Siblings Of Ilm


An online community for ṭullāb ul-ʿilm producing:
• Articles
• Book reviews
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Siblings Of Ilm

19 Oct, 16:49

🔹 SISTERS ONLY: The Science of Rasm

📌 Dive into the unique orthography of the Qurʾān with our introductory course on Rasm, tailored for students with a background in Tajwīd or Ulūm al-Qurʾān.

📌 Over six engaging sessions, explore the evolution of Arabic script, understand the historical significance of Rasm al-Khaṭṭ, and master foundational principles like Ḥadhf, Ziyādah, and Ibdāl.

📌 Gain proficiency in the introductory rules for Waṣl and Faṣl according to Rasm ʿUthmānī, enhancing your understanding and appreciation of the Qurʾān’s preservation.

🕐 When:
November 4th to December 9th, 2024
Mondays, 8:30 AM (ET) | 1:30 PM (UK) | One Hour Sessions

🎙️ Instructor:
Ustādha Saima Yacoob

🗂️ Course Details:
Join us for an in-depth journey into the Science of Rasm, where you'll:

• Describe the evolution of Arabic script and the compilation of the Qurʾān.

• Identify foundational principles of Rasm and key classical texts.

• Apply introductory rules for Waṣl and Faṣl in Rasm ʿUthmānī.

💢 Please note:
Recordings are not available; live attendance is mandatory. An Ijazah will not be issued upon course completion.

📌 This course is perfect for students of Tajwid seeking to deepen their understanding of the sacred script's orthography in a structured and supportive environment.

🔽 Enrol now:

Siblings Of Ilm

13 Oct, 13:33

🗞 Article: A Believer and the Plight of Gaza, Through the Lens of the Noble Sīrah - Siblings of Ilm

Siblings Of Ilm

12 Oct, 13:34

Want to go through a reading of an important Arabic text related to the history of the Sunnah and the sciences of hadith authored by Shaykh Abd al-Fattah Abu Ghuddah?

You can review it in 22 lessons here:

Siblings Of Ilm

11 Oct, 12:20

Did you know that Madinah is also referred to as al-Marzuqah (The Providential City)? 💚

[The Best City In The World, Mufti Faraz Adam, pg. 73]

Siblings Of Ilm

30 Sep, 19:55

📚 Students of knowledge need career advice too! We were honored to host a Siblings of Ilm stall at an inspiring Females-Only Careers Day in Blackburn. Our amazing 'Alimahs had the opportunity to guide future 'Alimat on their journey post-graduation and share insights on overcoming challenges in seeking knowledge.

🌱A beautiful day of sisterhood, support, and career growth. The future is bright for these empowered young women! 🌟

Siblings Of Ilm

24 Sep, 06:17


Join us on this short course where we will transform our Salah from a mere ritual to a spiritual and intimate conversation with our creator. We will endeavour to understand the deep meaning of our daily conversation with our creator in Salah. During the course, we will study the translation of Salah and the third dimension of each posture.

When: Starts Sunday 6th October 2024
Duration: 7 PM – 8 PM (UK Time)
Sundays [5 sessions]

Fees: £5 (for the full course)
Audience: Open to sisters and brothers

Instructor: Mawlana Muhammad Kabir

Course Details:
This short course is designed to transform your Salah (prayer) from a routine practice into a profound spiritual experience. We will explore the deeper meanings behind each component of Salah, allowing it to become an intimate conversation with the Creator. By delving into the translations and the spiritual dimensions of each posture, participants will gain a deeper understanding of their daily prayers, enriching their connection with the Divine. Whether you are new to prayer or seeking to deepen your practice, this course will provide insights and tools to make your Salah more meaningful and fulfilling.

This course is a journey to enrich your Salah experience, making it a source of spiritual nourishment and personal growth.

Students are encouraged to attend live to benefit from the interactive session. Recordings will be available for students who are unable to attend due to exceptional circumstances.

Learning Objectives:
• Comprehend the translation and significance of the phrases used in Salah, enhancing their connection to the words being recited.
• Recognise and appreciate the spiritual dimensions of each posture in Salah, moving beyond the physical actions to experience a deeper sense of presence and mindfulness.
• Shift their perception of Salah from a mere ritual to a heartfelt conversation with the Creator, fostering a more intimate and personal connection during prayer.
• Develop the ability to maintain focus and intention throughout the Salah, leading to a more centered and purposeful practice.

Link to register:

Siblings Of Ilm

22 Sep, 19:40

SISTERS ONLY: Sarf Drop-in Sessions

Join our 1-hour drop-in sessions designed to reinforce your learning in a structured yet flexible format.

These monthly drop-in sessions are designed for students seeking additional practice in Ṣarf, whether they are currently studying the subject or have completed their studies. Participants can receive personalised guidance, clarify doubts, and enhance their understanding of morphological patterns and structures in Arabic. Join us to strengthen your skills and build confidence in applying Ṣarf rules effectively.

When: Last Saturday of Every Month
Saturday 28th September 2024 | 5:30 PM – 6:30 PM (UK)

Instructor: Ustadha Sadiyah Abowath

Course Details:
Join our 1-hour drop-in sessions designed to reinforce your learning in a structured yet flexible format. Each session is divided into three segments:

• Revision: We will start by revising the chosen topic for the session, ensuring that all participants have a solid understanding of the fundamental concepts.

