us
At Stars Group, we are proud to be a leading player in the retail industry, representing renowned brands such as Skechers, Geox, Crocs, and Network. Established in 2002, our company has grown to employ over 120 dedicated professionals. We are constantly expanding our portfolio and are committed to acquiring additional top brands in the future.

Our culture
Our company culture at Stars Group is founded on creating a healthy work environment and investing in our employees. We are committed to providing continuous education and training to help our team members grow professionally. We also emphasize the importance of our employees being active participants in external communities, and we support community and ethical service initiatives. By fostering these values, we aim to develop a workplace where everyone can contribute meaningfully both within and outside the company.

Why Us
Stars Group offers a range of educational and developmental programs for our employees, ensuring continuous growth and skill enhancement. In addition to these valuable learning opportunities, we provide several benefits including comprehensive health insurance, annual bonuses, and recognition rewards for outstanding performance. We also offer competitive salaries that reflect your contributions and dedication. Join us to experience a supportive work environment where your professional development and well-being are our top priorities.

Job Role
We are seeking motivated and skilled individuals to join our team in various roles. As a member of Stars Group, you will be responsible for QUALITY ASSURANCE AND RISK OFFICER. This position requires a proactive approach and a commitment to excellence.

Job Summary
Compliance and Auditing:
• Conducting audits of company policies to ensure compliance with company standards.
• Monitoring employee performance to ensure compliance with policies and procedures.

Quality Control and Assurance:
• Outlines quality assurance procedures and policies.
• Updating and improving quality control procedures in response to changes in technology or industry standards.
• Reviewing reports generated by computerized equipment to identify defects or other problems that may affect product quality.
• Observing production processes to ensure they are being carried out correctly.
• Interpret, build upon, and comply with company quality assurance standards.
• Maintain complaint and nonconformance processing through records and tracking systems, including root-cause analysis and corrective actions.
• Document quality assurance activities with internal reporting and audits.
• Investigate reports of product quality issues and ensure resolution in accordance with company guidelines and regulatory requirements.
• Provide training and support to quality assurance team members that cover systems, policies, procedures, and core processes.
• Interpret and implement quality assurance standards and procedures.

Risk Management:
• Conduct risk assessment for proposed and existing products.
• Investigate root causes of risks and provide support to mitigate risks.
• Considering and suggesting methods to improve risk analysis and reporting to the Management.
• Monitor risk-management procedures, maintain problem logs, and report issues to managers and product developers.

• Other duties as assigned.

Bachelor’s degree (or equivalent) in relevant field

5 years plus total experience working in Risk Management and/or Compliance practices at a reputable institution/ organization.

Certification and Licensure
Professional certification, such as Six Sigma, CQE, or CQA
Job Specific Skills and Abilities
• Strong analytical, problem-solving and critical-thinking skills
• Attention to detail.
• Comprehensive knowledge of Enterprise Risk Management concepts.
• Excellent interpersonal skills and a strong customer service orientation.
• Deep knowledge of quality assurance terminology, methods, and tools.

اعلانات وظائف - علاء أبونبعة

26 Aug, 10:15

External Relations and Community Engagement:
• Effectively represent the company at various community, business, industry, and governmental meetings.
• Plan and coordinate public affairs and public relations efforts, including community outreach.
• Maintain relationships with advertising agencies, public relations firms, market research firms, and other service providers.
• Ensure all campaigns and content comply with the Marketing & Communications Strategy and the organization's overall Strategic Plan.
Upholding organization values, including responsible and responsive service.

Education • Bachelor’s degree (B.A., B.S.) in Marketing or equivalent in Business
Experience • 8+ years of experience as a Marketing and Sales professional/ 4+ in a Sales/Marketing manager position.
Job-Specific Skills and Abilities
• Leadership experience in marketing with a thorough knowledge of marketing principles, product or service management, sales, and business development, along with a demonstrated track record of success and performance.
• Experience developing and executing sales and marketing plans.
• Knowledgeable of web/e-marketing and social media best practices.
• Must have strong interpersonal skills, maturity, and good judgment and be capable of communicating with a diverse range of individuals.
• A hands-on, action-oriented approach that fits well with the entrepreneurial, fast-paced culture.
• Highly developed data skills - analysis, synthesis, reporting, and decision-making.
• Other duties as assigned.
• Proficient in financial analysis and establishing sales and marketing budgets and action plans.
• Experience developing and executing sales and marketing plans.

If you are interested in applying for this position, please send your resume and a cover letter to [email protected]. In the subject line of your email, please include the position title (e.g., " DIRECTOR OF SALES AND MARKETING "). Ensure your resume is in PDF format and attached to the email.

اعلانات وظائف - علاء أبونبعة

26 Aug, 10:15

DIRECTOR OF SALES AND MARKETING (Send Resume: [email protected])
About Us
At Stars Group, we are proud to be a leading player in the retail industry, representing renowned brands such as Skechers, Geox, Crocs, and Network. Established in 2002, our company has grown to employ over 120 dedicated professionals. We are constantly expanding our portfolio and are committed to acquiring additional top brands in the future.

