لكن تاخد بالك انها short term لانها غالبا داخلة تعالج جزئية زي المغص وان كان بتقليلها لحركة الامعاء فبتقلل الاسهال
مشكلة الanticholinergic effect بقى معاهم باستثناء الpeppermint oil يعني بتبقى مقرفة نظرا لاعراضها الجانبية
** loperamide
الباشا ده طبعا معروف انه بيوقف الاسهال بقوة لكنه ممنوع مع الاطفال ومع الاسهال المصاحب بسخونة لاحتمالية العدوى وهو طبعا شغله local حتى وان كان من الopioids لكنه لا يُمتص
** Tricyclic antidepressant ( TCA ) Ex amitriptylline , nortriptylline , imipramine
طبعا دول هيشتغلوا على الpain وعلى الglobal symptoms بشكل عام ولاي نوع قولون مش شرط IBS-D
ولكن يعيبهم التعود والاعراض الجانبية الخطيرة جدا لك ان تتخيل ان الادوية دي ليها cardiotoxic effect وليها anticholinergic effect , anti histamine effects كمان
فهي ليها من الاخر narrow therapeutic index لكنها فعالة ولا تصلح الا تحت استشارة طبية
نقطة مهمة هي بتقلل حركة الامعاء فنتوقع انها تحسن جدا من قولون الاسهال لكنها قد تسوأ من عرض الامساك مع قولون الامساك لكنها بتقلل باقي الاعراض بشكل ملحوظ
واحد يقولي ما نستبعدها بقرفها ونحط بدالها SSRIs ?
هقوله جميل وكانت محطوطة في الجيدلاين بالفعل لكن حاليا قالك الداتا عن الSSRIs ما بقيتش قوية زي TCA
ولكنها لا تزال ينفع نستخدمها مع مريض اكتئاب بالفعل ومصاحبه قولون فهنا هنضرب عصفورين مع بعض
** Alosetron
الدوا ده من أبو آخر في وقف الاسهال في حالة انعدمت السبل هو serotonin antagonist في الGIT فهو واخد ابروف في قصة IBS -D
** Eluxadolin
ده شبيه للopioids برضه شغال على myu receptors في الامعاء فيقلل من حركة الامعاء فيقلل من الاسهال
B) IBS - C
** Laxatives
طالما قولنا امساك يبقى ندي مُلينات وافضلهم هنا Psyllium او calcium polycarbophil وان كان الPsyllium ثابت كفاءة هنا
ولكنه قالك avoid stimulant Laxatives وده ببساطة لانها ممكن تزود من الabdominal pain وهو مش ناقص
** lubipristone
بص هو واحد ابروف للIBS - C للسيدات اكبر من ١٨ سنة شغله بسيط بيزود الchloride channel فهيزود الmotility فهيحسن الامساك ده من الاخر
** Linaclotide
ده بيزود الfluid secretions بالتالي هيحسن الامساك
اللي فوق ده هتلاقي فيهم ادوية واخدة ابروف ومش منتشرة اصلا فكك منها انا بحاول بس احط الموضوع اقرب للتكامل لربما تقراها فيما بعد فما تستغربش
هيتبفى عندنا نعرف دور اتنين
فاكر حوار الباكتيريا النافعة ونقص التوازن اللي ممكن يسبب قولون ده فقالك هنا انها بتحسن الglobal symptoms بتاعت ibs بشكل عام فتتحط عادي
ناس تقولك ندي SHORT COURSE من المضادات التي لا تمتص ينضف الليلة قوله الجيدلاينز قالت الRifaximin ينفع لمدة ١٤ يوم لحالات الIBS- D ولكن خليها مع الطبيب أفضل لاني مش مقتنع بالجزئية دي الصراحة رغم وجودها بالجيدلاينز لكنه مش قرآن يعني 😀
Real Pharmacist ( Collections )
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The Role of Pharmacists in Modern Healthcare
Pharmacists play an indispensable role in the healthcare system, serving as vital links between patients, healthcare providers, and medications. As experts in medicines and pharmaceutical care, they are not just dispensers of drugs; they are healthcare professionals who contribute significantly to patient safety and health outcomes. The evolution of pharmacy practice over the years has seen pharmacists transition from traditional roles focused on dispensing medications to more patient-centered approaches that involve medication management, counseling, and health education. With the ever-increasing complexity of medications and treatment regimens, the role of pharmacists has become more prominent and necessary than ever before. Pharmacists are now found in a variety of settings, including community pharmacies, hospitals, long-term care facilities, and even in clinical roles within patient care teams. This article will explore the multifaceted responsibilities of pharmacists, their significance in improving patient outcomes, and address common questions related to their profession.
