Aakanksha Option Trading is a Telegram channel run by a SEBI Registered RA who is also a Discretionary F&O Trader, Investor, Engineer, and Mentor. The channel provides valuable insights, tips, and recommendations related to option trading. As a SEBI Registered RA, you can trust the information shared on this channel to be accurate and reliable. Whether you are new to option trading or an experienced trader looking to improve your skills, Aakanksha Option Trading has something to offer for everyone. The channel also has a WhatsApp Community where members can engage in discussions and share knowledge. For more information and to access the disclaimer, you can visit the website provided in the description. Don't miss out on the opportunity to learn from a seasoned professional in the field of option trading. Join Aakanksha Option Trading today and take your trading to the next level!
25 Oct, 12:48
24 Oct, 22:36
24 Oct, 18:38
24 Oct, 18:22
24 Oct, 18:18
24 Oct, 18:15
22 Oct, 12:22
22 Oct, 11:24
22 Oct, 07:53
22 Oct, 06:59
22 Oct, 06:50
22 Oct, 06:32
22 Oct, 06:27
22 Oct, 06:25
22 Oct, 06:17
22 Oct, 06:12
22 Oct, 05:57