کانال Adventist information አድቬንቲስት መረጃ @adventistethio در تلگرام

Adventist information አድቬንቲስት መረጃ

Adventist information አድቬንቲስት መረጃ
ሰላም ለሁላችሁም! የዚህ ቻናል አላማው ለ7ተኛ ቀን አድቬንቲስት አባላት ብቻ ሳይሆን ለሁሉም ሰው የሚሆን መንፈሳዊ መልዕክቶችን ማካፈል። የ7ተኛ ቀን አድቬንቲስት አለም አቀፋዊ እና ሀገር አቀፋዊ መረጃዎችን እንዲሁም ሌሎች ጠቃሚ መረጃዎች ከታማኝ ምንጮች በማረጋገጥ ማድረስ ነው።
የቻናሉ መቀላቀያ @AdventistEthio ለጥያቄ እና ለጥቆማ @metagesy
1,953 مشترک
1,224 عکس
16 ویدیو
آخرین به‌روزرسانی 09.03.2025 15:47

کانال‌های مشابه

From Ebba T
3,469 مشترک
Clash Of Minds
1,751 مشترک

The Role and Impact of the Seventh-day Adventist Church

The Seventh-day Adventist Church is a Protestant Christian denomination that emerged in the United States in the 19th century, characterized by its observance of Saturday as the Sabbath and its emphasis on health and education. Rooted in the Millerite movement, the church was formally established in 1863 and has since grown into a global community with millions of members worldwide. The church emphasizes the importance of personal spirituality, community service, and adherence to biblical teachings. In Ethiopia, the Adventist community has made significant contributions to the social fabric through health initiatives, educational programs, and humanitarian aid, making it a vital part of the country's religious landscape. The channel 'Adventist Ethio' serves as a resource for spiritual messages, educational materials, and updates for both Adventists and the general public, aiming to foster understanding and community engagement.

What are the fundamental beliefs of the Seventh-day Adventist Church?

The Seventh-day Adventist Church is founded on several key beliefs, including the doctrines of salvation through faith in Jesus Christ, the authority of the Bible, and the importance of the Sabbath. Members observe Saturday, the seventh day of the week, as a day of rest and worship, a practice they believe is rooted in the Fourth Commandment. Additionally, the church holds a holistic view of health, promoting a vegetarian diet and abstinence from alcohol and tobacco, which they see as integral to spiritual health.

Another significant belief is in the imminent return of Jesus Christ, which shapes the church's mission and evangelism efforts. Adventists stress the importance of living in accordance with God’s commandments and preparing for His second coming through lifestyle choices and community service. They also believe in the investigative judgment, a unique doctrine that describes a heavenly judgment process that began in 1844, which Adventists believe is essential to the understanding of salvation.

How does the Seventh-day Adventist Church contribute to health and education?

The Seventh-day Adventist Church places a strong emphasis on health and wellness, which is evident through the establishment of numerous health facilities and initiatives worldwide. Adventist institutions often promote a holistic approach to health, integrating physical, mental, and spiritual care. Their famous health message encourages members and the wider community to adopt a balanced lifestyle, which includes a plant-based diet, regular exercise, and mental care. This approach has led to a significant body of research supporting the link between lifestyle choices and health outcomes, particularly among Adventist populations.

Moreover, the church operates extensive educational systems, including schools, colleges, and universities that provide quality education grounded in Christian values. Adventist education emphasizes character development and service to others, preparing students not only academically but also morally and spiritually. In Ethiopia, these educational initiatives are vital, offering opportunities for students from various backgrounds to receive quality education that might not otherwise be available.

What social services does the Seventh-day Adventist Church provide?

In addition to health and education, the Seventh-day Adventist Church actively engages in various social services aimed at improving community welfare. This includes disaster relief efforts, humanitarian aid, and community development projects. The church’s global network enables it to mobilize quickly during crises, providing food, shelter, and medical assistance to those affected by natural disasters or conflict. In Ethiopia, local church members often lead initiatives to support their communities through food distribution and health education.

The church also focuses on empowering local communities by promoting sustainable development initiatives. Projects may include agricultural training, clean water access, and vocational training programs that equip individuals with skills necessary for self-sufficiency. Through these efforts, the church aims to uplift people materially and spiritually, reinforcing their commitment to service and compassion.

What is the significance of the Sabbath for Seventh-day Adventists?

The Sabbath holds a central place in the beliefs and practices of Seventh-day Adventists, symbolizing rest, spiritual renewal, and connection with God. Observed from Friday sunset to Saturday sunset, the Sabbath is seen as a divine commandment and a time to disengage from worldly activities and focus on worship and community. Adventists often gather for worship services, Bible study, and fellowship during this time, making it a cornerstone of their spiritual life.

Additionally, the Sabbath serves as a reminder of God’s creation and a sign of the covenant between God and humanity. It provides an opportunity for believers to reflect on their relationship with God, participate in acts of kindness, and engage in family and community activities, reinforcing the church's emphasis on community and spiritual fellowship.

