Nota Penulis Azzah AR


Koleksi nota penulisan dan hal-hal buku yang dikumpul oleh Azzah AR.

Nota Penulis Azzah AR

09 Oct, 14:23

Ulang kaji semula GAYA BAHASA yang boleh digunakan dalam penulisan novel, cerpen, puisi dan anekdot.

Nota Penulis Azzah AR

02 Sep, 03:46

Sayembara Cerpen "What If Cinta?" - Anjuran Cereka dengan kerjasama GRUP BUKU KARANGKRAF Alaf 21

Bagi yang berminat, pertandingan ini terbuka bermula 1 September hingga 15 September 2024.

Anda boleh menghantar cerpen mini yang dihasilkan melalui borang Google Form dengan cara mengimbas kod QR yang disediakan.

π’π²πšπ«πšπ­ 𝐩𝐞𝐧𝐲𝐞𝐫𝐭𝐚𝐚𝐧:
1. Penyertaan adalah terbuka kepada warganegara Malaysia, bukan warga Karangkraf atau Cereka, dan berumur 16 tahun ke atas.
2. Karya yang dihantar mestilah hasil penulisan sendiri, belum pernah disiarkan oleh mana-mana penerbitan sama ada bercetak atau dalam talian, tidak ditiru dan bukan diadaptasi daripada mana-mana karya sedia terbit. Karya plagiat dan karya terjemahan akan ditolak.
3. Setiap karya yang dihantar akan menjadi hak milik penganjur sehingga tempoh yang akan dimaklumkan kelak.
4. Format karya - Bahasa Melayu, 1500-3000 patah perkataan, jeda baris 1.5
5. Tidak menyentuh sensitiviti kaum, agama dan institusi diraja (3R).
6. Babak dan dialog mesti berlandaskan adab sopan. Karya yang mengandungi unsur lucah, ganas melampau dan mempromosikan amalan syirik akan ditolak.
7. Seorang peserta dibenarkan menghantar maksimum TIGA (3) penyertaan sahaja.
8. Markah tambahan akan diberikan kepada:
a) Cerita yang berpotensi dikembangkan menjadi novel.
b) Cerita yang ada menyelitkan maklumat pengetahuan (contoh: resipi, teknik memancing ikan, tip-tip penjagaan kereta, dsb.)
9. Seramai 10 pemenang akan dipilih, iaitu 5 pemenang utama dan 5 pemenang saguhati.
10. Keputusan juri adalah muktamad.

𝐏𝐞𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐚𝐧𝐠 𝐲𝐚𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐩𝐒π₯𝐒𝐑 𝐚𝐀𝐚𝐧 𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐫𝐒𝐦𝐚:

- Wang tunai RM300 x 5 pemenang
- Peluang menyertai fasa 2: penulisan cerpen bersiri di Cereka.
- Bengkel Penulisan Novel Online selama 2 bulan yang bernilai RM700.
- Peluang menjadi novelis Karangkraf.

- Wang tunai RM100 x 5 pemenang
- Bengkel Penulisan Novel Online selama 2 bulan yang bernilai RM700.
- Peluang menjadi novelis Karangkraf.

Selamat berkarya!

***Anda juga boleh klik pautan di bawah untuk menyertai pertandingan ini.

Nota Penulis Azzah AR

17 Aug, 14:26

C. S. Lewis, advice to a young writer.

Nota Penulis Azzah AR

30 Jul, 10:51

Karangkraf sedang mencari:

- Marketing Executive
- ⁠Marketing Manager
- ⁠QC al-Quran
- ⁠Executive al-Quran
- ⁠Kerani Am
- ⁠Sales/event Coordinator

Tidak kira apa background akademik, yang utama kreatif/proaktif dan tahan lasak.

Suka buku adalah bonus.

Kemasukan segera di pejabat kami di Shah Alam.

E-melkan resume anda kepada
[email protected]

Sebarkan. Terima kasih.

Nota Penulis Azzah AR

05 Jul, 23:57

πŸ“š Kami ingin mendengar suara anda!

Sertai survei ringkas ini untuk membantu kami memahami keperluan pembaca di Malaysia.


Pendapat anda amat berharga bagi kami. Terima kasih!

Nota Penulis Azzah AR

03 Jul, 08:53

Boleh dijadikan panduan karakter watak.

Nota Penulis Azzah AR

19 Jun, 14:44

Ini serius. Grup Buku Karangkraf memerlukan marketer yang:

- Tahu ilmu digital marketing
- Berpengalaman handle event
- Boleh jadi host
- Kreatif, proaktif
- Cergas
- Tinggi curiosity
- Mengikuti perkembangan industri buku tempatan dan luar negara

Anda orangnya? Jemput mohon.

Nota Penulis Azzah AR

18 May, 23:36


Author vs Writer

We often use the words author and writer interchangeably. But indeed both these words are quite different. A writer is a person who writes a book, article, or any literary piece, while an author is essentially the person who originates the idea, plot, or content of the work being written. At times, the author and writer can be the same person. In case of an autobiography, a person writes about the own life. So the author is expressing his own thoughts and ideas. But in cases like biographies, the writer is not the author. The ideas of thoughts of another are being written.

Though the difference may not seem to be much, depending on the situation, the difference can be more. If you are writing a novel or short story based on a plot developed by self, you get to be known as the author of the novel. And if you are penning down someone else’s ideas or stories, you will be known as the writer of the work. Being a writer is at times easier than being an author. The reason being that an author has to create, develop, and communicate an idea, while a writer has to only communicate somebody else’s idea. An author may be excused if the writing skills are not that competent. But an author must have exceptional writing skills to be dominant in the field. Writing skills include the command over the language and the expressiveness with the play of words. These skills can be obtained through constant writing and may be an inborn talent in some. Only a skilled writer is capable of portraying ideas, events, and pictures through the mere use of words.

When it comes to writing books, a person becomes an author only when the book is published. If your work is unpublished, and even if the idea is purely your own, you will still be considered as the person who wrote the work. And when your work is published you get to be known as the author of the work. So if you write a lot, but never get them published and out to the public, you remain a writer.

An author can get the work copyrighted under the copyright laws. This ensures that nobody else steals or uses the original idea as it is. So only the author is always associated with that particular idea or work. To be an author one must have the capability to think and express the thoughts. And a write must have the capability to understand and convey an idea correctly to the readers.


1. To be an author, the idea of your writing must be your own and you must get your work published.
2. An author must have a specific skill set but writer’s skill is suited to the job required.
3. You become an author when your books are published, but if your writings never publish, you remain a writer.
4. An author can get work copyrighted.