Grade 11 Physics - 2023/2024




22/23 class:

Forgot Hash ID or got a question? Text @pysm3bot

Grade 11 Physics - 2023/2024

11 Oct, 18:52

For those of you that are interested, the advanced prize information for this year's Nobel prize in physics is an interesting read.

Here's the PDF

Grade 11 Physics - 2023/2024

08 Oct, 18:05

Ready to embark on your writing journey? Click the link below to access the Google Form and share your writing with us! Let your creativity flow!

Grade 11 Physics - 2023/2024

08 Oct, 18:05

Introduction to The Whispering Quill

Join The Whispering Quill under the Interact Club at St. John! Write about your day, share gossip, submit college essays, or reveal secrets. Your submissions will be edited and shared anonymously in our school newspaper, with feedback to help you improve. Plus, earn rewards and certifications!

## Earn Accolades For:

- Frequent writing
- Breaking gossip
- Compelling stories
- Humor or drama
- Creative submissions
- Descriptive language
- Eye-opening secrets
- Outstanding poetry

⚠️ Note: AI tools are prohibited. Use your own words to express yourself.

Enhance your writing with:
- Pictures or drawings
- Art pieces
- Song lyrics
- Scientific facts
- Mind maps or charts

We can’t wait to see your creativity!

Join us on telegram

Grade 11 Physics - 2023/2024

01 Oct, 17:59

Kids, I've sent an important email on nomination scholarships earlier today. It's my understanding everyone will check their emails but I've been wrong before and I really want to stress that y'all install Classroom and check your emails on a very regular basis.

Grade 11 Physics - 2023/2024

08 Aug, 05:23

To everyone in grade 12, there's an urgent meeting with the school at 8:30AM in the morning today. Please show up ASAP.

Grade 11 Physics - 2023/2024

06 Aug, 09:21

I am also grading your exams as I am writing this and it seems as though we need to revise or at least solve the exam together. To that end, we will have a meet tonight at 8 PM at the following link:

Grade 11 Physics - 2023/2024

06 Aug, 09:14

Reminder: Read full email here.

Select units for review:

Student of the quarter (section A):

Student of the year (section B):

Grade 11 Physics - 2023/2024

21 Jul, 17:57

Chemistry notes

Grade 11 Physics - 2023/2024

19 Jul, 13:22

Funny thing happening today is probably one of the worst internet outages in history.

Linux users stay undefeated🦾🦾

Read more here:

Edit: it is not funny - sad, actually.

Grade 11 Physics - 2023/2024

15 Jul, 17:41

Chemistry notes

Grade 11 Physics - 2023/2024

22 Jun, 18:55

Your final grades out of 100 have been posted to grade viewer and you can view your grades online as usual.

- on telegram

I have also included letter grades in the very last column. Here are some stats
A+ --> 1 student
A --> 11 students
A- --> 13 students
B (including B+ and B-) --> 40 students
C (including C+ and C-) --> 28 students
D (including D+ and D-) and below --> 43 students

A+ (97–100), A (93–96), A- (90–92), B+ (87–89), B (83–86), B- (80–82), C+ (77–79), C (73–76), C- (70–72), D+ (67–69), D (65–66), D- (below 65)

Grade 11 Physics - 2023/2024

18 Jun, 17:59

Final Prep

- Download Final Prep -

- Read Final Prep - html -

- Read Final Prep - lite -

For the nuclear physics part, studying the slides and understanding the problems there is enough.

In full transparency, not everything posted here will be on the exam. For example questions regarding internal resistance & terminal voltage (e.g., q #29, #30, #36), and also common voltage in capacitors (e.g., q #34)

Grade 11 Physics - 2023/2024

18 Jun, 16:52

There was a minor error for people whose Hash IDs are just numbers, which has been fixed - a bug appeared which has been squashed -:)

Grade 11 Physics - 2023/2024

18 Jun, 16:39

Important Announcement

You can view your available grades online

- on telegram

All available grades have been posted to the grade viewer. If you need clarification on the continuous assessment grading, it is all broken down into these 5 main sections.

- Midterm - 20%
- Homework - 15%
- Classwork, Lab & Notes - 10%
- Group Project - 10%
- Class Activity - 5%'

The midterm was already graded out of 20%, so there is no need for clarification on that.

As for the Homework, you had 7 homework projects which means, we need to do some math. You convert each one to 10, add them all, and then divide by 70 and multiply by 15 to get your total out of 15.

For the Classwork, Lab & Notes part, you add each classwork assignment & notes and convert them to 5, and then divide the lab results by 5 and add those two together to get your results out of 10.

The Group Project is graded out of 20 (instead of 30 as I had originally hoped since there was no quiz). The grading rubric that was posted would explain the grading.

Grade 11 Physics - 2023/2024

13 Jun, 16:54

There you go.

Grade 11 Physics - 2023/2024

13 Jun, 16:54

I mistakenly made the claim that the word neutrino was derived from Latin, but it's actually derived from the Italian word for neutron. Biruk repeatedly corrected me in class and now too haha.

In my defense, Italian and Latin are very similar.

Grade 11 Physics - 2023/2024

13 Jun, 16:39

It has come to my attention that some grades for 11B students were not posted. I have updated Gradeviewer to include the missing grades.

Group Project and Homework 7 grades have not been posted and will be posted later tonight.

Grade 11 Physics - 2023/2024

13 Jun, 14:47

Most of your grades have been posted to Gradeviewer, please check your grades and let me know if your grades are missing. If you have forgotten your hash ID, email me.

You can view your grades using the following options.

- @pysm3bot on telegram

Another thing is the extra credit I gave. No one has (yet) been able to find the changes I was referring to. Here is a simple hint - look at the code repository from last year:

Grade 11 Physics - 2023/2024

11 Jun, 13:16

Chemistry notes

Reactions of aldehydes and ketones -