Grantlar va Maslahatlar


AQSh va dunyo bo'ylab turli ta'lim grantlari haqida ma'lumotlar va ularga hujjat topshirish bo'yicha maslahatlar.

Kanal muallifi: Behzod Mamadiev

Taklif va savollar uchun: @bmamadiev_bot Grantlar va Maslahatlar

21 Jan, 00:21

🎉 We are excited to announce the 2025 TechGirls application is now open!

📝 Apply today and join a community of young women in STEM:

⚠️ Deadline to apply is December 6, 2024

@siz_uchun_grantlar Grantlar va Maslahatlar

21 Jan, 00:12

Harvard Ventures-TECH Winter Fellowship

🇺🇸The Harvard Ventures-TECH Winter Fellowship (HVTWF) is a free, highly selective winter program designed specifically for high school students passionate about entrepreneurship and innovation.

HVTWF provides aspiring young leaders with an unparalleled opportunity to dive deep into a transformative experience at the cutting edge of technology and business, spanning 5 days during winter break. Fellows will benefit from world-class instruction, hands-on projects, and exclusive mentorship from top industry professionals, all while becoming part of a global, lifelong network of alumni.

Program details:
Tuition: Free
Dates: 5 days during winter break.
Format: Virtual/Remote
Eligibility: High-school students from any country
Deadline : October 31, 2024

Learn more about program and application details: Grantlar va Maslahatlar

21 Jan, 00:03

AQShda yashash huquqini beruvchi Grin karta dasturiga ariza topshirish boshlanibdi:

Topshirishdan charchamaganlar yana imkoniyatlarini sinab ko’rishi mumkin. Hozir topshirsangiz, javoblar 2025-yil may oyida chiqadi.

@bmamadiev Grantlar va Maslahatlar

20 Jan, 20:26

Application for Mahorat & Management Internship Program is now open!

Mahorat & Management Research Institute is thrilled to announce 3 months Internship Program in the fields of Law, Education, Economics, Media & Journalism, and Computer Science!

📝 Eligibility:
- University students, recent graduates and people who want to enrich their knowledge in R&D
- Availability and commitment to a 3-month program
- Proficiency in Microsoft Office Suite
- Open for LLL (Long Life Learning)
-Proficiency in English

💼 Benefits:

- Contribute to impactful projects
- Gain valuable experience in research and project development
- Expand your contacts and grow personally and professionally
- Get a certificate and referrals upon successful completion

📅 Deadline: June 7, 2024

Application Form: click here

📩 Submit your application now and be part of a dynamic community dedicated to nurturing human capital in Uzbekistan and beyond.

@mahorat_management Grantlar va Maslahatlar

20 Jan, 19:44

Dear Student⭐️

If you applied to the US, and received all of your decisions, and did not get a viable admissions offer (you got waitlisted, or rejected, or the financial gaps are too high), please keep reading. In other words, if you have nowhere to go next year, we want to share with you an opportunity that will give you another shot. It’s a program called Second Chance. 

Second Chance is a global initiative that supports high-achieving, low-income (HALI) students who did not receive any viable offers of admission to their US university applications. 

We are looking for students who meet the following criteria: 
• Excellent academics (in general, students will have top scores in national exams, and SAT scores above 1450)
• Estimated Family Contribution is less than $5,000 USD per year
• Personal traits like community-mindedness, flexibility, and strong communication skills.

Here are the instructions and the application form.

Kind regards, 
The Second Chance 2024 Team Grantlar va Maslahatlar

20 Jan, 19:43

🇺🇿O‘zbekiston yoshlari Istanbul shahrida iftor dasturida

O‘zbekiston yoshlari umumjahon assotsiatsiyasi Turkiya vakilligi tomonidan “O‘zbekiston yoshlari iftor dasturi” bo‘lib o‘tdi.

Ushbu dasturda O‘zbekiston Respublikasining Istanbuldagi bosh konsuli Sherzod Abdunazarov, Turkiya yoshlar fondi raisi Ibrohim Beshinchi, Gelishim universiteti rektor o‘rinbosari Prof.Dr.Arda O‘zturkjan hamda taniqli jurnalist Abdukarim Mirzayevlar ishtirok etishdi.

Iftor uchun maxsus o‘zbek milliy taomlari tayyorlanib dasturxon ko‘rki bo‘ldi. WAYU Turkiya vakili Dr.Ergash Jumaev so‘zga chiqib yoshlarga murojaat qildi.

Talaba-yoshlar uchun O‘zbekiston Respublikasi Prezidenti huzuridagi 5 tashabbus loyihalar ofisi video-roliklari taqdim etildi. Viktorinalar tashkil etilib g‘oliblar qimmatbaho sovg‘alar bilan taqdirlandi.

@Turkiyadagiyoshlar Grantlar va Maslahatlar

20 Jan, 19:31

Maktab oʻquvchilari uchun fellowship! Priority deadline is today. Grantlar va Maslahatlar

20 Jan, 19:26

Bir do'stimiz bakalavr diplom ishi doirasida islom moliyasi haqida so'rov o'tkazayotgan ekan.

Shu soha ravnaqi yo'lida o'tkazilayotgan tadqiqotga hissangizni qo'shishni istasangiz, biroz vaqt ajratib, ushbu so'rovnomani to'ldirishga taklif qilamiz.
