

Beneficial Posts

(Previously named Maturidiyah)


22 Oct, 11:20

واعلم ان هذا الكلام على اطلاقه ليس بصحيح، لأنه ربما اقترن بالدلائل النقلية أمور عُرف وجودها بالأخبار المتواترة، وتلك الأمور تنفي هذه الاحتمالات، وعلى هذا التقدير تكون الدلائل السمعية المقرونة بتلك القرائن الثابتة بالأخبار المتواترة مفيدة لليقين، وبالله التوفيق. (الأربعين)

—الامام فخر الدين الرازي


21 Oct, 17:51

Anyone looking for typesetting jobs to get their yet to be printed books in a healthy format at a reasonable rate, contact the following number:



19 Oct, 02:50

As Salāmu ‘Alaykum Wa Raḥmatullāhi Wa Barakātuhu,

Welcome to Turath Academy!

Join us as we embark on a journey to rediscover the timeless beauty of Islamic sciences.

Turath Academy is a vibrant online platform dedicated to reviving the rich legacy of Islamic scholarship and sharing it with the world.

Our mission is to provide a comprehensive and inclusive learning environment, elevating the academic excellence of Islamic scholarship across all disciplines. We aim to bridge the gaps which currently prevent students from reaching greater heights in Islamic academia.

At Turath Academy, we cater to diverse learners, from beginners seeking foundational knowledge of Islam to advanced students pursuing specialized studies.

Our comprehensive curriculum encompasses a wide range of subjects, including:

• Naḥw (Grammar)
• Ṣarf (Morphology)
• Balāghah (Rhetoric)
• Tafsīr (Exegesis)
• Uṣūl al-Ḥadīth (Principles of ḥadīth)
• Uṣūl al-Fiqh (Principles of jurisprudence)
• Fiqh (Islamic jurisprudence)
And more to come In shāʾAllāh

The purpose of this telegram group is to provide:

• Updates on our services
• ⁠Academic insights for students
• ⁠Reminders for spiritual growth

Stay connected to us on our:





Jazākumullāhu Khayran.


18 Oct, 16:26

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

A group of scholars who are overly qualified in their fields have opened an online seminary called Turath Academy where literally all of the islamic and arabic sciences will be taught ( Fiqh, Usul, Hadith, Mustalah, Nahw, Sarf, Balagha, Adab, Kalam, Mantiq, Tafsir) starting from the preliminary levels all the way to the most advanced levels. They will also host a specific program just for those who want to start learning arabic from the beginning, everyone should join and spread this virtuous act in sha Allah.



15 Oct, 15:36

Tensed facts ↑


18 Sep, 17:14

The last spots are almost filled and a second acceptance period is opened due to the high request, share with your surroundings who might be interested.



17 Sep, 16:00

This place in the city of Ray has the graves of two Imams:

Imām Muhammad ibn al-Hasan al-Shaybani

Imām Abū al-Hasan al-Kisa’i

It is said that they passed on the same day, so al-Rashid was grieved by their death and said: “I buried Fiqh and Nahw in Ray.”


09 Sep, 14:30

Ibn al-Qayyim writes:

“The visions regarding this have been mass-transmitted. Among them is what was narrated by Sālih ibn Bashīr, who said: "I saw ‘Atā’ al-Sulaymi in a dream after his death, and I said to him, 'May Allah have mercy on you. You were often sorrowful in this world.' He replied, 'By Allah, that sorrow has been followed by long-lasting joy and constant happiness.' So I asked, 'In which rank are you now?' He said, 'With those upon whom Allah has bestowed His favor — the Prophets, the truthful ones, the martyrs, and the righteous.'"

[Kitāb ar-Rūh, 18]


04 Sep, 15:32

For those who are in Germany, everyone is invited.


02 Sep, 10:40

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

My beloved and honored father has just been called to the next life by Allah. I request all of you to make sincere dua that Allah will be pleased with him, forgive him for any weaknesses and make his grave a garden of paradise.

انا لله وانا إليه راجعون


31 Aug, 21:20

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

As some are aware, my father was diagnosed with a life threatening illness a few months ago. Sadly we have now come to a point, after fighting against the illness mentally and physically, where my precious father's health is rapidly declining and medically hope of recovery is at low odds. We ask Allāh to unveil the wonders of his power by which He grants Him recovery and stable health. But if Allāh has decided otherwise, then we ask Him to grant him an easy and merciful transmission to the afterlife.

We also ask everyone to pray two units of Salāt al-Hājah and ask Allāh to grant him shifā, if you are willing to assist in a less bothersome way.

بارك الله فيكم


31 Aug, 07:09

The exposition regarding what we have mentioned with regards to the meaning of the ambiguous (mutashābih) in the matters of principles is that the beatific vision with the eyes in the hereafter is true, known and established via the text, that is His statement, the Most High: “their faces” which has the meaning of test and unveiling the bounty of those who are deeply grounded in knowledge as well as maximising their sanctity and directing them. ”...on that day will be radiant, looking towards their Lord.” In addition, He exists with the attribute of perfection. Also, in Him being visible to Himself and other than Himself is a quality of perfection, however, [an assumed] direction is impossible, for Allāh does not have any direction. Thus, it is ambiguous with regards to what concerns the vision and directionality, while the origin of the beatific vision is established via the text and known. The ambiguity lies in the description, which does not negate the knowledge of the essence. Similarly, the 'face' and 'hand' of Allāh mentioned in the Qur'ān are known, but the kayfiyyah (description since utilised the same usūl in the previous sentence by stating 'description' (wasf), thus Kayfiyyah refers to wasf) is 'mutashābih'. This does not invalidate the known origin.

