Mentor Hub


Ўқитувчилар учун вебинарлар, онлайн курслар ва маслаҳатлар

Webinars, online courses, educational consultancy - Channel: @mentorhub_edu


Mentor Hub

13 Oct, 15:51

Mentor Hub

05 Oct, 16:48

Mentor Hub

02 Oct, 06:49

Menga YouTubeda o'zbek tilida professional mavzulardagi o'tirib eshitishga, mashina haydab ketayotganda yoki ishlarni qilib yurganda yoki boshqa o'qituvchilar, talabalarga tavsiya qilishim mumkin bo'lgan suhbatlar yetishmaydi.
Shu masalaga o'zimning kichik hissamni qo'shib, ta'lim sohasida o'zbek tilida professionallar bilan suhbatlar turkumini tayyorlab sizlarga taqdim qilish maqsad qilib qo'ydim. Ilk suhbatim Buyuk Britaniyaning Susseks Universiteti doktori Dilmurod Yusupov bilan bo'ldi.
Ushbu suhbatda inklyuziya o'zi nima, bu faqatgina nogironligi bo'lgan shaxslarga teng imkoniyatlar yaratib berishmi yoki undan kengroq tushunchami, masalaning tarixi va hozirgi kundagi holati, O'zbekiston, Buyuk Britaniya va boshqa davlatlardagi masalalar, inkluziyaga tibbiy, ijtimoiy, xayriya, diniy nuqtai nazarlardan qarashlar, ilmiy tadqiqotlar haqida fikrlashdik.
Har bir ta'lim sohasidagi professional, pedagog, o'qituvchi, qolaversa jamiyatning har bir fuqarosi bu haqida bilishi kerak.
Tashabbusimizni qo'llab-quvvatlasangiz, ko'pchilikka manfaatli ilm yetib borishiga hissa qo'shgan bo'lardingiz.
Yana qanday mavzularda suhbatlarni tinglashni hohlardingiz?

Mentor Hub

02 Oct, 05:28

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 836 2636 0631
Passcode: 388708

Mentor Hub

30 Sep, 09:59

Mentor Hub

25 Sep, 17:33

📣📣Join Our Webinar Series with Dr. Ulugbek Nurmukhamedov on Research Methods and Publishing in Applied Linguistics/TESOL!

We’re excited to announce an 8-session ONLINE course designed for ELT teacher educators and researchers eager to enhance their skills in conducting quality research in TESOL/Applied Linguistics and publishing articles in FREE academic journals.

🌟 What to expect from the course?
Dr. Nurmukhamedov’s insights on research methodologies;
Practical tips on writing academic articles;
Explore research topics for your research projects;
Interactive discussions and Q&A sessions;

For more details, please kindly review the attached PDF (in 🇺🇸English) or watch the short video tutorial (in 🇺🇿Uzbek). 👇👇👇👇

For payment and registration questions, telegram Ms. Diyora at @diyoraada

For any questions related to the content of the course, telegram Dr. Nurmukhamedov at @ulugbeknur

Thanks and best,

Mentor Hub

09 Sep, 05:39

Andijan State Institute of Foreign Language Uzbekistan is proud to announce the 1st Annual Andijan TESOL Conference to be held from October 18-20, 2024, with the theme "Be the Change: Creativity, Collegiality, and AI in Language Education." You can submit a proposal at #artificialintelligenceai #educationaltechnology #edtech #ai #AI #eflteacher #teachingenglishasasecondlanguage #tesoltraining #eslteacher #esltips #education #esl #tesol #artificialintelligence #tesolteacher #TESOL #eslteachers #eslteaching #professionaldevelopment

Mentor Hub

13 Jun, 17:52

Free Uzbek books

Mentor Hub

03 Jun, 09:11

Would you like to get an internationally recognized British Degree in Education? Westminster International University in Tashkent (WIUT), Uzbekistan's first international university, offers you this excellent opportunity!

Study with us at :
1. MA in Learning and Teaching with Teaching English to Speakers of other Languages (TESOL) (2 years)
2. MA in Learning and Teaching (for teachers of any subject) (2 years)
3. Post Graduate Certificate in Higher Education in Learning and Teaching (1 year)

We believe that we can help you become an ambassador of innovation and change and a future leader who will have the knowledge and skills to address current learning and teaching issues in Uzbekistan and abroad. Join us and change your future!
For more information:
Apply now:
Deadline: August 19, 2024
Contact: [email protected]
[email protected]
Telegram: @evolkovawiut

Mentor Hub

30 May, 14:10

Teach for Uzbekistan - a new non-governmental organization seeking to bridge the gap in quality education for schools in need, primarily in remote areas of Uzbekistan.

1. University graduates (minimum bachelor’s degree or equivalent)
2. Citizenship of Uzbekistan/work permit
3. Fluency in at least two of the three languages: English/Russian/Uzbek
4. Ability to work at designated school for 2 years
5. Ability to attend a five-week in-person Summer Institute starting in July 1

1. 5-week Intensive pedagogical training
2. Executive Certification of pedagogical training
3. Minimum $500 stipend
4. Official teacher’s salary (based on Uzbekistan’s standards)
5. Accommodation for the duration of the fellowship
6. Travel expenses
7. Online&offline mentorship and support

1. Application Deadline – June 16 (you will get a reply in 2-3 business days)
2. Online Interview till June 24
3. Summer Institute - 5 weeks, starting from July 1.

Apply Here!

Instagram | Telegram | Website

Mentor Hub

27 May, 06:54

Mentor Hub

27 May, 06:54

Bugun barchani kutib qolamiz!

Mentor Hub

21 May, 12:02


📣 Umumta’lim maktablarining ingliz tili fani o’qituvchilari diqqatiga!

Maktabgacha va maktab taʼlimi vazirligi tomonidan Britaniya Kengashi hamda Buyuk Britaniyadagi Norvich til taʼlimi instituti hamkorligida maktablarda uzluksiz kasbiy rivojlanish yetakchilarini (School Champions) saralash tanlovi e'lon qilinadi.

Agar Siz:

umumta’lim maktabida ingliz tilidan dars berayotgan bo'lsangiz,
uzluksiz kasbiy rivojlanish tizimini yangi modelini o’z maktabingizga tatbiq etmoqchi bo’lsangiz — unda ushbu imkoniyat aynan Siz uchun!

Loyihada qatnashish istagida bo’lgan ingliz tili o'qituvchilari joriy yilning 20-iyuniga qadar ariza topshirishlari mumkin.

Ariza topshirish

Tanlovning saralash bosqichidan muvaffaqiyatli o’tgan nomzodlar suhbatga taklif etiladi.


Vazirlikning rasmiy sahifalariga ulanish:
Telegram 🌐 Facebook
🌐 Youtube 🌐 Instagram
🔎 Veb-sayt 😄 Linkedin

Mentor Hub

15 May, 13:50

Mentor Hub

14 May, 15:57

Mentor Hub

14 May, 15:57

Toshkentdagi xalqaro Vestminster Universiteti Magistratura yo'nalishlari bo'yicha Ochiq Eshiklar kuniga marhamat!

Mentor Hub

14 May, 14:34

Mentor Hub

14 May, 13:54

Vebinar 19.30 ga ko’chirildi. Noqulaylik uchun uzr so’raymiz