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aaboutquotes (English)

Are you a fan of inspiring words and motivational quotes? Look no further than the aaboutquotes Telegram channel! This channel is dedicated to sharing beautiful quotes, insightful sayings, and powerful words to uplift your spirits and inspire positivity in your daily life. Whether you need a little pick-me-up or a boost of motivation, aaboutquotes has got you covered. With a diverse range of quotes from famous authors, philosophers, and personalities, you'll find something that resonates with you no matter what mood you're in. Join our community of like-minded individuals who appreciate the power of words and the impact they can have on our lives. Subscribe to aaboutquotes today and start your journey towards a more inspired and motivated you!


12 Jan, 18:47

when you start loving yourself, life starts loving you, too. by keeping your vibration high, you'll attract more opportunities and blessings into your life.


12 Jan, 18:46

be patient with me I'm somewhere between losing my mind and finding my soul.


12 Jan, 18:46

learn to be done with people not mad, not bothered just done


12 Jan, 18:45

have fun even if it's not the same kind of fun everyone else is having.


12 Jan, 18:45

happiness is not the absence of problems, it's the ability to deal with them


12 Jan, 18:44

bahkan di saat banyak yang melukai mu , kau lebih memilih duri dari pada aku.


10 Jan, 03:20

it's a normal thing for us as a human being to overthink and feel insecure sometimes.


10 Jan, 03:20

that's good! i'm proud of u for doing that


10 Jan, 03:20

i will not force someone to stay with me and always be there for me, so you can leave me at any time because i am used to losing people i love


10 Jan, 02:45

masalah itu di tindak lanjuti bukan di ratapi.


06 Jan, 19:38

we are all still very young, and still learning. We must be kind to one another. We must try to be kind to ourselves as well. Don't forget that


06 Jan, 19:38

it's a normal thing for us as a human being to overthink and feel insecure sometimes.


06 Jan, 19:38

can we normalise saying sorry after u know that u've did something wrong or crossed someone boundaries?


06 Jan, 19:38



06 Jan, 19:38

untuk semua do'a yang diberi nyawa, semoga dihadiahi amin yang ramai dan restu semesta.


06 Jan, 19:33

until we meet again in another place and time


31 Dec, 20:09

not just a new year , but a new me.


31 Dec, 20:07

happy new year 🤍


31 Dec, 20:07

365/365 end.


24 Dec, 20:25

ahh , don't forget how exciting our chat topics were when we couldn't sleep.


24 Dec, 20:24

i miss how to ask "how your day?" , i miss when you asked, "have you worked out today?", i miss asking about the little things about you.but it feels like it's over because you already have someone who can remember you.


24 Dec, 20:21

i miss the old us, even far from the word miss but I want us back to that time.


24 Dec, 20:20

how can i miss you? who has not been a part of my life for a long time? i even forgot how i laughed when i saw a glimpse of your message.


24 Dec, 20:19

sometimes i think , i need you


24 Dec, 20:19

oke let's go


24 Dec, 20:18

i want to tell you about us , it might be a little funny to think about how a pair of men and women and only one person is struggling.


24 Dec, 20:17

hallo, back again with me


18 Dec, 08:57

hidup memang bukan perkara bahagia yang harus diterima, bukan juga perihal diri yang harus dituruti kemaunnya. Tapi bu, jika boleh aku mengajukan tanya, sesulit apa semesta berlaku adil pada sesama?


18 Dec, 08:56

jadilah rumah untuk dirimu sendiri, you can.


18 Dec, 08:56

every "hah?" girls need "jadi gini sayang" boy


18 Dec, 08:56

don't expect too much, manusia itu gampang berubah.


18 Dec, 08:56

belajar menerima keadaan tanpa harus membenci kenyataan.


16 Dec, 19:28

sedingin apapun diwaktu subuh, sepanas apapun diwaktu dzuhur, sesibuk apapun diwaktu asar, secapek apapun diwaktu maghrib, sengantuk apapun diwaktu isya, kalau ada iman dihati, kamu akan tetap solat dan tidak punya alasan untuk tidak solat


15 Dec, 18:18

hidup tidak seperti yang kamu mau.


15 Dec, 18:15

Ibu bukan malaikat. Ibu boleh meminta bantuan.
Ibu tidak harus menanggung semuanya sendiri, Ibu boleh marah. Ibu boleh istirahat.
yang tidak boleh hanya sakit.


15 Dec, 18:14

menjauh dari seseorang demi berhenti menyakiti diri sendiri is another level of pain.


04 Dec, 01:26

udah masuk desember dan pasti kamu sekarang udh sibuk mempersiapkan natal kan?
kamu ga kangen sama aku?


28 Nov, 12:07

jauh ataupun dekat, lama atau singkat. jika takdirmu dan takdirku terikat, suatu waktu maka pasti kita akan bertemu di akad.


