Hayitov ELT | IELTS 8.0


ELT teacher&IELTS instructor-10+ years Teacher trainer @KhayitovTeacher 📥 @insight2022 🙋‍♂️🙋‍♀️

Hayitov ELT | IELTS 8.0

19 Oct, 10:46

Angliyada o‘qish uchun men avval universitetni emas, grantni tanlaganman. Xarajatlarimni to‘lab bergan tashkilot universitetni ham o‘zi tanlagan. Menda u yoki bu universitetga borishga tanlov qilishga imkoniyat berilmagan. Lekin hozir o‘zingda imkon bo‘lsa, qaysi universitetni tanlarding deb so‘rashsa, menimcha yana The University of Exeterni tanlar edim. Siz rasmlarda ko‘rayotgan manzaralar turar joyimning shundoq yonida. Bu yerlarda 15 daqiqa sayr qilish miyangiz dam olib, kayfiyatingiz yaxshilanishi uchun yetarli. Xullas, universitet sanatoriya ichida joylashgan desa ham bo‘ladi.)

Hayitov ELT | IELTS 8.0

18 Oct, 17:12

Campus dushanbagacha shu barglarga o‘xshab sarg‘ayib qoladi. Juma — haftaning yakuni. Hamma xayrlashib ketadi, "Enjoy your weekend" yoki "Have a nice weekend" degan phraselar bilan. Weekendga party martylar reja qilganlar "See you" yoki "See you soon" deb qo‘yishadi. Bizda party yoki boshqa tadbirlarga borish yo‘q, shuning uchun hech ikkilanmasdan, qo‘rqmasdan "See you on Monday" deb kelaveramiz. University book donation qismidan ko‘zimga iliq ko‘ringan bir-ikkita kitoblarni weekendga o‘qishga olvoldim. Kinoda aytishadiku, "Buvim professor bo‘lasan dedilarmi, demak albatta professor bo‘laman" deb!

Hayitov ELT | IELTS 8.0

17 Oct, 10:03

‘Attitude Problems’ with Short Girls 🤨

Yesterday, after our lecture, I was heading home with my Pakistani friend, Ahsan. As we walked, he noticed a tall girl passing by and casually started a conversation. He goes, ‘Did you see that tall girl?’ I hadn’t, so I replied, ‘No,’ because honestly, I didn’t notice. But, just to keep the chat going, I added, ‘You know, I don’t really pay attention to tall girls. I usually notice only the ones shorter than me.)

Then he hit me with this gem: ‘You know short girls always have ‘attitude problems,’ right?’
I asked, ‘What exactly do you mean by ‘attitude problems’?’

He explained: ‘Well, short girls always have something to complain about. They’re stubborn, and they always find problems for you, and if they can’t find an existing problem… oh, they’ll create one for sure. That’s what I call an ‘attitude problem’!’
Honestly, I wish I had met this guy sooner and gotten this life-changing advice earlier! 😅

Hayitov ELT | IELTS 8.0

17 Oct, 08:04

Good Enough Teacher is good enough!

Small children aside, people who learn foreign languages do not usually achieve native speaker accuracy! and this includes teachers. To pretend the contrast is unrealistic, counterproductive and damaging. There is a marvellously comforting remark about the impossibility of achieving perfection in parenting, attributed both to Bruno Bettlheim and DWWinnecott: “A good parent is good enough”. The same is true of language teaching: high standards are important, but a good enough teacher is good enough, and good enough English is good enough.

Michael Swan,
Does teaching grammar work? 2006.