21St C. Soul


This is the place where u can get some facts about human nature.
I only wirte some psychological facts that amuse me.
anyone who want psychological help can contact me @MirraPsychTips_bot

21St C. Soul

01 Jan, 15:21

"Life is a boxing match" - Robert Greene

21St C. Soul

08 Dec, 10:17

If you're anything like me, you'll find yourself on your phone just wandering on the internet going from this app to another, trying to quench a feeling you don't really know. Because you're almost in a trance state, you have a hard time trying to remember all the other better and pending things you could be doing with your time.

I, then, thought maybe I need a place where I can go when I'm feeling lost in the internet. I decided on making a note on a notes app titled "Instead of wasting time".

I've tried this before though, and one problem I've noticed is that the trance state is so strong that I can't even feel I'm lost and seek that place. I guess it comes to forming the habit of retreating to this place.

Some of the items on my 'refuge from the internet' list are:
[ ] Business scheme
[ ] Call relatives
[ ] Stretch
[ ] Gratitude
[ ] Write lyrics
[ ] Wash or arrange stuff

Wishing you a good Friday

21St C. Soul

21 Oct, 14:18

Are you maxing out your potential?


21St C. Soul

07 Sep, 13:24

By age 26, Sir Issac Newton had made discoveries that would disrupt our understanding of the universe and propel mankind even further down the path of greatness.

These discoveries include the invention of calculus, the binomial theorem (which has applications in proving physics equations, weather forecasting etc.), the three laws of motion and of course laying the ground work for our understanding of gravity.

All by the tender age of 26.

This just struck me as incredibly inspirational. Because it made me think that, even though our contributions may not be as grand, I believe each of us kind of owe it to ourselves to exert ourselves and see what we have to offer to the world; we may be greater than we think.

Have a good Thursday
With love

21St C. Soul

29 Aug, 13:52


21St C. Soul

17 Aug, 14:15

I was watching one of my favorite channels, The School of Life, when they said something about Attachment theory and how it is important to know to help understand how we operate in relationships with people around us.

"Attachment theory focuses on relationships and bonds (particularly long-term) between people, including those between a parent and child and between romantic partners. It is a psychological explanation for the emotional bonds and relationships between people.

This theory suggests that people are born with a need to forge bonds with caregivers as children. These early bonds may continue to have an influence on attachments throughout life." Source

It's a 5 minute survey if you want to discover your attachment style

Have a great week 🤠

21St C. Soul

04 Aug, 07:01

Gratitude continually pops up as one of the key practices that allow for a better quality of life and mental state. So I thought I would give it a try. Maybe give it a shot too

21St C. Soul

03 Aug, 16:09

Knowing your personality type is quite important when navigating through life.
Sure it won't be the most accurate, and the results do change from time to time, but there should be a couple of truths there for you.
While the official Myers Briggs test is paid, this website does just as good a job. Try it out. We'd love to see what your results say

21St C. Soul

01 Aug, 21:13


21St C. Soul

31 Jul, 14:08


21St C. Soul

30 Jul, 12:45

The Baader-Meinhof phenomenon

You buy a phone and suddenly you notice the same brand more in public.
You learn about something and you notice it more all around you.

This phenomenon touches on a powerful mental function, or a bias if you will. There's even a name for it: Baader-Meinhof phenomenon or frequency bias.

It's a bias because, you think it's occuring or popping up more around you when in fact it's been around the whole time, it's just your mind that has added that bit of information and became able to notice it.

While it's a bias, there is something powerful in there that I think is worth discussing. This phenomenon shows us that there's a world of information all around us, and if we feed our minds the right kind of information, aligned to our goals and values, that we will effortlessly observe them all around us and be able to use these observances to our advantage.

21St C. Soul

06 Jul, 05:47

A House Ant Dragging A Cockroach

Dragging something 5-6 times its size, working with absolute determination to feed the colony
Wasn't even phased when I tried to scare it off. Just went back to dragging it. Wasn't afraid or aware that a being a trillion times larger and more dangerous was observing it and trying to hurt it.

Unwaverable determination against so much adversity

Might serve as a lesson on how this creature faces the struggles of Life

Have a great week and weekend

21St C. Soul

06 Jun, 08:14

Positive Psychology

The study of what makes life most worth living.

It attempts to answer several key questions, including: What is the good life? And, what makes life worth living?

While traditional psychology is typically viewed as studying and treating “disease, weakness, and damage” – or what went wrong – positive psychology focuses on “strength and virtue” and “building on what is right” in our lives.

Positive Psychology has some tools that can be used in achieving wellbeing and satisfaction in life.

Things like gratitude exercises, flow states and identifying one's strengths.

To find a heap more literature about Positive Psychology, go here

Also, I've left a Positive Psychology exercise book which I found on the webpage. I'm giving it a go, maybe try it?

Thanks for reading, have a great week
With Love

21St C. Soul

04 May, 16:18

Never arriving - But it's okay