لــــ نـوتـيـــلااا is a Telegram channel that is dedicated to spreading positivity and self-love. The channel started on January 6, 2023, with a mission to help individuals embrace their flaws and mistakes while still seeing the beauty within themselves. Imagine someone who knows all your shortcomings and errors, yet still finds you beautiful and kind. That's the kind of love and acceptance that لــــ نـوتـيـــلااا aims to promote. The channel's content is uplifting and inspiring, encouraging followers to love themselves unconditionally. Join this community of self-love advocates and explore the power of acceptance and appreciation for who you truly are. Follow øwNer ♡« @OD8Notela » for daily doses of positivity and self-love. Let لــــ نـوتـيـــلااا be your guide on the journey to embracing your authentic self and finding beauty in imperfection.
20 Jan, 11:53
15 Jan, 22:33
07 Jan, 16:56
07 Jan, 16:52
07 Jan, 15:43
05 Jan, 18:30
05 Jan, 18:30
05 Jan, 18:30
05 Jan, 18:30
02 Jan, 17:32
02 Jan, 16:38
02 Jan, 14:57
31 Dec, 04:31
31 Dec, 00:44
30 Dec, 12:57
26 Dec, 14:38
26 Dec, 14:38
26 Dec, 14:37
16 Dec, 18:12
16 Dec, 18:12
16 Dec, 18:11
16 Dec, 18:11
06 Dec, 16:56
06 Dec, 16:55
06 Dec, 16:55
21 Nov, 20:22
21 Nov, 15:53
21 Nov, 15:52
21 Nov, 15:52
14 Nov, 02:03
12 Nov, 15:09
12 Nov, 15:08
12 Nov, 15:08
04 Nov, 15:52
04 Nov, 15:52
04 Nov, 15:52
30 Oct, 19:50
30 Oct, 19:50
25 Oct, 00:52
21 Oct, 14:48
21 Oct, 14:47
21 Oct, 14:47
13 Oct, 11:17
13 Oct, 11:16
13 Oct, 11:16
07 Oct, 07:20
03 Oct, 08:40
03 Oct, 08:39
03 Oct, 08:39
03 Oct, 08:38
28 Sep, 16:05
28 Sep, 16:05
28 Sep, 16:04