What are the primary responsibilities of a pharmacist?
Pharmacists have several key responsibilities that extend beyond simply dispensing medications. Their primary duties include reviewing and verifying prescriptions, providing drug information to healthcare professionals, and counseling patients on the proper use of medications. They ensure that medications are dispensed accurately and safely, taking into consideration drug interactions, allergies, and patient health conditions. Additionally, pharmacists are involved in compounding medications and managing inventory to ensure that the pharmacy is stocked with necessary drugs.
Another significant aspect of a pharmacist's role is patient education. Pharmacists provide counseling on the importance of adherence to prescribed therapies and help patients understand potential side effects and interactions of their medications. They also play a critical role in immunizations, health screenings, and chronic disease management, helping to optimize therapeutic outcomes and enhance patient health.
How have pharmacists contributed to patient safety?
Pharmacists are crucial in ensuring patient safety through their expertise in medication management. They conduct thorough medication reviews to identify potential drug interactions, duplications, or contraindications. By catching these issues before they affect patients, pharmacists serve as a safety net in the healthcare system. Their involvement in medication reconciliation, especially during transitions of care, further minimizes the risks of adverse drug events, ensuring continuity of care.
Moreover, pharmacists participate in adverse drug reaction monitoring and reporting, which contributes to a broader understanding of medication safety. They educate patients about the safe use of medications, emphasizing the importance of following dosing instructions and being aware of side effects. This proactive approach to medication safety is essential in reducing hospital readmissions and improving overall health outcomes.
What is the educational path to becoming a pharmacist?
To become a pharmacist, individuals typically need to complete a Doctor of Pharmacy (Pharm.D.) degree, which generally requires at least two years of undergraduate study followed by four academic years in pharmacy school. The curriculum covers various subjects, including pharmacology, medicinal chemistry, pharmaceutics, and clinical pharmacy practice. In addition to classroom learning, pharmacy students gain hands-on experience through internships and rotations in different pharmacy settings.
After earning a Pharm.D. degree, graduates must pass the North American Pharmacist Licensure Examination (NAPLEX) and may also need to pass a state-specific exam to obtain their license. Continuing education is essential for pharmacists, as they must stay current with evolving medication therapies and healthcare practices. Many pharmacists also pursue additional certifications in specialized areas of practice, enhancing their qualifications and ability to provide specialized care.
In what settings can pharmacists work?
Pharmacists can be found in a variety of settings, each offering unique opportunities to impact patient care. Community pharmacies, such as those found in grocery stores or drugstores, allow pharmacists to interact directly with patients, provide medication counseling, and administer immunizations. Hospital pharmacists work closely with healthcare teams to manage medication therapies for hospitalized patients, participate in clinical rounds, and ensure safe medication practices within the institution.
Other work environments include long-term care facilities, where pharmacists manage the medication needs of residents, and pharmaceutical industry roles focused on drug development and regulatory affairs. Additionally, pharmacists may work in academia, conducting research and training future pharmacists, or in government and public health settings, where they can influence healthcare policies and practices.
What is the future of pharmacy practice?
The future of pharmacy practice is likely to be shaped by technological advancements and an increased emphasis on patient-centered care. The integration of telepharmacy and digital health technologies allows pharmacists to provide care remotely and manage patients’ medication therapies more effectively. As healthcare evolves, pharmacists will continue to play essential roles in interdisciplinary teams, focusing on collaborative care that prioritizes patient health outcomes.
Furthermore, as the healthcare landscape shifts towards value-based care, pharmacists will be increasingly recognized for their contributions to improving medication adherence and optimizing therapeutic outcomes. The expansion of pharmacist roles in preventive health, chronic disease management, and public health initiatives will likely continue, making pharmacists vital players in the healthcare system of the future.
Real Pharmacist ( Collections ) Telegram Channel
Are you interested in learning more about pharmacy and medications from a real pharmacist? Look no further than the Telegram channel 'Real Pharmacist ( Collections )' run by the knowledgeable and experienced user @adelbekheit. This channel is a treasure trove of information for anyone looking to expand their knowledge about various pharmaceutical topics. With curated collections of articles, studies, and resources, you can stay up-to-date with the latest trends and discoveries in the world of pharmacy. Whether you are a student, healthcare professional, or simply curious about the field, this channel will provide you with valuable insights and resources. Stay informed and educated with 'Real Pharmacist ( Collections )'. Join today and start your journey towards a deeper understanding of pharmaceuticals!