کانال Abdullah al Albani @abdullahalalbani در تلگرام

Abdullah al Albani

Abdullah al Albani
Telegram : https://t.me/AbdullahalAlbani

YouTube : https://www.youtube.com/@Abdullahalalbani

Twitter : https://x.com/AbdullahAlbani?s=09
19,384 مشترک
576 عکس
135 ویدیو
آخرین به‌روزرسانی 01.03.2025 12:16

کانال‌های مشابه

Exploring the Life and Influence of Abdullah al Albani

Abdullah al Albani is a significant figure in contemporary Islamic scholarship and discourse, known for his profound insights into Islamic teachings and his accessible approach to education through modern technology. Utilizing social media platforms such as YouTube and Twitter, he has garnered a substantial following, reaching a diverse audience eager to learn about Islamic principles. Al Albani's teachings often focus on the authentic sources of Islam, which include the Quran and the Hadith, making him a trusted source for many seeking knowledge in today's rapidly changing world. His presence on platforms like Telegram further allows for direct engagement with his followers, offering them a space for discussions and clarifications on various topics related to Islam. The importance of his work lies not only in his scholarly contributions but also in how he harnesses the power of digital communication to spread knowledge and foster a community centered around Islamic teachings.

Who is Abdullah al Albani and what are his main contributions?

Abdullah al Albani is a contemporary Islamic scholar known for his deep knowledge of Islamic texts and his ability to convey complex topics in a relatable manner. He has extensively researched hadith and jurisprudence, promoting a return to the authentic practices of Islam based on evidence from the Quran and Sunnah. His contributions extend to written works, lectures, and social media engagement, where he addresses contemporary issues faced by Muslims today.

His scholarly work has made significant impacts in various circles of Islamic learning, where he emphasizes the importance of critical thinking and authentic sources. Al Albani's teachings resonate particularly with younger audiences who seek clarity and understanding in a world with conflicting messages about faith and practice.

How does Abdullah al Albani utilize social media to spread his message?

Abdullah al Albani uses social media platforms like YouTube and Twitter to reach a broad audience, providing lectures, Q&A sessions, and discussions on various Islamic topics. This approach allows him to engage with followers in a dynamic way, making Islamic teachings more accessible to those who may not have formal education in the subject. His YouTube channel features recorded lectures, allowing for wider dissemination of his thoughts and teachings.

On platforms like Twitter and Telegram, he engages in direct conversations with his followers, answering questions and addressing misconceptions about Islam. This two-way communication fosters a sense of community and allows for real-time interaction, making Islamic scholarship more relatable and grounded in everyday life.

What are the key topics covered by Abdullah al Albani in his teachings?

Abdullah al Albani covers a wide range of topics in his teachings, including but not limited to the principles of Tawhid (monotheism), the importance of following authentic hadith, and the role of Islamic ethics in everyday life. He often addresses contemporary issues, offering Islamic perspectives on current affairs and moral dilemmas faced by Muslims around the world.

His focus on authentic sources of Islam means he frequently discusses the differences between cultural practices and true Islamic teachings, encouraging his audience to seek knowledge and understanding from the Quran and the Sunnah. This emphasis helps demystify complex theological issues and promotes a more informed practice of faith.

How does Abdullah al Albani engage with his audience on Telegram?

On Telegram, Abdullah al Albani creates a community where followers can ask questions, share thoughts, and engage in discussions about Islamic teachings and current issues. This platform fosters a more intimate environment for interaction compared to other social media, allowing for in-depth conversations and personal engagement. It is especially useful for followers who may have specific questions that need detailed answers.

This direct engagement cultivates a sense of belonging among his followers, who can feel more connected to his teachings and to each other. Through this platform, Abdullah can receive feedback and gauge the interests of his audience, tailoring his discussions to meet the evolving needs of the community.

What impact has Abdullah al Albani had on young Muslims?

Abdullah al Albani has had a profound impact on young Muslims, particularly those searching for authentic Islamic knowledge in an age dominated by misinformation. His relatable teaching style and use of modern technology resonate with younger audiences, making it easier for them to connect with their faith. By addressing contemporary issues in his teachings, he offers guidance that is relevant for today's challenges.