• Practice: The second part of the session allows students to actively practice the topic through exercises and practical applications, reinforcing their comprehension and skills.

• Q&A: In the final segment, students will have the opportunity to ask questions and seek clarification on any aspects of the topic, providing personalized support and addressing individual learning needs.

These sessions are ideal for reinforcing knowledge, practicing new skills, and addressing any lingering questions in a supportive environment.

Kindly note: This is not a Sarf course, therefore students are expected to have studied or currently studying Arabic grammar to benefit from the session, particularly Arabic Morphology (sarf).

Recording will not be available for this session, students are expected to attend live.

Learning Outcomes:
• Enhance Understanding of Morphological Structures
• Apply Ṣarf Rules Effectively
• Reinforce and Solidify Learning
• Improve Proficiency in Ṣarf

Link to register:

Siblings Of Ilm

22 Sep, 13:15

The following reading list compiles works relevant to Tajwīd, Qirā’ah, and Qur’anic studies, encompassing various branches within these fields. This list was curated over the course of my studies during the past few years, and then condensed for the purpose of this article.

Compiled by Shaykh Muhammad Ziyad Batha

Read here:

Siblings Of Ilm

21 Sep, 18:00

Along with understanding the life style of the great scholars of the past, to understand their physical appearance and description is also important, it allows the reader connect with them much more whilst reading their works.

Read about the physical descriptions of the four Imams here:

Siblings Of Ilm

20 Sep, 19:15

Alhamdulillah excited for our first webinar in Arabic, ideal for 'Alimiyyah students and graduates, Usul al-Fiqh and Fiqh enthusiasts. The first session of many bi idhnillah, completely free to join.

This is a unique opportunity to study with Mufti Rashid Ahmed, he began his unique journey in seeking sacred knowledge in the modern metropolitan of the Islamic sciences - Karachi, Pakistan - where he began studying and mastering the Islamic sciences through the completion of the classical Dars e Nizami curriculum. His final year - termed Dawratul Hadith - was completed under the tutelage and expert instruction of senior scholars of Darul ‘Ulum Karachi, including the prominent Shaykhul Islam Mufti Taqi ‘Uthmani.

After graduating, Mufti Rashid further specialised in Fiqh and Ifta’, spending considerable time under the tutelage of the Faqih, Mufti Abu Lubabah Shah Mansour.

Since graduating, Mufti Rashid has taught Fiqh and Usul Al-Fiqh for 12 years, including as a senior teacher in the Arabic college. He is currently working on presenting the renowned work ‘Al-Wajiz’ in Usul Al-Fiqh in a new light, and has highlighted this during a number of Islamic conferences.

Siblings Of Ilm

19 Sep, 17:40

The presence of Sayyidunā Rasūlullah صلى الله عليه وسلم in al-Madīnah has afforded the city divine protection against the greatest tribulations, including the Fitnah of Dajjāl.

[The Best City In The World, Mufti Faraz Adam, pg. 60]

Siblings Of Ilm

18 Sep, 13:05

Did you know the Prophet (peace be upon him) described Madinah as 'Baladi' – my city? 💚

[The Best City In The World, Mufti Faraz Adam, pg. 60]

Siblings Of Ilm

17 Sep, 08:20

May Almighty Allah bestow blessings in ever-increasing abundance on the one whose blessed hair was neither very curly nor completely straight.

Siblings Of Ilm

16 Sep, 17:10

The following is a translation of a lecture delivered in Urdu by Shaykh al-Islam Mufti Muhammad Taqi Usmani (hafizahullah) on Friday 18th December 2015 in Karachi, Pakistan. Translated by Mufti Muhammad ibn Adam.

Read here at:

Siblings Of Ilm

15 Sep, 14:13

مناهج التأليف في علم أصول الفقه قديما وحديثا

يسرّ إدارة إخوة العلم أن تعلن لكم وتدعوكم إلى محاضرة بعنوان:《مناهج التأليف في علم أصول الفقه قديما وحديثا》
هذه الدورة مصممة خصيصًا لكل من يرغب في التعمق في علم أصول الفقه، وفهم مناهجه المختلفة بشكل شامل 

Course Details:
📝 ملاحظة
● المحاضرة تختص للطلاب في الخامسة وما فوق (منهج كلاسيكي)، أو حصل على بكالوريوس في الشريعة والدراسات الإسلامية
● التسجيل مفتوح للجميع، ذكورا وإناثا
●هذا اللقاء الأول في سلسلة محاضرات حول الفقه الحنفي وأصوله ومنهجه التعليمي.
● تقدم المحاضرة باللغة العربية

Audience: المحاضرة تختص للطلاب في الخامسة وما فوق (منهج كلاسيكي)، أو حصل على بكالوريوس في الشريعة والدراسات الإسلامية

When: يوم السبت 18 ربيع الاول 1446 الموافق 21 سبتمبر 2024

Instructor: الأستاذ الدكتور مفتي رشيد أحمد خورشيد

Link to register: