Welcome to 'لعلها شـافِعة', a Telegram channel that aims to bring peace and tranquility to your heart. The channel's username is 'a8a8f', and it is a space where you can find comfort and solace through the words shared. The channel description includes a powerful message: 'وَأُفَوِّضُ أَمرى إِلَى اللَّهِ . : لِيطمَئن قلِبك بقُدرةِ اللهَ ولُطَفهِ .' This message encourages entrusting your affairs to Allah, finding reassurance in His power and kindness. Join us on this journey of faith and serenity, where you can find spiritual guidance and support. Let 'لعلها شـافِعة' be your companion in moments of need and reflection. Embrace the beauty of surrendering to the will of Allah and experience the peace that comes with trusting in His plan.
07 Jan, 18:37
10 Dec, 20:56
07 Dec, 09:33
08 Nov, 15:26
04 Nov, 09:16
25 Oct, 10:35
19 Oct, 11:11
17 Oct, 09:12
13 Oct, 23:01