28 Nov, 12:07

langit selalu biru dan bumi selalu berputar. jika tuhan sudah menentukan, semoga kita segera dipersatukan.


28 Nov, 12:06

merindukanmu dalam diam, menunggu mu tanpa bertemu
sampai suatu hari allah mempertemukan kita dengan cara yang baik dan halal.


28 Nov, 12:06

menjagamu dalam doa, Memintamu dalam setiap sujud.


28 Nov, 12:05

you have me until every last star in the galaxy dies, you have me.


28 Nov, 12:04

And i remember when i met him, it was so clear that he was the only one for me.


28 Nov, 12:04

the best love story is when you fall in love with the most unexpected person at the most unexpected time.


28 Nov, 12:04

my life became so much better ever since you became a part of it you
ill never let you go i promise.


26 Nov, 01:43

kamu hebat! selalu seperti ini ya!! jgn nyerah, harus bertahan gmn pun jdinya. kebahagiaan akan menantimu


26 Nov, 01:42

ketika mereka bertanya
"kenapa belum melupa?"
saya sendiri tidak mengerti alasannya kenapa.
jujur saja, ada hati yang selalu ingin ku jaga
meskipun sudah tak lagi bersama
semua ini tidak akan pernah berubah

apakah kamu juga merasa?


26 Nov, 01:40

how beautiful it is when ... you find someone who loves you the way you need to be loved.


26 Nov, 01:40

isn't it kind of amazing how a person who was once a stranger, can suddenly, without a warning


26 Nov, 01:40

you painted my life with so many color. you made me realize that black, no matter how painful and dark, is a color, too.


25 Nov, 13:31

meeting you was like listening to a song for the first time and knowing it would be my favorite.


25 Nov, 13:31

the rains have their oceans and the sun has its moon. everything needs a reason for falling and i have you.


25 Nov, 13:30

i love you. it's that clear, that simple. and i know sometimes i can be a disappointment, that i rarely know what i want or think before i act, but you should know that in half a lifetime


25 Nov, 13:26

every time i look at you, i fall in love all over again.


25 Nov, 13:25

the best love story is when you fall in love with the most unexpected person at the most unexpected time.


17 Nov, 11:36

aksara dengan pena bertinta lebih baik dari mereka makhluk bernyawa


29 Sep, 18:04

saya ga takut mati , tapi saya takut kalo sewaktu-waktu saya ga ada nanti yang rawat ibu siapa??


19 Sep, 16:40

i miss you and jogja at that time.


06 Sep, 00:40

I choose you. And I'll choose you, over and over and over. Without pause, without a doubt, in a heartbeat. I'll keep choosing you


25 Aug, 16:15

Full tekanan, 0% support system.


22 Aug, 17:22

" marry is scary " wkwkw contohnya keluarga besar sendiri wuih ngeri nyaa


20 Aug, 12:59

saya emperlakukan mu sebagaimana kamu memperlakukan saya.


07 Aug, 06:03

pak erick thohir said : gen z lemah

bapak pasti gatau kan gimanaa rasanya asing padahal dulu sering banget ngasi pap pap random


01 Aug, 18:17

for my self " thank you, thank you for appreciating everything you do even though other people have never commented on it at all."


16 Jul, 17:40

it's not always easy , but that's life be strong because there are better days ahead
-mark lee


07 Jul, 20:05

" jadilah anak ayah yang tangguh dan berpegang teguh pada tangung jawab mu , karena kelak bukan ayah lagi yang membimbing mu melainkan suami mu "


07 Jul, 20:04

kata ayah " ga ada salah nya anak ayah menangis , tapi sejak kapan ayah mengajarkan anak ayah menangis untuk menghadapi dan menyelesaikan masalah dunia ini? "


02 Jul, 21:19

i treat you as you treat me


18 Jun, 19:20

kesopanan lebih di hargai dari pada umur , sebab etika ditata bahasa bukan ditata usia


15 Jun, 18:09

isi kepala kamu yang berantakan tapi kenapa hubungan kita yang kamu selesaikan?


12 Jun, 17:24

pada dasarnya manusia saling bertemu itu berpotensi untuk saling menyakiti bukan untuk saling menyembuhkan.


05 Jun, 16:46

kenapa deeptalk susah banget di lakukan dalam sebuah hubungan? karena mencintai lebih mudah dri pada mengungkapkan segala sesuatu yang kita rasa.


26 May, 15:53

bahkan di saat aku sudah berusaha melupakan nya tetapi ada saja yang membuat ku teringat akan diri dirinya.


23 May, 10:40

dia : i love u
saya : i loved you.


18 May, 11:17

kata orang anak bungsu itu yang paling manja cuman satu minus nya yaitu kesepian


17 May, 07:20

bukti pembelian sama own ch lama + saya juga belum akun sfs dia , dan ch ini resmi saya yang punya jadi saya selaku own baru izin melakukan pembersihan pertama kali ya