How can individuals get involved with the Seventh-day Adventist community?

Individuals interested in getting involved with the Seventh-day Adventist community can start by attending a local church service. Many churches have programs designed for newcomers, including Bible studies, social gatherings, and community outreach events. The welcoming nature of the community often encourages participation and fosters relationships among members and visitors alike.

Moreover, the church frequently provides opportunities for volunteering in various capacities, whether through health programs, educational initiatives, or community service projects. Engaging in these activities is a great way for individuals to contribute to meaningful causes while building connections within the community.

کانال تلگرام Adventist information አድቬንቲስት መረጃ

አድቬንቲስት መረጃ በአዲስ የሚወዷቸው መንገዶችን እና ምኞችን ለማክበር እና ለመረጃዎች የሚላከው የተለያዩ መንገዶችን ማሳይ አለበት። የሚወዷቸው መንገዶችን እና መረጃዎችን ይዘጋባል እና በእንግዶች በእጁ ሲመጡ እንቀመጣለን። እንደገና ይህ አድቬንቲስት መረጃ መጠን በሚለው በአንድ ስብሰባ የሚሰጥ የአድቬንቲስት መረጃ በተጠቃሚ መረጃዎች በመንገረጽ እና በተጠየቁ መንገዶች, አድቬንቲስት አለም አቀፋዊ እና ሀገር አቀፋዊ መረጃዎችንና መረጃዎችን በመጠን ላይ ማግኘት እና ማጣሪያ ይችላሉ። በቻናሉ አድቬንቲስት መረጃ @AdventistEthio የቻናሉ መቀላቀያ ስለ ጥያቄና ስለ ጥቆማ መጠን ለመረጃ ብቻ መስራት እና መመልከቱ ይከላከላል። በቻናሉ አድቬንቲስት መረጃ የቻናሉ መግለጫ የመሪ ሂደቱ እና የአዳዲስ በዓል ለምሳሌት መተዳደሪያ ይፋ ሆኖ ተከለከለ።

آخرین پست‌های Adventist information አድቬንቲስት መረጃ

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ነገ የአምልኮ ቀጠሯችን ቃሊቲ አድቬንቲስት ቤተ-ክርስቲያን ነው፡፡

ፕሮግራሙ ሙሉ ቀን ነው፡፡ ካልቻላችሁ ግን ከ 8 ጀምሮ ያለው በፍፁም እንዳያመልጣችሁ፡፡

የመታደስ እና የመባረክ እንዲሁም የመነቃቃት ቀን ይሆንልናል፡፡

ስነ - ፅሁፍ በተለየ ሁኔታ ተሰናድቷል፡፡

ቃሊቲ 🧎‍♀‍➡️🧎‍➡️
worship day.

07 Mar, 04:28
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ስምዎ ተፅፏል????

የሰባተኛ ቀን አድቬንቲስት ቤተ-ክርስቲያን የምስራቃዊው ኢትዮጲያ ዪኒየን ሚሽን ዋናው መስሪያ ቤት ሁለገብ ህንፃ

የዚህ ታሪካዊ ህንፃ አሻራ በእጅዎ ነው፡፡
እውቀት ያለህ በእውቀትህ, ገንዘብ ያለህ በገንዘብህ እንዳለው ንጉሱ ሁላችንም በዚህ ህንፃ ላይ ስማችንን ማፃፍ እንችላለንን፡፡
ሲለግሱ ከላይ ባሉት የባንክ አካውንቶች ወይም በቤተ-ክርስቲያን ባሉት አገልጋዮች በኩል ማድረስ ይችላሉ፡፡
እስከ ግንቦት የስራውን 45% መድረስ ግድ ነው ተብሏል፡፡
ይህ ህንፃ እኔንና እናንተን ይጠብቃል፡፡
አዎ ስሜ ተፅፏል?
ስምዎ ተፅፏል?
የሰማይ አምላክ ያከናውንልናል፥ እኛም ባሪያዎቹ ተነሥተን እንሠራለን፤ እናንተ ግን በኢየሩሳሌም እድል ፈንታና መብት መታሰቢያም የላችሁም አልኋቸው።

መጽሐፈ ነህምያ 2:20

ይህን መረጃ አሁኑኑ ለሌሎች ያጋሩ፡፡


02 Mar, 16:31
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ስለ ሰባተኛ ቀን አድቬንቲስት ቤተ-እምነት ምን ማወቅ ይፈልጋሉ??
ከሌሎች እምነቶች ጋር አንድ የሚያደርጋቸውን እና አስተምሮተ ልዩነታቸውን?
ከብዙ በጥቂቱ አመሰራረቱን በተመለከተ ከአንድ መረጃ እናጋራችሁ፡፡


28 Feb, 10:48
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ታላቁ ተጋድሎ_ታላቅ ኃይማኖታዊ መነቃቃት_A Great Religious Awakening ምዕራፍ 20


28 Feb, 06:21