Academy of Closing @academyofclosing Channel on Telegram

Academy of Closing


#N.O1 Sales Closing Academy in Africa🥇

Admin→ @academyofclosingsupport

Founder → @victorymarkson

Academy of Closing (English)

Welcome to the Academy of Closing, the number one Sales Closing Academy in Africa! 🥇 This Telegram channel is dedicated to helping individuals master the art of closing sales effectively. Whether you are a seasoned sales professional looking to sharpen your skills or a newcomer wanting to learn the ropes, this is the place for you. The channel is managed by @academyofclosingsupport and was founded by @victorymarkson, a renowned expert in the field of sales. Join us to access valuable resources, tips, and techniques that will empower you to close deals like a pro. Don't miss out on this opportunity to elevate your sales game and achieve greater success in your career. Join the Academy of Closing today!

Academy of Closing

28 Aug, 07:01

Selling to the right audience doesn't guarantee you sales

You still have to sell the right product to them

A product of value to them

A product that will benefit them

A product that will solve their current problems and not the past ones

For instance;

Your audience maybe online entrepreneurs

But yet, 99.9% of them don't have a sales problem

So if you craft a “How to make sales” product for them, they won't buy it

In conclusion;

Bad product + Right Audience = No sales 

Good product + Right Audience = Sales


Academy of Closing

27 Aug, 07:01

Contents that sells are contents that;

1. Are specific

2. Are simple to read

3. Contains visual words

4. Ask questions

5. Answers a question

6. Instills fear

7. Provides security

8. Raise curiosity!


Academy of Closing

26 Aug, 07:01

An Underrated Sales Tip:

But it's easier for you to sell a product you've gained experience with

Than to sell a product that you have zero experience with

Think about it.


Academy of Closing

17 Aug, 07:01

How to outsmart a sensitive prospect

It's simple;

You as the closer should be logical and not emotional

But the prospect must be emotional and not logical

A man is sensitive when he is logical
(In his thinking state)

But a man is less sensitive when he is emotional
(In his feeling state)

You close the sale with your brain and not your heart

Prospects, most of the times, buys with their hearts more than their brains

In Conclusion:

You must be logical when closing


Academy of Closing

06 Aug, 07:01


Closing has to do with more of self belief than psychology

If you don't believe you can close the deal
Then you won't

If you do believe that you can close the deal
You eventually will


Academy of Closing

05 Aug, 07:01

Meditate on this:

Sales is 5% Marketing and 95% closing

Until you close the deal

You won't get the money.


Academy of Closing

23 Jul, 07:01

Whatever you sell
Either a product or a skill

Must not require too much effort from the prospect to pull out results

If what you sell is a course,

Then make it easy to implement

Make sure that it covers all they need to know in order to succeed in that field

So they won't have to go about looking for fresh knowledge outside


Academy of Closing

22 Jul, 07:01

There are (4) common psychology behind people's day to day purchase;

1. People don't like stress [so they buy what's stress free]

2. People love what will save them time

3. People love what's invoke

4. People are influenced by environment


Academy of Closing

20 Jul, 07:01

The one thing that can make you sell with ease 

Is to understand what makes humans buy with ease

There is more to selling than just presenting an offer and telling people to rush it

Once you understand how the human mind works,

Selling becomes easy

These are things we teach our students

But here in this channel,

We'll be going deep into human psychology behind every purchase

Stay tuned!


Academy of Closing

19 Jul, 07:01

Desperation is not allowed in sales

Even if you are dying and you need that one sale to survive

Don't show it to the prospect!

Otherwise you'll lose both the sale and your life!


Academy of Closing

18 Jul, 07:01

A desperate salesman is 99% of the time going to lose the sale;

Your prospects are very sensitive

Once they sense some sort of desperation behind your message

They'll lose interest in buying from you!


Because you've indirectly told them that you are after their money and not their problems!


Academy of Closing

17 Jul, 07:01

The (8) Rules that Governs a PRO CLOSER…

1. Show less desperation

2. Be simple in speech/words

3. Be specific and not a generalist

4. Never persuade the wrong prospect

5. Never be emotionally attached to a sale

6. Never sell to 2-3 prospects alone

7. Never depend on a prospect to buy

8. Once one says "NO", buckle up, and move to the next!


Academy of Closing

16 Jul, 07:01

"How do I position myself as A problem solver?"

1. Educate more for free

2. Show more reviews

3. Show more testimonials

4. Show less desperation


Academy of Closing

15 Jul, 07:01

People won't give you their money…

Not until they are convinced that you are here to solve their problems and not to take their money alone!

But you can easily handle this objection if you position yourself as the problem solver they have been looking for


Academy of Closing

13 Jul, 07:01

A prospect cannot be closed in his logical state!

Understand that people will only buy from you when they are high on emotions and low on logic


Academy of Closing

12 Jul, 07:01

Contents that sells are contents that;

1. Are Specific

2. Are Simple to Read

3. Contains Visual Words

4. Ask Questions

5. Answers a Question

6. Instills Fear

7. Provides Security

8. Raise Curiosity!


Academy of Closing

11 Jul, 07:00

The more you educate
The more they see you as an expert

The more they see you as an expert
The more they want to learn from you

The more they want to learn from you
The more they want to buy from you

The more they want to buy from you
The higher your chances of selling

It all boils down to pre-selling

"Selling Without Selling"


Academy of Closing

10 Jul, 07:01

Normalise the act of giving out premium value for free

Tell them what your competitors won't tell them for free!

Teach them the premium for free

And probably sell the free for premium!

It's all psychology!


Academy of Closing

09 Jul, 07:27

As a Service Provider,

You ought to make your prospect see the benefits of working with you

Show them your unique qualities
Show them why you are far different front others

Do not give the prospect generic offers

Give the prospect your own unique offers


Academy of Closing

08 Jul, 07:01

How to outsmart a sensitive prospect

It's simple;

You as the closer should be logical and not emotional

But the prospect must be emotional and not logical

A man is sensitive when he is logical
(In his thinking state)

But a man is less sensitive when he is emotional
(In his feeling state)

You close the sale with your brain and not your heart

Prospects, most of the times, buys with their hearts more than their brains

In Conclusion:

You must be logical when closing
