Welcome to the Telegram channel "ثـقـافـة الانـتـظـار"! This channel, managed by the user @aguvi, is dedicated to promoting a culture of patience and positivity. In a world where everything moves fast and instant gratification is sought after, this channel aims to remind its members of the importance of patience and waiting for the right things to come their way. The channel's title, which translates to "Culture of Waiting" in English, reflects the message it wants to convey. It encourages followers to trust the process, have faith in the timing of events, and remain hopeful while waiting for their desires to manifest. The channel is a space for discussions, reflections, and shared experiences related to the virtue of patience. Members are encouraged to share their stories of waiting, challenges they have faced, and how patience has ultimately rewarded them in the end. Inspirational quotes, stories, and articles are also shared regularly to keep the community motivated and inspired on their journey towards cultivating a culture of waiting. Join "ثـقـافـة الانـتـظـار" today and be a part of a community that values patience, resilience, and optimism. Together, let's strive for a better future guided by the teachings of our beloved Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him. Spread positivity, embrace the wait, and trust that everything will fall into place at the right time. 💚💛🤍
15 Feb, 22:15
12 Feb, 17:52
12 Feb, 17:50
09 Feb, 14:22
07 Feb, 19:07
05 Feb, 16:13
04 Feb, 16:05
04 Feb, 10:03
04 Feb, 09:59
04 Feb, 09:59
03 Feb, 18:52
03 Feb, 17:33
03 Feb, 17:01
03 Feb, 01:55
03 Feb, 01:10
03 Feb, 00:16
02 Feb, 22:59
27 Jan, 07:55
25 Jan, 21:29
22 Jan, 18:07
21 Jan, 16:38
19 Jan, 01:09
19 Jan, 01:08
19 Jan, 00:16
17 Jan, 16:10
17 Jan, 10:39
15 Jan, 22:38
15 Jan, 22:34
15 Jan, 22:33
15 Jan, 22:31
15 Jan, 18:58
14 Jan, 16:12
14 Jan, 02:36
11 Jan, 18:54
11 Jan, 07:46
11 Jan, 07:10
10 Jan, 22:01
10 Jan, 16:47
10 Jan, 03:22
10 Jan, 01:43
09 Jan, 11:21
08 Jan, 18:29
07 Jan, 12:19
06 Jan, 22:52
06 Jan, 22:52
06 Jan, 22:51
06 Jan, 19:16
05 Jan, 12:44
03 Jan, 18:11
02 Jan, 17:49
02 Jan, 17:35
01 Jan, 19:49
31 Dec, 13:31
31 Dec, 11:20
29 Dec, 19:02
26 Dec, 21:03
24 Dec, 16:57
21 Dec, 18:21
20 Dec, 13:13
19 Dec, 17:41
17 Dec, 20:07
14 Dec, 19:38
11 Dec, 18:18
10 Dec, 16:58
09 Dec, 18:34
08 Dec, 17:24
07 Dec, 16:58
07 Dec, 16:57
07 Dec, 16:57
06 Dec, 09:56
06 Dec, 09:49
04 Dec, 14:57
03 Dec, 12:07
29 Nov, 15:07
26 Nov, 12:36
23 Nov, 18:32
21 Nov, 19:08
19 Nov, 19:45
19 Nov, 03:23
18 Nov, 19:17
15 Nov, 11:43
14 Nov, 18:05
14 Nov, 14:49
13 Nov, 18:31
13 Nov, 15:20
13 Nov, 14:34
12 Nov, 11:04
10 Nov, 17:21
10 Nov, 16:10
10 Nov, 12:17
09 Nov, 12:17
08 Nov, 21:01
08 Nov, 17:31
08 Nov, 16:10
08 Nov, 11:05
08 Nov, 10:53
06 Nov, 17:15
05 Nov, 09:23
03 Nov, 09:34
30 Oct, 17:42
29 Oct, 19:10
28 Oct, 13:03
27 Oct, 12:03
26 Oct, 15:41
26 Oct, 07:35
26 Oct, 07:10
24 Oct, 15:45
23 Oct, 10:26
21 Oct, 03:18
20 Oct, 12:42
18 Oct, 14:26
17 Oct, 12:15
16 Oct, 17:41
14 Oct, 12:50
12 Oct, 14:33
11 Oct, 18:44
10 Oct, 14:17
10 Oct, 07:59
10 Oct, 07:41
09 Oct, 11:22
09 Oct, 09:31
07 Oct, 14:33
07 Oct, 10:26
06 Oct, 13:25
05 Oct, 13:45
04 Oct, 11:04
02 Oct, 18:16