Moreover, his emphasis on critical thinking and personal engagement encourages young Muslims to ask questions and seek knowledge actively. This has led to a generation of more informed and engaged Muslims who are equipped to tackle the complexities of modern life while staying grounded in their faith.

کانال تلگرام Abdullah al Albani

Are you looking to dive into the world of Islamic knowledge and spirituality? Look no further than Abdullah al Albani, a Telegram channel dedicated to sharing valuable insights, teachings, and reflections on Islam. Managed by the esteemed scholar Abdullah al Albani, this channel strives to educate and inspire individuals on their spiritual journey. From Quranic recitations to Hadith explanations, from Islamic history to contemporary issues, Abdullah al Albani covers a wide range of topics that are sure to deepen your understanding of the faith

Who is Abdullah al Albani? Abdullah al Albani is a renowned Islamic scholar with years of experience in teaching and spreading knowledge about Islam. His dedication to preserving the teachings of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and interpreting them in a contemporary context has earned him a large following of students and admirers around the world

What can you expect from the Abdullah al Albani channel? By joining this channel, you can access daily reminders, thought-provoking discussions, and educational videos that will enrich your spiritual journey. Whether you are a beginner seeking to learn the basics of Islam or a seasoned student looking to deepen your knowledge, Abdullah al Albani offers something for everyone

In addition to the Telegram channel, Abdullah al Albani also has a YouTube channel and a Twitter account where you can further engage with his teachings and connect with like-minded individuals. Follow Abdullah al Albani on Telegram, YouTube, and Twitter to stay updated on the latest content and join a community of individuals dedicated to learning and growing in their faith. Join Abdullah al Albani today and embark on a transformative journey towards spiritual enlightenment and knowledge.

آخرین پست‌های Abdullah al Albani

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📢Encouragement à se repentir de ses péchés durant le mois de Ramadan

🎙Abdullah al Albani


28 Feb, 20:33
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Ramadan Moubârak

Qu'Allah accepte de nous et qu'Il nous aide à jeûner ce mois et à veiller la nuit en prière durant celui-ci.

N'oubliez pas que la prière du Tarawih débute  ce soir après l'icha.

28 Feb, 15:09
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Ô toi qui délaisse la prière ou la néglige, profite du mois de Ramadan pour te repentir et pour l'accomplir avec assiduité et ne plus jamais la délaisser. La prière est :

▪️le deuxième pilier de l'islam et la plus importante des adorations après les deux attestions.

▪️Elle est la première chose concernant laquelle le serviteur sera interrogé le Jour de la Résurrection, si elle est bonne, les autres actes seront bons. Et si elle est mauvaise, les autres actes seront mauvais.

▪️Elle est le pacte qu'il y a entre nous et les mécréants.

Le Prophète ﷺ a dit : « Le pacte qu'il y a entre nous et eux est la prière, celui qui la délaisse aura certes mécru ».

▪️Les compagnons ne voyaient que le délaissement d'un acte était de la mécréance excepté la prière. Comme cela a été rapporté de Abdullah Ibn Chaqîq.

▪️Celui qui la néglige sera ressuscité avec les têtes des mécréants.

Comme cela a été rapporté dans le Hadîth : « Celui qui y est assidu, elle sera pour lui lumière, argument et sauvetage le jour du jugement.
Tandis que celui qui n'y est pas assidu n'aura ni lumière, ni argument, ni sauvetage et il sera le jour du jugement avec Qaroun, Fir'awn, Haman et Oubay Ibn Khalaf.

Médite sur ces Ahâdîths, remets-toi en question et repens-toi à ton Seigneur avant que cela ne soit trop tard. Et profite de l'occasion du Ramadan pour te réformer, car si tu ne te réformes pas maintenant, quand te réformeras-tu ?

✒️Abdullah al Albani

26 Feb, 11:24
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📚Le livre du jeûne [Minhaj As-Sâlikîn]

🎙Abdullah al Albani


📍Cours dispensé au centre culturel Taqwa le 22.02.2025

23 Feb, 11:16