The Mu'tazilah, may Allāh forsake them, denied the origin due to the ambiguity of the description and thus became deniers of Allāh’s attributes. But the Ahl al-Sunnah wa al-Jama'ah, may Allāh grant them victory, affirmed the origin known by the text and refrained from delving into the 'mutashābih', which is the description (kayfiyyah). They did not permit seeking that knowledge, as Allāh described the firm in knowledge by saying, 'They say, “We believe in it; all of it is from our Lord.” And none will remember except those of understanding.”

Usūl as-Sarakhsī, 1/169.

5) Divine Wisdom in actions

“For an action or inaction to be considered, it must have a wise purpose and a beneficial outcome... The commands of Shariah are never without a beneficial purpose...”

Usūl as-Sarakhsī, 1/347.

6) Actions and their role in excommunication

“The Messenger of Allah ﷺ said: "Do not declare the people of your faith as disbelievers, even if they commit major sins. Pray behind any Imam, perform the funeral prayer for every deceased, and participate in jihad under any leader." This is evidence for Ahl al-Sunnah that a person who commits major sins does not become a disbeliever by committing them and does not leave the fold of Islam.”

Sharh as-Siyar al-Kabīr, 156.


31 Aug, 07:09

The 'Aqīdah of Imām as-Sarakhsī (d. 483 AH)

1) Negation of place and directions

“The exposition regarding what we have mentioned with regards to the meaning of the ambiguous (mutashābih) in the matters of Usūl is that the beatific vision with the eyes in the hereafter is true, known and established via the text, that is His statement, the Most High: “their faces” which has the meaning of test and unveiling the bounty of those who are deeply grounded in knowledge as well as maximising their sanctity and directing them. ”...on that day will be radiant, looking towards their Lord.” In addition, He exists with the attribute of perfection. Also, in Him being visible to Himself and other than Himself is a quality of perfection, however, [an assumed] direction is impossible, for Allāh does not have any direction. Thus, it is ambiguous with regards to what concerns the vision and directionality, while the origin of the beatific vision is established via the text and known.”

Usūl as-Sarakhsī, 1/170

“As for the Hadīth, it has been mentioned in some narrations that a man said, 'upon me is to free a believing slave', or, [according to another opinion/narration] the Messenger of Allāh ﷺ acknowledged through revelation that it is upon him to free a believing slave, thus he (the prophet ﷺ) tested her with faith. All this while there is also discussion regarding the authenticity of that Hadīth, it is narrated, 'that the prophet ﷺ said: 'Where is Allāh? And she pointed to the sky' and it is not assumed regarding the Messenger ﷺ that he meant to seek from anyone the affirmation of direction and place for Allāh.”

al-Mabsūt 7/4.

2) Active attribute (Sifah al-Fi'l)

“However, this way is not to be satisfied with according to us, for they (those who leaned towards the creed of the Mu'tazilah regarding sifāt) intended by this distinction, a hint towards their doctrine in active attributes (sifāt al-Fi'l) being other than Allāh. However, the doctrine according to us is that the attributes of Allāh are not He, nor other than He, thus the distinction cannot be established between attributes of essence and action in the case of taking an oath.”

al-Mabsūt, 8/133.

3) Kalām Nafsī

“The Qur'ān is the speech of Allāh, the Most High, which is uncreated nor originated. However, the languages all originated. Thus, we acknowledge that it is not possible to say that the Qur'ān is with a specific language. And how would that be when Allāh said:

“And it has indeed been ˹foretold˺ in the Scriptures of those before.”

While it (meaning a command or story that has come in the Qur'ān) was in their own language.”

al-Mabsūt, 1/37.

4) Mutashābihāt & Tafwīdh

"And as for 'mutashābih', it refers to something whose meaning is beyond the hope of understanding for those who find it ambiguous. The ruling on it is to believe in its truth and to refrain from seeking or trying to understand its meaning. Some have called it 'mutashābih' because the expression is ambiguous and the meanings are conflicting. This is incorrect, however, because the disjointed letters (hurūf muqatta'ah) at the beginning of some sūrahs are considered 'mutashābih' by the scholars of exegesis, yet they do not contain this meaning. Rather, the knowledge of the intended meaning is similar to its wording, but it is impossible to ascertain the intended meaning, and that is in contradiction to that because of the absence of possibility in acknowledging the intended meaning regarding it. It only requires belief in its truth and submission, as Allāh says, 'And none knows its interpretation except Allah.' We stop at this point in the verse, and then His statement, 'And those firm in knowledge' begins with a conjunction to maintain the coherence of the discourse, indicating that those firm in knowledge are those who believe in the 'mutashābih' without trying to understand its meaning but instead submit to it. This is the meaning of Allāh’s statement, 'They say, “We believe in it; all of it is from our Lord.”'


29 Aug, 11:56

Imām Abū Hafs an-Nasafī writes:

“Allāh mentioned him (Khidr عليه السلام) in His book, he appeared in Samarkand, in the mosques and shrines many times. From those who saw him were Shaykh Abū Mansūr [al-Māturīdī], he saw him in Ribāt-e-Dusht and asked him to supplicate for him, so he supplicated for him.”

Al-Qand, 143.