Our culture
Our company culture at Stars Group is founded on creating a healthy work environment and investing in our employees. We are committed to providing continuous education and training to help our team members grow professionally. We also emphasize the importance of our employees being active participants in external communities, and we support community and ethical service initiatives. By fostering these values, we aim to develop a workplace where everyone can contribute meaningfully both within and outside the company.

Why Us
Stars Group offers a range of educational and developmental programs for our employees, ensuring continuous growth and skill enhancement. In addition to these valuable learning opportunities, we provide several benefits including comprehensive health insurance, annual bonuses, and recognition rewards for outstanding performance. We also offer competitive salaries that reflect your contributions and dedication. Join us to experience a supportive work environment where your professional development and well-being are our top priorities.

Job Role
We are seeking motivated and skilled individuals to join our team in various roles. As a member of Stars Group, you will be responsible for DIRECTOR OF SALES AND MARKETING. This position requires a proactive approach and a commitment to excellence.

Job Summary
Marketing Strategy and Planning:
• Manage and give direction to the marketing and sales departments/teams.
• Lead the process for continuous evaluation of trends in the marketplace.
• Developing annual marketing strategies and plans
• Consistently improve the impact of tactical marketing materials and strategies.
• Developing, implementing, and maintaining sales and marketing tactics.
• Establish clear sales metrics and benchmarks.
• Collaborate with strategic partners and clients for market research.
• Understand company objectives, conduct market research.
• Evaluate new product viability and marketability.
• Developing and conducting sales campaigns, marketing, and promotional plans.
• Determining the KPIs and the OKRs of the marketing department.
• Coordination of all marketing materials and brand marketing plans.
Sales and Revenue Management:
• Maintaining and growing the company's sales pipeline.
• Forecasting sales and revenue.
• Developing and implementing pricing and customer service policies.
• Provide recommendations for improving products and services.
• Develop unique sales plans to ensure that the company's products and services are appropriate for marketing. Manage all social media accounts for the company.
• Manage and give direction to the marketing and sales departments/teams.
Market Research and Analysis:
• Conduct appropriate market research including competitor analysis.
• Oversee the creation and execution of effective marketing campaigns to enhance brand visibility and market penetration.
• Lead, motivate, and manage the sales
• Ensure systematic collection, review, and analysis of market information.
• Conduct general market research to keep abreast of trends and competitor's marketing movements; Control budgets and allocate resources amongst projects
Advertising and Promotion:
• Identify suitable print/digital advertising opportunities and negotiate space.
• Execute and manage social media campaigns.
• Design ads in liaison with an external graphic design consultant.
• Develop and implement effective PR initiatives.
Budget Management:
• Develop and manage marketing budgets.
• Control budgets and allocate resources amongst projects
• Oversee the development and management of internal operating budgets.

اعلانات وظائف - علاء أبونبعة

26 Aug, 10:15

التالي من الوظائف بإحدى الشركات التجارية الأردنية👇👇👇👇:

اعلانات وظائف - علاء أبونبعة

21 Jul, 18:58

شركة سعودية مقرها الرياض بحاجة للوظائف التالية…ويشترط في المتقدمين التواجد بالسعودية… (الأولوية للسعوديين)…
ترسل السير الذاتية للايميل التالي قبل نهاية يوم 25 يوليو 2024:
[email protected]

اعلانات وظائف - علاء أبونبعة

19 Jul, 00:55

KPMG in Kuwait is recruiting individuals across various sectors and job roles. To apply for the relevant position, visit the link below.


اعلانات وظائف - علاء أبونبعة

17 Jul, 06:13

شركة استثمارية في قطر تبحث عن مدير تدقيق داخلي، وفقا للشروط التالية:
- خبرة اكثر من عشر سنوات في التدقيق الداخلي في المؤسسات المالية.
- إجادة اللغة الإنجليزية.
- يفضل حملة الشهادات المهنية.

الرجاء ارسال السيرة الذاتية إلى الايميل التالي قبل نهاية يوم 18 يوليو 2024:
[email protected]

اعلانات وظائف - علاء أبونبعة

24 Jun, 14:04

مطلوب مدقق داخلي للعمل لدى شركة مساهمة عامة بوظيفة مسؤول التدقيق الداخلي…
على أن يكون خبرته بحد ادنى عشر سنوات في مجال التدقيق الداخلي للقطاع التجاري…
يرجى ارسال السيرة الذاتية على البريد الالكتروني: [email protected]

اعلانات وظائف - علاء أبونبعة

13 Jun, 11:36

نبحث عن مدققين داخليين (Seniors) ذوي خبرة في مجال تدقيق شركات التكنولوجيا المالية للانضمام إلى فريقنا في دبي. يستحب أن يكون المرشح حاصلاً على شهادة المدقق الداخلي المعتمد (CIA) ولديه خبرة في العمل والتدقيق العملياتي والمالي في شركات الدفع الرقمي، المحافظ الإلكترونية أو الشركات العاملة في مجال التكنولوجيا المالية.

إذا كنت مهتمًا بالانضمام إلينا، يرجى إرسال سيرتك الذاتية إلى [email protected].